A/N: Thanks for all the reviews! (: Love all of you who reviewed my previous chapter, and yes, Ash and Mary-Lynnette are the parents. Therefore, that means they are not a full vampire. (: Enjoy!


I do not own Night world, except for the characters I add

I don't even own my own phone! ):


Italic+ Bold= Telepath

Chapter two:

~ Could it be you? ~

Faint sunlight glimmered through the big bright blue curtains, glaring straight into Annabelle's face, as if it was urging her to awake. Annabelle groaned, twisting her face away from the light.

Stupid light, she grumbled mentally.

Yawning softly, Annabelle fluttered her eyes sleepily and slowly, glancing at the alarm clock, which was held in her hand now.

"Seven-thirty…" She half mumbled half yawned. Shutting her eyes again as she sank back into her soft warm bed.

"What, seven-thirty!" She yelled a minute later, her brown eyes widen in shock.

Being late to school on the first day was definitely the last thing she needed. She leaped out of bed that instant, fumbling through her wardrobe for clothes. A white shirt was worn under her grey hoodie; white converse hidden under her long denim jeans. She looked dull, in her pale colored clothing against her porcelain pale skin. The only thing that made her seemed alive was her warm brown eyes and her deep bronze hair. Annabelle tied her hair messily into a loose ponytail, not sparing a glance in the mirror and dashed out the room.

Descending the stairs, Annabelle muttered goodbye, as she hurried towards the front door, bursting into the cold February morning.


"School is going to be so fun!" Lyla shrieked happily as she danced around an annoyed Leo.

The bright colors Lyla wearing was giving him a real headache. She wore a bright crimson jacket over a white top, with a short denim skirt, revealing her legs. Bloody red toenails were peeping out of her heels, with French manicured fingernails, and you don't even want to know how he knew what a French manicure is. Her short ash blond hair flitted from side to side, as she twirled gracefully around the living room.

Her hyper-ness was too much to bear, she reminded him so much of aunt Poppy. Too much…She still looked like a teenager, since she was a made-vampire. Aunt Poppy was hated being called aunt, if any of them called her aunt, she would go berserk and yelled as loud as she could, 'I'm not that old!', Then Uncle James would had to bring her shopping again to calm her down. Leo laughed.

"What's so funny? It's my nails isn't it? I knew it; I should have gone for stripes." Lyla asked worriedly, fretting would be a better term.

"No, why in the world I would care about your nails? You are too much like aunt Poppy. You know with the Poppy-tive thinking and hyper-ness, very annoying sometimes."

"But I am still pretty!" She cheered brightly, "And annoying you is my job." She beamed as Leo rolled his eyes. Sure, this was their first day of going to a public school, since they were home-schooled, but isn't she overexcited? After all, it was only school, isn't it?

"Oh and you know what? We are taking our driver test this weekend! How awesome would that be! We can finally put the cars Lord Thierry gave us for our sixteenth birthday to good use! It should probably have dust all over it by now."

"Lyla, when you asked a question, you should let the person answer first. By the way, we got the cars yesterday on our birthday."Leo stated.

"Really, our birthday was just yesterday?" Lyla asked confusingly.

Leo sighed angrily, "Yes, moron. How idiotic could you get? "

"You are really mean, you know that?"


Her best friend, Phoebe was already there, her wavy brunette hair tied into a simple braid, her dark hair against her smooth pale skin. A few strands of her hair were blown gently, as she wore a simple light cotton dress with a pair of golden sandals. Seriously, doesn't she get cold in this weather?

Annabelle jogged towards her waiting friend, panting hard.

"Hey Phoebe," She said breathlessly.

"Morning Anna," Phoebe smiled cheerfully, "and you are late." She added with a slight frown.

"There's still two more minutes, but I know, sorry." Annabelle apologized as they walked towards the lockers.

Phoebe slung her hand around her, "Its okay, let' just get to class, I'm having World History with Mr. Reese." Phoebe sighed, pouting her full pink lips.

"At least you don't have Algebra. I hate it." Annabelle grumbled.

The corridor had already been deserted; the only voices present were the ones coming from the classrooms, teachers' mostly. They two continued walking down the corridor, finally coming to a stop when they reached the stairs.

"Cheer up, I'll buy you frozen yogurt later, okay?" Phoebe smiled radiantly at her.

"Fine…Cookies and Cream. Bye, Bunny."

"Bye, Anna."

Bunny was Phoebe nickname, and Anna didn't have any clue why she named her that. The first time Annabelle met her was when they were in the third grade and ever since then, they had become best friends. Phoebe personality was the main thing that Annabelle loved dearly about her. Phoebe was an active person, always rushing to club meetings and cheerleading practices, but still having time for herself and Annabelle. Her always glowing burnished gold eyes and radiant smile, seemed to brighten everyone dark gloomy days. Annabelle couldn't be happier enough to have her as a friend.


