(A/N): Lmao. So, I came up with this idea to post a little behind the scenes chapter after every fifth set of chapters. I know, I'm a loser, but this idea just came to me on a whim. Bare with me. xD I wanna see what you guys think, and the next chapter will be up soon. ;D Enjoy.

Rating: NC-17/R

Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime

Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama/Comedy

Description: I had never been good when it came to consoling others, but seeing her there... like that... I did not understand. I did not understand this sudden feeling that I had to touch her, wrap my arms her, and hold her. It irked me to my core to know that she was affecting me. What had she done? What had she done to me?

Leave Out All the Rest

Behind the Scenes Pt.1 (A Little Skit)

Awkward Situations:

Ulquiorra, Tatsuki, Grimmjow, and me were standing outside of Ichigo's dressing room, staring at the door as if it had said the most insulting thing to us. "I didn't know Rukia was a moaner," I mumbled.

"Oh god! Yes! Mmmmmmmm!"

Grimmjow smirked. "Any chick is as long as you know how to work that…"

"Right there! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Be quiet Grimmjow," we all said in unison.

"Oh my god!"

All he did was snicker as he walked away, and headed back towards the break room.

"I'm about to…!"

Ulquiorra and Tatsuki sighed in unison.

"Well," I began as we headed back to the break room as well, still slightly disturbed. "… doesn't look like I'll be able to put them in the next chapter like I had hoped. They seem quite… occupied."

"Indeed. That would be rather… awkward," was Ulquiorra's reply.

I smirked. "Would it be awkward if it were you an Orihime?"

He blushed and cleared his throat. "It would."


"Because everyone would be watching."

"That's just nasty," Tatsuki said. "I don't think I could watch my best friend have sex with… with… it."

"I'm going to ignore that," Ulquiorra said sternly.

"As if you can talk, Tatsuki. You know you want Grimmjow," I said laughing. We entered the break room to find Grimmjow hogging up the whole sofa.

Grimmjow laughed. "You know she does." Next thing we knew, he was dodging various objects that were being thrown at him. "You crazy bitch. No wonder you're still single."

Growling, Tatsuki then picked up the sofa.

"Oh my goodness," I gasped as I watched. "She's like an itty bitty hulk."

"We may not see eye to eye, Tatsuki, but one thing that we have in common is that we wish to rid ourselves of a particular nuisance," Ulquiorra said as he held Grimmjow still. "I will assist you in this task."

"What the fuck?" Grimmjow yelled. "I wasn't teasing you, you bastard."

Then Orihime walked in.

Ulquiorra immediately let Grimmjow go and walked up to her. "Woman. You're late."

"Oh. Sorry." She kissed him on the cheek. "I made you lunch before I left."

His expression actually looked sad. "Do you wish death upon me?"

She frowned. "I think I've gotten better. Can you at least try it?"



"I refuse."

Sighing, she looked at me, and held the bag out to me. "Do you want it, Unrequited?" We had completely forgotten about Grimmjow and Tatsuki, and ignored his screams for help as he was slowly dragged out of the room by his collar.

"Uhm… n-no… thank you… I just ate…"

"No you didn't. In fact I've had to listen to your stomach growl for the last hour." I almost didn't catch the slight smirk that crossed Ulquiorra's features.

Just then my stomach growled, fiercely.

Looking sad, Orihime said, "Is my cooking really that bad."

"Horrid," was Ulquiorra's reply.

"I had diarrhea for about three days after eating your egg salad sandwich about a month ago. I've never wished that I was constipated before," I admitted.

We could hear Grimmjow screaming from another room, but we paid it no mind.

(A/N): You don't have to review for this one if you don't want to. xD