Warning: If ye are easily depressed, or don't like death...well, number one, you shouldn't be reading a fic based on a movie where all but two characters in the entire cast die. So deal with it. That, or hit the back arrow. Which I really don't suggest you do, as it calls upon the J-Rock fairies, who like to turn non-reviewers into soup. Yummy, delicious soup. And flamers get the same treatment. ^.^ Shounen-ai!

Disclaimer: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named JJ. And aaall she wanted in the world was to own Moon Child, thus having a claim to Sho and Kei. Well, one day, while frolicking through the magic forrest, she stumbled upon a rock, which tripped her into a magical place where aaall dreams come true. And the blue fairy flew over to JJ, and asked what her most fervent wish was. "I want Sho and Kei." she said, desperately hoping that her wish would also be granted. So the blue fairy dug through his magical bag of wonders, pulling out all sorts of gadgets and toys. "Let's see...I've got a Sugizo, a Son, a Miyavi..." "No, no, no!" she cried. "It just has to be a Sho and Kei!" The fairy godmother smiled down at her, resuming his search. He pulled out item after item, until his bag was half full. "How about a Ruki?" "No." "An Uruha?" "No." "A Yi-Che?" "Oh, HELL NO." "A You?" "Nope." "An Aoi?" "...we'll come back to that one." "A Reita?" "Yeah, go ahead and throw that in there...but where are my Sho and KEI?!!" "Sorry. Fresh out." And away flew the fairy, knocking JJ back into her world again. She cried and cried for hours, until she remembered! She still had a Reita! So they forcibly married and lived happily ever after. Amen.

(a/n) Gackt is an alien who does not age. Therefore, it is entirely possible that he fathered Sho...who is born in...another...century...? O.O" Don't think about the timeline too much please. It'll only cause problems for me. XD

-Kei POV-

Eyes. He remembered the deep, crystal blue, piercing eyes. Crystal, for while they were cold, could cut through you like diamonds, they brought the beholder such joy. To simply imagine being in the presence of this blue-eyed man, God's gift to women, left people everywhere weak-kneed and feeling faint. With one glance, he had the world. He held the hearts of millions in his hands; in a way that a flick of the wrist could send them spiraling into either oblivion or elation. However, he had eyes for only one person--the one he could, or should, never have.

-3rd Person-

There was a time where he, Gackt, did not always rule the hearts of all of Asia--before he reached fame, it was simply everyone in sight. At the age of twenty one, he met a woman, a quiet young thing with pretty, if not ordinary features. They soon married, and had a child. His eyes, if possible, were even more brilliant than his father's. Gackt soon found that he loved his son even more than he cared for his music. He spent every momnet he could with the boy, even skipping band practice and business meetings to spend time with the boy.

When he was no more than one and a half, his son grew incredibly ill with pnuemonia. He found the best doctor in all of Japan to care for him; as he was now raking in millions, he could afford to. As he walked into the waiting room with the sickly Sho, he soon found himself face to face wit none other than the one he couldn't have. He was relatively short, even for the Japanese; he had long dark brown hair, and the most alluring smile. The other man was currently busy with calming his own crying son, while battling with his agent over when he could go in to record his new album. 'Ah, son. That's right. He's married. Damn.' Gackt paused, as he realized, he too was married, with a child. He could never be with him, and that irked Gackt to no end. He sat directly across the tiny room from the dark-eyed beauty. He played with Sho for a bit, feeding him then burping him, as was routine. He looked up, locking eyes with the now silent man. Something sparked between them just then, and Gackt knew he could fight it no longer. He would have this man by his side, one way or another. He smiled across the short distance at him, and, blushing, the shorter man returned the gesture. Gackt quietly introduced himself, shifting Sho in his arms to extend his hand to the other man. Unfazed by the Western gesture, he took it and shook it warmly, giving his name as well. Gackt couldn't fight the smile growing on his lips, so he stopped trying. This man had been his idol, followed by his secret crush for years. Perhaps it was possible that next they could be friends, or perhaps something more. He reluctantly let go of the hand, patting Soh on the back instead. The other musician mirrored his actions as they grinned across the room at each other. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the nurse came in to call the other man's turn. Gackt could not miss the reluctancy in the man's movements as he packed up his things to go in. He smiled to himself. Perhaps he wasn't as unattainable as he had thought.

A few weeks later, at a party thrown by one of his record company's sister companies, he ran into the man again, this time at the bar and without their children. He gently poked the smaller man in the side, startling him and nearly making him spill his brandy. Gackt waved, grinning, before recognition dawned on the other man's features. "Hello, Gackto-san." he started politely. Gackt silkily replied "Please, just call me 'Gackt.'" He ordered two brandies from the bartender, one for his companion and one for himself. The brunette graciously accepted the drink, and the air between them grew lazily content as Gackt sat down on a barstool beside him, and they engaged in small talk. An hour or two later, Gackt's agent came by and coaxed him into speaking with several big-wig producers. He lamented leaving, but knew his staying would lead to questions, and he simply didn't want them to have to deal with that. He gently whispered his goodbye's in the other man's ear, not caring if that was going a bit far. His ego told him the blush on the older male's cheek was a reaction to him, rather than the alcohol coursing thickly through his system. An hour later, he returned to the bar, dejected to find the dark haired angel gone. As he turned to leave, the bartender stopped him.

