Hello! Did you really think I was going to leave it at that? Well...I wasn't quit sure if I was or not so it's understandable if you did too.

Well here is the real last chapter of Working Vacation. So I hope you enjoy. I just finished this like five seconds ago so I hope it's good, I didn't really go over this chapter because I am so tired.

"General Roy Mustang."

"Yes Sir." Roy said while saluting the man in front of him.

Roy had just gotten back to Central Command and was now standing in Major General Haruko's office, about to explain just what had happened over the pass few days. Needless to say, when Roy had shown up at Central Headquarters with one of the most wanted men in the country bong out next to him, there needed to be and explanation.

"General Mustang. You have shown up here today with one of the countries most wanted men at your side."

"That is correct sir."


"Then what's the meaning of this interrogation you have set up against me? Is there something the matter with me doing my job?"

Haruko looked up from his seat and glared his sharp grey eyes into Roy's obsidian ones. Roy wasn't sure if there was anyone else he loathed more here and General Haruko.

"That is the problem. It wasn't your job. You were not assigned that assignment at all. It was not delegated to anyone under your command either. Most importantly, you were of the clock when you began to engage into this investigation! Even if you were assigned this you should not have been doing work while you were very much off the clock. What do you have to say?"

"Hmm…nothing really." Roy said after a moment of thought.

"Really? You have nothing to say for your actions?"

"I don't see why I should have to excuse or apologize for what I did when I helped this country catch a criminal that was doing much harm."

"Well of course you wouldn't think you were doing something wrong! You never seem to think you do the wrong thing! You never seem to think about the repercussions of your actions…but of course I blame it on the leniency you were giving under your old commander-."

"I don't see what dragging General Grunman into this conversation will do for either of us. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get back our original conversation before either of us says something we might regret."

"…right." Haruko said before clearing his throat and continuing on in his professional manner. "As I said before, you and your team were not only working while not on duty, but you were also working on an assignment that none of you were given.

"Now I won't ask who you had gotten the original information from, but I do ask how you had managed to take down an entire headquarter of criminal by yourself."

Roy remained silent. Should he tell Haruko about how he had recruited Ed and Al for this mission? He was already in severely hot water as it was but adding two civilians into his plan, now that was just begging for a court marshal.

"Well, General Mustang? I'm waiting. But before you begin you riveting story of incredible heroics, I must add that several men found many, many traces of transmutation at not only the site, but also on the head Boss. Now I know that he had dabbled in alchemy and I also know how skilled you are when it comes to alchemy, but there is no way that either of you could have done the damage that was at the site.

"I find I also must add that none of your subordinates are alchemically inclined so that means you either recruited a state alchemist that we were not aware of or you gained the help of someone else."

Roy swallowed. He was getting close. Why not just tell him and get it over with. That Boss would probably fess up and say that Edward had been there. So what did he have to lose? Either speak up and tell Haruko straight in his face or wait for him to drag it out of him.

"Oh, and I just remember something that I've been meaning to ask you for some time now. Why exactly did you go to the town of Resembool for a vacation? I wasn't aware that it was much of a vacation spot."

"We were going there to help celebrate a friend's birthday."

"And who exactly would that be?" he asked with a small smirk forming on his face.

"Edward Elric."

"Hmm…you mean the Edward Elric that was once the famed Full Metal alchemist?"

"Yes. And before you try to drag this wonderful conversation on any longer, I will admit that our ulterior motive for going was to try to gain some information on the terrorist attacks. We did not intend to recruit Elric into our mission but in the end, his assistance was…necessary."

"So…working on an unassigned mission, investigating while off the clock, involving civilians into the plan as well…hmm. What do you think would be a suitable punishment?"

Roy bit his tongue to stop himself from saying 'well I think this conversation was enough punishment if you ask me', and remained quiet. Spending too much time in Edward's company was never a good idea.

"Well seeing as if you keep your mouth shut about his, since this investigation was originally under my command-,"

Yeah, until you couldn't figure it out and then you gave it to someone else to figure out.

"-I think that I could go and take credit for this if you don't mind."

Roy dug his finger nails into his hands as he stared at Haruko's smug face. Oh how he wanted to punch that man like no other.

"So, if you and your little team keep it under raps, I see no reason we have to really punish you. You are dismissed."

Roy gave him a small nod before he got up and left the room as fast as possible. Once the door had closed behind him, Roy leaned against the wall and let out a deep breath that he had been holding in for some time now.

"Damn smug Bastard." He muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

"Now you know how I feel."

Roy opened his eyes and, to his immense surprise, saw that Edward was sitting on a bench in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to say goodbye before I left. Me and Al already said bye to the guys. They said that you were busy getting chewed out at the moment."


"Yeah so…well I guess I just wanted to say it wasn't completely horrible seeing you guys again and helping you with stuff." Ed said as he got up from his seat.

"Wow thanks. I'm glad it wasn't too horrible." Roy said with a small grin.

"Be quiet. But well, I was just saying that because well, I just thought I shouldn't just get up and leave without saying anything."

"Right. Well, I'll agree and say it wasn't all that horrible seeing your mug again."

"Uh huh. See ya."

Ed turned around and began walking down the hallway. Ed was about to turn down another hallway when he stopped and turned around.

"By the way, Al's birthday is in the summer."

"I'll try to remember that."


Ed and Al hopped down from the train and onto the platform at Resembool station. Ed let his bag drop to the ground before he raised his arms into the air to stretch.

"Ugh…you think with all of this new technology coming out they could find a more comfortable train seat."

"Well why don't you get right on that idea Ed." Al said as he picked up his brother's luggage so it wouldn't be trampled by the oncoming train goers. "I'm sure you could make some really great seats."

"Yeah right. I need a freaking break from work with all of that crap we just had to go through. Let's get back home so I can get some sleep."

"So how do you think Winry will take it?"

"Uh…let's not think about that right now." Ed said.

The two made their way slowly back to their home. As they dew closer to the large house in the distance, a cry broke through the quiet country side.


Ed instinctively flinched at the sound. He knew what was coming next and he knew by know that there was no point in trying to escape it.


Ed fell to the ground as a large silver wrench collided with the side of his head.

"Edward Elric, what he Hell where you doing!" Winry screamed as she made her way over to the two boys.

"Ugh…trust me Win, if I knew what I was getting in to, I probably wouldn't have agreed to go along with it." Ed muttered as he pulled himself from the ground while rubbing his now bleeding temple.

"And what do you have to say for yourself Mister?" she asked, rounding on Al.

"Same answer for me Winry. I'm done with all of that crazy military business."

Winry looked over the two sweating boys before she snatched her wrench from Ed's grasp, turned around and began walking back towards the house.

"well I think that's the best we can ever hope for." Al said turning to Ed.

"Yeah. Remember what she did when we came back with your body?"

"You mean what she did besides kiss you?" Al asked, causing Ed's face to redden.

"Shut up Al. Let's just get inside so I can get some proper sleep."

Al smiled at his brother as he followed him down the path and into the house.

So that's the real end. Hope you enjoyed reading it! Please leave me a review for your secret present! :)