Ok class, today I have a special assignment, Mr. Solomon said.

We will be going to Roseville for a special mission.

What's our mission, Anna Feterman asked.

To run, Mr. Solomon said.

He laughed at all of our confused expressions.

Sometimes spies are caught in a chase. And sometimes your only options are to run or hide.

So today, he continued. You will be chased by trained operatives, and you will have to remain undiscovered for at least an hour. If an operative finds you he or she will bring you back to me. If you manage to fight them off you will get extra credit.

Bex's face lit up when he said that.


We got into a van and Mr. Solomon drove us to downtown Roseville. We all got out of the van and looked around us. Now girls. Run!

We all just stood there for a minute, but then we scattered.

I was running with Bex and Liz not stopping just running.

Where exactly are we going? Liz asked.

No idea Bex said.

But…Liz started. Obviously disappointed her mind wouldn't have any distance or velocity to calculate.

We kept running, but Liz was starting to slow down. She hadn't had the extensive cov-ops training Bex and I had.

Then liz tripped and fell head first plummeting into the asphalt scratching her face in the process . Bex grabbed her and carried her with us then we ran a corner and for the time being we didn't see our tail. Then I didn't realize it because I was running so fast but Bex and Liz were no where to be seen, but I didn't dare stop running. I had been too busy thinking about the absence of Bex and Liz that I hadn't realized that I had hit a dead end, I quickly ran into the nearest building. I ran all the way to the back and jumped behind a shelf. I hadn't been paying much attention to where I was but as I looked around and saw all different medicines around and with horror realized that I was in Josh's pharmacy. My horror grew as I looked up and saw him looking at me.