"Excuse me, Gackto-san?" His crystal eyes pierced him. "A-ah, a man left this for you." Gackt calmly walked to the bar, taking the note from the nervous man. His eyes widened, and he had to fight to keep from laughing. 'H-his p-p-phone number?!'

They began their affair shortly after that. Both felt a little guilty, but neither had had feelings for their wives in quite a while. They knew they wouldn't be able to hide it forever, and as Gackt was completely mizerable around the poor woman, he divorced her. Both men soon realized this wasn't just passing passion or lust; they had fallen hard enough to scrape their elbows, hands, and knees, give them a head injury, maybe even a concussion, and a tingly feeling that never seemed to go away. His partner, several months later (to not be too obvious, they avoided divorcing at the same time) divorced his wife as well. Little Sho now had two Daddies, both of which completely spoiled he and his brother. They were happy.

-Kei POV-

Several years later, when Sho was nearly four, the worst happened. Gackt fell ill with pnuemonia, the same strain Sho had had as a baby. During his brief stay at the hospital (for he had opted to be an outpatient and remain in his own home) due to his weakened immune system, he also contracted tuberculosis. As it was infectious, he was forced to stay in the I.C.U. There, he met a burn victim, who only wished to die. That was me. We spoke often, and I eventually told him what I was. I don't regret it, but it was a bit awkward at first. As it was, he was completely unsurprised by that; he claimed to see some sort of "aura" around me.

He's not the first to sense this, and he probably wasn't the last. When he learned I could only be killed by sunlight, he apparently made it up in his mind to convince me to protect his sons; not as a father, but as some sort of guardian angel.

Several weeks later, he lay on his death bed. Just before his husband (Yes, they had legally married.) and children came in, he called me over. (I was already healed of course; but the nurses had yet to look under the bandages, so I had been sitting around, enjoying the free blood while I could.) I looked over the beautiful man, who was obviously -even to humans- not going to live long. He had become my friend during our stay, my first in a long time. He tried to speak--the effort was immense, but unproductive. I leaned down so I could hear. In my ear, he begged me to watch over his family. I pulled back, and saw the astonishing amount of love shining in his eyes. Touched, I agreed, and went back to my bed.

His friends and bandmates, You and ChaChamaru were the first inside; followed by the rest of the band, his mother, and finally his husband and children.

Hours passed, and slowly they began to leave, one by one, as the pain became too intense. An hour later, he died in the arms of his love.

I learned, much later, that his husband followed him into oblivion not a month later. I wondered what would happen to the sweet, blue-eyed boy I had met, but the police were on my trail, and I couldn't stay, not even to honor my promise. I later learned that their friends You and ChaCha (also married) had promised to take care of the boys.

They were treated well, and were coping with their parent's deaths until Sho turned five. You and ChaCha had left the two boys with a baby sitter, while they snuck out to buy Sho a birthday present.

They searched through many stores that night, but could not find a single thing they felt the boy would like. Then, they found the bike store. You barely had time to park the car before a hyper ChaCha jumped out and ran inside. (I've learned all this second-hand, so how much of it is true, I am not sure.) They searched, looking at bike after bike, exasperating the poor manager, until an observant You looked in the corner.

Behind several boxes, he found a little blue bike. It was a simple contraption, the colour of the little boy's eyes. It was obviously a bit too large for him, but You said he would grow into it. ChaCha was delighted by the find, and promptly slammed some bills on the counter, startling the poor shop keeper. They finished paying and carefully loaded it into the car. ChaCha, I'm sure, chattered the entire way. As the normal route they took home was closed for construction, You drove down a back road, slowing down, careful of any creatures that may run in front of them. His caution, however, wasn't enough, as when he followed the curve of the road, the drunk driver behind them veered right instead of left, slamming into the back side of their car. You lost control, and the car spun into a tree. ChaCha managed to call an ambulance, but both were dead by the time the ambulance arrived. If memory, serves, when they pried open the doors, the pair were found with their arms around each other, locked in an eternal embrace. All attempts to pull them apart failed, and eventually it was decided they would be best to not disturb them, to leave them to peace. They were buried together, in what I suppose you could call a 'king-sized' coffin. God knows they deserve to be together after all they had suffered through.

The next part, I'm not completely sure about, and Sho was too young to remember. The two were sent to foster families; whether raised together or separately, I'm not sure. Again, death followed the poor boy. His foster mother and father were murdered, as well as one of the other children. He and Shinji managed to escape.

A year later, they found Toshi. Three years later, they found me.

(a/n) I feel sooooo guilty for this chapter...I didn't mean to kill every one off, I really didn't! But, I had to figure out a way to get Sho from Gackt's arms to Mallepa...and my twisted mind brought me this...ELEVENTY-SEVEN BAZILLION POINTS to WHOEVER can guess who Gackt's lover is! As always, con crit is truly appreciated--if you liked it, it really helps to know what you liked about it. So please review! ^.^ Thank you, and good night.