Disclaimer: I own nothing
A/N: This is the one I reavealed the summary for approval. So tada!
She buried her head between her knees taking in deep breaths.
She couldnt do this.
She could already hear the screams, the crowd, all of it.
She closed her eyes and let the feeling of blood rushing to her head overcome her.
She couldnt do this.
She felt like she was going to be sick.
But she couldnt run away from it.
She sighed and slapped on a fake smile.
And walked out waving to everyone.
Her eardrums exploded with sound.
She resisted wincing.
She couldnt do this much longer.
It was taking its toll on her.
But she had to.
She had no choice.
She was going to be doing this as long as she was told to.
As long as she was kept as someones puppet.
As long as she had someone pulling her little strings calling her every shot.
As long as someone told her she was stuck.
She wanted to cry.
She didnt want to do this.
She felt like a little kid being dragged to a party against their will.
She wanted to lock herself into a room and break down.
Thats what she felt like doing.
But even if she did.
No one would care.
They would just yank on her strings and tell her limp body what to do.
They would smile as they yanked and green leaves with numbers printed on them would fall from giant trees.
It was all like a never ending nightmare.
One that wouldnt end when she wanted to.
She was trapped.
She was a puppet.
And she couldnt take it any more.