Hey guys! Its Chrissy here again! THis is for those ppl who are wondering: What the hell is Okaira there for?!

Well...I put the totally spies in there as irritating ppl who get on the Inu gang's nerves at first. So i cant resist to put my alter ego(Okaira) in there to tell them off.

But dont worry, Im gonna get rid of her soon...

I dont own Inuyasha....but i do own Okaira


Chapter 2

"Huh? We're back in the bottom of the well!" Clover exclaimed.

A second later, Okaira appeared in front of them in a flash of light. She had a black expression on her face.

"How did ya'll pass through? Do you have any jewel shards on you?" Okaira asked, clearly confused and angry at the same time.

"What are you talking about? What happened? Why was there a white light? What jewel shards are you talking about?" Alex asked.

"Climb up the well, now," Okaira snapped.

All four of them climbed the wall of the well and emerged in the clearing.

"Where are we? What happened? Wasn't there supposed to be shed here?" Sam looked around apparently perplexed.

"Welcome to the feudal era. Now go home," Okaira said, pointing to the well.

"What? You want us to go back in there? What if we come out in another place altogether? How do you know that it's not an evil plan or whatever?" Clover demanded.

Okaira rolled her eyes and sighed. "This is a magical well. The bone eaters well. Right now we are 500 years in the past, in feudal Japan. This well connects present-day Japan to the feudal era. So I can assure you it won't take you to any other place. Now jump."

"Wait, how do you know all of this?" Sam asked.

"Jump now, talk later," Okaira said as one by one all of the spies jumped in. After a few seconds, they still remained in the bottom of the well.

"Okay, get out," Okaira instructed. When they had all gotten out of the well, Okaira immediately jumped in and landed gracefully on her feet. She thumped the ground a few times with her feet but still nothing happened.

"Dammit, the well has gone whacked. I wonder if it's just me or maybe Naraku has got something to do with it. Dammit that bastard," Okaira cursed. "Looks like we'll be staying here for a while. Welcome to the feudal era. Follow me, you guys have to be briefed on how to slay demons."

"Did you just say demons?" Clover squeaked.

"What? Did you really think that there were only humans in the world?" Okaira said smugly. "C'mon. If we're lucky, I might be able to kill one to demonstrate."

This girl is crazy! thought Sam.

After a while, they were seated under a tree in a forest.

"Okay, so demons are like these little creatures or monsters who like roam around here a lot. Some are good some are bad. Some eat humans and some prefer to stay away from them as much as possible. In one day, the average chances of running into a demon is…a lot. So to kill a weak demon, you have to take a blow at it and most of the time it will just die. I personally have a scale to grade demons based on their power. Grade one is those kind of almost harmless demons like kitsune. Grade two is those kind of demons that are always found in great swarms. They are mostly serpent-like demons. Grade three demons are those that have a considerable amount of demonic power and are very hard for normal, untrained humans to kill. Grade four is those types of demons that are really powerful demons that are really, really hard to kill. Grade five demons are those that have demonic power that is practically overflowing from their bodies. These demons mostly have their empire. So far, I have only heard of two grade five demons," Okaira took a deep breath. "Got all of that?"

The spies all shook their heads. Okaira sighed, "To summarize, if a demon isn't bothering you, don't go killing it unless you're trained. If a demon is after you, kill it. Is that simple enough for you?"

"I want to go home! I haven't killed anyone or anything in my life and I don't want to start now!" Alex exclaimed.

"Either that or you lose your life," Okaira stated flatly.

"But it will ruin my manicure if I hit something too hard," Clover complained.

"Then don't get one in the first place," Okaira sighed. "Look, since I'm back here where I belong, I have to finish some unfinished business. And obviously if I do that now I will have to end up protecting you all the time and it will only lag me behind. So, it's either that or I send you home. But since the frikking well isn't working for me I guess it just leaves us to option one. I don't have the time to go around searching for a way to get the well work so you guys just have to tag along. But if I ever get into any type of fight, you guys absolutely have to stay clear. I can't guarantee the safety of your lives if you get caught in my fights."

"Hold up for a sec," Sam said. "You sound like you are a professional fighter or something. I know you're a spy like us but that doesn't give you the permission to kill. And how do you know about this place and all that demon stuff anyway?"

"I didn't say I was only a spy. You wanna' know the truth? Well, I am a trained assassin. And I'm not human, well not entirely anyway," Okaira paused, waiting for the information to sink in. "I am a half-demon. That is, I am half human and half demon and this is my true form."