Annabelle entered the classroom and sat at her usual place by the window. She was not in her greatest mood, and the worst part, Phoebe wasn't in her biology class. Algebra was horrible, terrifying even. Mr. Samuel had given her detention for being late, only to be worsen by a pop quiz. Who gives pop-quiz on the first day of school?

The half an hour biology class was already a quarter over, but the teacher was still no where to be found. Instead of joining the conversations in the class, Annabelle found herself thinking about the blond guy again. The first time and last time she saw he was on that day, the last night of December. Now it was already February. However, Annabelle could still remember everything. His pale ash-blond hair, sparkly blue eyes… Even though it sounds stupid, she still lingered around the park everytime when she walked home, expecting to see him there.

She had no clue why she yearned to see him so such, that it hurts. There was this weird feeling when she saw him, especially when she gazed into his eyes, a connection…

"Hi, is this seat taken?" Someone asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Slowly, Annabelle turned away from the window, and turned towards the voice, and she got quite a shock.

A small-sized girl stood there, with skin as pale as snow, short ash-blond hair framing her angelic pixie face, big excited clear blue eyes with a wide grin. She looked like… him. It took a while for Annabelle to snap out of her trance, and when she did, the girl was still there.

"Oh, you can sit here." Annabelle mumbled softly. The pixie like girl muttered thanks, as Annabelle scooted her chair to make more space for the girl. She then smoothed her jacket, and Annabelle noticed her clothing. She was far too mesmerized by her elfin beauty; she didn't even have the time to look at her outfit. On any other girl, it would make them look like a slut, but on her, it simply looked gorgeous.

"Oh, and I'm Lyla Redfern." She introduced eagerly.

"I'm Annabelle Summers. Are you new?"

"Yeah, I and my family just moved here last December, from Vegas actually." Lyla replied happily. "I and my twin brother just enrolled in today."

Annabelle froze. December…Twin brother…Could it be? They looked alike, except for the hair color; hers was a few shades darker comparing to his, the eyes were the same blue, the inhuman beauty, gracefulness…

Does that mean he's here too?


This is torturing…

Leo winced uncomfortably at the girls surrounding his table. All of them had the same expression on their faces, smiling flirtingly, baffling their fake eyelashes at him, some even giggling flirtatiously to get his attention. This was even worse comparing to shopping with Lyla, Aunt Poppy and the other Circle Daybreakers.

Help me Leo called for Lyla telepathically.

She didn't reply.

Horrible evil little pixie, he thought.

"Do you like swimming?" "What's your hobby?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" The girls bombarded at him.

Even the guys were present too, smiling at him creepily. They were not gay of course, mind you; they were all interested in his twin, Lyla.

"What's her name?" "What's her number?" "Does she like puppies?" The guys asked promptly.

The bell rang.

Before anyone could hold him back, Leo dashed out of the horrifying classroom. It was a thousand times worse than Hyper Lyla. If this is what everyone is going to act like, I rather stay home-schooled, He thought. Finding Lyla was harder than he expected, since everyone seemed to crowd around him.

Lyla, Where are you? He called.

Hiding in the library, people wouldn't leave me alone! They kept asking questions, its scares the hell out of me.

Me too, I'll meet you there.


Lyla was indeed in the library, hiding behind the last row of bookshelves. In her hand was a novel, about vampires, no other than -Twilight. Her eyebrows were furrowed, a slight frown darting across her pink lips.

"Vampires don't sparkle." Lyla pouted her lips, and then a smile slowly appeared, "But if we do, that would be cool. Imagine you sparkling, which that would be funny."

"Let's just go." Leo muttered angrily, dragging her by the arm.

"Why no 'Leo Redfern don't sparkle' or 'you moron'?" Lyla teased.

"Just shut up."

Lyla stuck out her tongue.

Leo wasn't in the mood to argue with Lyla, he had something else on his mind. Right before he entered the library, he had caught a glimpse of deep bronze hair. Ever since that night, whenever he spotted someone with deep bronze hair or hazel brown eyes, it would brought him back her.

He hadn't told anyone about her, not even Lyla. He knew that his parents loved humans –since his mother was one- but they were a bit pushy and overexcited when he mentioned he met a human girl. He was not going to mention her to them, not yet, not after what happened two years ago…and he wasn't sure either that she was the one.

He had a weird and pleasant feeling when he saw Annabelle back then, two months ago. When she left, the feeling was gone, and now, the feeling was back again.

Is she here?

Could that really be her?


A/N: He-he, cliffhanger there. (: Hope you like it! I love marshmallows! Please review! The more reviews the faster I'll upload the next chapter! Thanks for the previous reviews, hopefully there's more for this chapter. (:

Love ya'll