my first masqueradexoc.

"Coming Back:
Chapter One;
Getting Away"

I woke up in a room; the walls of pure metal, the door wooden, and barred at the window. There was a vent above my head, and the floor felt like muck, beneath my lying form. I didn't know what was happening, but I was sure of one thing, I'm a prisoner, or someones guinea pig.

"How is he?" I heard a male voice ask.

"Let me check." I heard another reply. I closed my eyes, and kept my breathing steady, as to make sure they wouldn't do anything. "Nothing yet, he's still unconscious from his little... trip here."

I wondered what he met, but something inside told me I didn't want to find out.

I heard the other man scream in frustration. "You know he's an esential key to this! As soon as Masquerade wakes up, I want him in the you know what! Check every fifteen minutes, if you have to! Am I clear?!" I heard him yell.

"Yes sir!" With that, everything was quiet again.

I didn't want to know what the you know what was, but I knew that my second guess was right, I'm someones test rat, and I don't intend on figuring out what the test was. I also knew I wouldn't last long, I was exhausted!

I had less than fifteen minutes to find a way out. I remembered the vent above my head, and looked up. Besides the mud on the ground, there were only large boulders on the ground, flat, and large. "Gotta start sometime." I thought.

I picked myself off the ground, and went for one of boulders, hoping I had time on my side.

-- Thirteen Minutes Later

I was crawling through a maze of vents, trying to find a way outside of the place, where ever I was.

I found an opening that lead to the outside. I pushed the cover off, and hopped down, almost collapsing in the process. I didn't take time to look back, I just started running, I knew fifteen minutes were almost over.

All of a sudden, I heard an alarm. so loud, I could hear it echo through the forest I was running in.

I then, heard dogs barking, and men shouting, getting closer by the second.

"I hope I still have it." I thought. I reached into the pocket of my purple pants, and pulled out a card. "Yes!" Was the only thought I had.

The card flashed, and I disappeared.

...I reappeared in some sort of garden, but I didn't care. The instant I appeared again, I collapsed of exhaustion. I closed my eyes, and slept,... I couldn't take it any longer.

hope u liked it.