Suddenly Okaira was surrounded by a burst of fire. When the fire cleared, she was no longer wearing her black spy suit. She was instead wearing a short yellow and brown dress that went slightly higher than her knees. She had on brown tights and yellow and brown boots. She donned a pair of fingerless gloves. Her eyes, that were previously a deep black, were now a bright red that burned like fire. Her black hair had red streaks on them. On the places that her arms that were not covered by the gloves had elaborate markings on them. Her ears were no longer round but instead pointed.

The three spies gasped in utter shock.

"Stop staring. It's rude you know. Anyway, you'll come across many people who are like me around here. C'mon, we don't have time to waste. With any luck I can get you back to where you came from soon. I'm sure you'll get back soon enough. People who are not meant to be here don't stay very long." This last line suddenly hit Okaira full in the face. What if they were meant to be here? She shook that thought out of her head. This was her home, where she belonged. These spies had no right to be here. She would force them through the well herself if it came to that.

"You mean you've never bordered tell anybody about this? About you being a demon?" Clover asked

"Tell them what? That I'm a half-demon? WOOHP would be cutting me up now doing all sorts of experiments on me regardless that I'm a spy or not. I don't have to be subdued by you humans you know," Okaira said.

They all walked in silence for some time after that. What Okaira said had a point. But the way she said it sounded like she was insulting humans. The silence was finally broken by cries in the distance.

"What was that?" Clover asked.

"Cries of distress. It's show time. C'mon. It's time to show you how I really fight," Okaira smirked.

They all ran to where the sound was coming from. On the scene, demons were attacking a village and devouring both humans and animals alike.

"What are those things? Don't tell me those are demons?" Sam exclaimed.

"Yup. They're grade two demons," replied Okaira. "Wait here."

A stick with a big slanted blade appeared in her hands in burst of fire. She jumped high into the air, leaving the spies yet again gaping in shock.

She slashed one demon after another until there was only one. It was the biggest one of them all. Just when she was as she was about to strike it, she quickly jumped back. Her instinct was right on target because as soon as she had jumped out of the way, a bright and fast moving light consumed the demon and destroyed it. When the dust had cleared, a boy with long white hair in a bright red kimono and dog ears stood there with his long sword in his hand.

"Hey Inuyasha! Long time no see! It's good to see you, considering you almost killed me," Okaira said dryly.

"Keh, I knew you were going to move out of the way soon enough," Inuyasha said as he sheathed his sword.

"Who do you think that is?" Sam whispered to Alex.

"I don't know Sammy. He's obviously is a friend of Okaira's. What do you think Clover? Clover?" Alex asked.

Clover was at that moment staring and drooling with heart in her eyes. Sam and Alex traced to where she was staring at and groaned.

"You can't be serious?" Sam exclaimed.

"Clover! How can you be drooling over a guy who has dog ears?" Alex cried.

"I don't care! He's cuter than any other guy I've seen before," Clover giggled.

Okaira was talking to the guy with the long white hair and laughing at something he just said. They were soon joined by a monk, a girl in a black and pink suit and a girl in modern Japanese school uniform. Okaira turned her attention to the three people and started talking to them.

"Let's go and join them. I think the coast is clear," Sam said. "Where's Clover?"

Clover had already taken off and was running toward the dog-eared guy at full speed.


When the dust had cleared, she knew exactly who would be standing there. Of course, it was none other than the hot-tempered, impatient half demon Inuyasha. ( A/N:that we all know and love)

"Hey Inuyasha! Long time no see! It's good to see you, considering you almost killed me," Okaira said sarcastically.

"Keh, I knew you were going to move out of the way soon enough," Inuyasha said as he sheathed his sword.

Okaira smiled. Some things never changed.

"So how are things going on? Is Naraku still the same bastard that he was when I left? How are Mirouku and Sango doing? More importantly, how is your relationship with Kagome going?" Okaira smirked.

"There was never a relationship to begin with," Inuyasha glared as his ears twitched.

Okaira gave a hearty laugh. She loved messing with him. She almost forgot how much fun it was.

"Okaira! Good to see you!" Yelled a familiar voice.

"Kagome! How've you been?" Okaira said as she gave Kagome a hug. When she felt a hand on her butt, she cracked her knuckles and punched Mirouku so hard that he went flying into the air. Higher, higher he went.

"Ah, he'll come down eventually. Serves him right, that stinkin' pervert. Sango, I don't know how you even survive," Okaira said teasingly. Sango blushed bright red. Just then, Clover ran up to Inuyasha and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Clover. What's your name? You wanna' go out?" Clover said as she batted her eyelashes flirtatiously at Inuyasha. Okaira smacked her forehead as she reached out one hand and caught a falling Mirouku by his collar just as he was an inch from the ground. She put the very dazed Mirouku onto the ground and turned back to Inuyasha…and Clover. She was flirting shamelessly at Inuyasha. Everyone was staring at them shell-shocked. Poor Inuyasha was speechless. After a few seconds, he put on his best glare and stared at Clover.

