Don't be such an infant

By Rosenquist

Category: Gen. Kidficlet. AU

Warnings: Just some silliness. Unbetaed. Moogthewriter wants to beta it for me when she has the time, but I just couldn't wait to post it. SO as soon as it's been betaed I'll repost it.

Summary: Jim doesn't follow his friend Bones' order as always, when he said, "Don't be such an infant."

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Star Trek 2009

A/N: I hope you like this little ST 2009 story of mine. I just had to write a story about the consequences to Bones' line; don't be such an infant! Be careful what you wish for Bones'. Moogsthewriter if you read this story I hope you'll still like to beta it for me, thanks.

"Don't be such an infant!" Dr. McCoy, also known as Bones to his best friend, said and then gave his friend a shot in the neck with a hypo. "How long is this…" bamm! And Bones' best friend was lying unconscious on a sickbay bed. "Unbelievable!" Bones said while pulling the curtains to the cubicle where Cadet James T. Kirk aka Bones' best friend was lying. What Bones didn't see, was as soon as he'd given his friend the shot, the man was changing. He got smaller and smaller.

Awhile later Bones got the shock of his life from what he saw just after he'd pulled the curtain away and saw his friend, well he thought where his friend was still lying, but instead of an adult there was an infant. That said infant was starting to stir, when the baby finally opened its eyes Bones could see some bright blue eyes that looked up at him. "My God, Jim! I said don't be such an infant! And what did you do? You always have to do the opposite as I tell you to. Don't you?" The baby smiled smugly, but as soon as he heard Chekov's voice he started to get restless and tried to say something and when he couldn't he did the only thing he could as a baby and that was screaming and loudly at that.

"Nurse, Chapel! I need your help here!"

Nurse Chapel hurried to get to Dr. McCoy, but when she saw an infant lying in a bundle of a Cadet Uniform she looked very surprised up at Dr. McCoy. "What is an infant doing on this ship, Doctor? I didn't know we had a woman here expecting a baby."

"There wasn't, nurse Chapel. This infant here is James T. Kirk. Just a few minutes ago he was a Starfleet Cadet. Something happened, I don't know what, but something turned him into an infant."

Nurse Chapel looked at Dr. McCoy like she thought he'd gone insane. "I'm not crazy! Take care of the baby and make sure he gets a diaper and some baby clothes on. I'll contact the Captain about the problem." Baby Jim cried even louder like he didn't like the idea of being put in diapers.

"Yes, Doctor."

Dr. McCoy let out a loud sigh before he called the bridge. "Dr. McCoy, here. We have a problem."

"And what is the problem, Doctor?" Captain Pike asked.

"You remember Cadet James T. Kirk?"

"Yes. How can I forget him?"

"Well, Sir. He's here on board…"

"He's what? How did he end up on the Enterprise?"

"Well, Sir. He was sick and as I'm a Doctor I had to take him with me…"

"I see. I'll arrange for his return to Earth. Well only if he's well enough for transfer that is."

"Well, Sir. He's not quite himself. Something happened to him. You better come and see it for yourself. You for sure won't believe me if I tell you."

Captain Pike looked at Commander Spock who had raised his eyebrows. "Okay, Doctor. I'm curious. Captain Pike, out."

"Commander Spock…"

"Captain. If you ask me to take the con. I think it will be logical for me to join you to sickbay." Spock said without saying why he thought it was logical. Captain Pike looked thoughtful at Spock and then nodded.

"Ensign Chekov you have the con." With that the Captain and his First Officer left the bridge.


As soon as Captain Pike saw Dr. McCoy he said, "It better be good, Doctor." But as soon as he heard a baby crying he looked confused at Dr. McCoy. "Why is there a baby on board, Doctor?" He then closed his eyes for a second. "Please, don't tell me that Cadet Kirk is this baby's father."

Dr. McCoy smiled, "I can happily say that this infant in nurse Chapel's arms is not the son of Cadet James T. Kirk." His smile faded when he said, "This baby is Cadet James T. Kirk."

"Say what?"

"I don't know how it happened, but something happened to turn Cadet James T. Kirk into an infant. The DNA test confirmed my theory."

Spock raised his eyebrows at the statement and studied the infant closely, "Fascinating."

Captain Pike went to the infant and took him in his arms. "Why won't he stop crying?"

"I tried everything. A pacifier which he spit out, a bottle of baby formula which he didn't want to take at all, singing a lullaby which he cried even louder and when I tried to put a diaper on him he went frantic, he kicked and screamed." She blushed and then said, "He then peed on me and I'm sure I heard him giggle afterwards, but a few seconds later he started to cry again. I really don't know how to calm him down."

"Were you at least able to put a diaper on him?" Dr. McCoy asked.

"No, sorry Doctor. Ca... Jimmy didn't let me."

Dr. McCoy shook his head. "He's just an infant for crying out loud. How hard can it be?" Dr. McCoy said and took the baby out of Captain Pike's arms. "You my friend are going to get a diaper on no matter if you like it or not," Bones' said to his now baby friend. With that he placed the crying baby on a bed and started to diaper the screaming baby. Captain Pike and Spock looked bewildered at the scene.

"You're right, Doctor. This baby is James T. Kirk. He doesn't look much older than the day I saw him few hours after his birth on the Kelvin, but he looks like that baby, Captain George Kirk's son. To be honest I don't hope it'll get reversed. Then I have a chance to make things right. I should have been there for him while growing up, as I was his father's best friend. Now I can make sure he'll get the right discipline to become a find upstanding federation citizen instead of a wild undisciplined rebellious young man."

"Indeed." Spock agreed.

"Good luck with that, Captain. I have a feeling you won't be able to get all the rebelliousness out of him." Dr. McCoy took the screaming baby in his arms right after he'd been able to put a diaper on him.

The End?