"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha demanded.

"I said already, I'm Clover and I look forward to going out with you soon," Clover giggled at Inuyasha.

Okaira felt the veins in her head and hands pop one by one. Inuyasha's love life was complicated enough. He definitely did not need a spoiled spy from America to go and complicate it more.

"Keh, Okaira is this a friend of yours?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sadly, yes," Okaira sighed.

Kagome seemed really uncomfortable. In the game of love, there was only Kikyo and her. Now it seemed that there was another pawn threatening her relationship with Inuyasha. On previous occasions she knew how to deal with Kikyo, but this was totally different.

Suddenly, two more girls in a green and yellow suit identical to Clover's appeared on the scene.

"You have to excuse my friend here. She's a bit crazy about guys she likes," Alex explained as she and Sam tried to peel Clover away from Inuyasha.

Okaira sighed. "Sam, Alex, Clover, I would like to introduce you to Inuyasha and his friends. This is Inuyasha. He is a half-demon like me. This is Sango a demon slayer. Demon slayers are specially trained people who kill demons for other people for a living. This is the perverted monk Mirouku. He has a black hole in his right hand because of a curse from a demon named Naraku. This is Shippo. He is a fox demon. This is Kirara, a twin tailed cat demon. And last but not least Kagome. She is a priestess from the modern era. She first passed through the well like us a quite some months ago. She paired up with Inuyasha and together they went on search for sacred jewel shards from the sacred shikon jewel that Kagome shattered. By accident," Okaira said. "Oh and this is Sam, Alex and Clover. They are from the modern era. They are spies from an organization called WOOHP. We accidentally passed through the well on an assignment and now the well won't open up so we're stuck here."

"Wait, you are a spy? So you've been in the modern era all this while?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah," Okaira replied, shrugging.

After everybody had been acquainted with one another, Mirouku went on to the usual task of asking every one of the spies to bear his child. They all cried out in disgust and started beating him up.

"Okaira, you said something about the well not opening up right?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with the damn thing," Okaira said.

"Why don't we go and check it out? There don't seem to be any jewel shards around here so that means Naraku isn't around here. Plus, the well isn't very far from here. I bet we can reach it before nightfall if we hurry."

In a matter of minutes, the four spies were on their hover-boards and Mirouku and Sango were on Kirara and Kagome was on Inuyasha's back.

"Why does she get to be Inuyasha's back? I should be the one doing that," Clover pouted.

"Because you have no relationship with him, and plus, they've known each other for a long time and been through a lot together," Okaira snapped at her.

"Ugh, you're just jealous because I made my move first before you did!" Clover countered.

"Argh! I don't like him that way! He's just a friend. I'm speaking for Kagome. Inuyasha's already got her and someone else. He doesn't need you to come into the picture," Okaira said.

"Duh! Competition makes it even more exciting! I think I'm in love with him even more!" Clover squealed. Okaira clenched her fist in an attempt to not punch Clover. She was so irritating. Inuyasha and Kagome had gone through too much to be broken apart by Clover. She didn't deserve the half-demon one bit. Okaira was sure that Inuyasha didn't care much about Clover in the first place.

When they arrived at the well, the sun had just gone down.

"Okay guys, here we are. Now I just have to test this thing out. Then, you guys can return home to your era," Kagome said, looking at the three spies. She sat on the lip of the well and pushed herself down. When the white light didn't appear, everybody looked down to see Kagome thumping at the ground of the well in a pathetic attempt to make the well work.

"Tch, let me try it," Inuyasha said, jumping down to Kagome's side. Unfortunately, the well refused to work even with both of them in the well together. When they jumped out of the well, Kagome gave a shake of her head to say that the well wouldn't work.

"But we could pass through. We came through it today. That's how we got here," explained Alex.

"Yah, it worked for us before but now it won't open," Sam said.

"Hmm nothing like that has happened before, after all, only Inuyasha, Okaira and I could pass through in the first place," Kagome said. Okaira crossed her arms and stared at the spies.

"Keh, if you ask me, this has Naraku written all over it," Inuyasha scoffed.

Okaira frowned. "I think you're right, Inuyasha. But if it is…then we have to be on our guard. I don't know how, but he may use the well against us…"

OKay! How was it? Like i said before! Sesshy is coming soon! Nxt chapter! Sam will go googoogaagaa!

Sorry...i cant resist a bit of spoilers here and there...

Did you ppl guess who Alex will be crushing on?

Keep the reviews coming!!! :P