A/N: Hey everyone, this is my second fanfic, so hopefully you liked it! I love marshmallows, don't you?

Summary: Born from a poor family with two younger siblings, Annabelle, being the oldest had to work part-time everyday to gain extra money for the family. Then came a guy, who was simply drop dead gorgeous, but with a secret…

Chapter one:


It was already half past nine. Normal teenagers should have finished dinner by now, warming themselves at the fireplace, chatting freely with their family. However, not for fifteen years old Annabelle Summers.

I wonder how everyone at home is, hopefully Suzie feels better, Poor little Suzie, getting such a terrible cold when Christmas is nearing. Ken, young annoying Ken, please do not let him get in trouble again.

Everytime when Annabelle was sad, thinking about her sister and brother always seemed to cheer her up. Little Suzanne –or Suzie- with her cinnamon brown curls and soft hazel brown eyes; Kenneth –or Ken-, with streaks of gold highlights in his dark auburn hair, his brown eyes that's always full of mischief. How much she missed them, even though she only saw them earlier today.

Its weird how much mature she seemed for her age, as people frequently told her, especially the teachers. Ever since young, Annabelle had always been independent and stubborn, just like her mother her father used to say.

Annabelle glanced at the old grandfather clock behind her. It was beautifully carved, so detailing that it seemed impossible. It had been worn by the Williams' family for ages; someone even wanted to buy it but was rejected by her boss, Marshall Williams.

Finally, when her shift was over, Annabelle arose from her seat at the counter and grabbed her bag.

"See you tomorrow, Marshall." Annabelle waved to the man resting on the armchair, reading.

Mr. Williams had always preferred being called Marshall; he said it was more casual. Marshall was an easy-going man in his late fifties. He had graying black hair with wise blue eyes.

"Ok Anna. Be careful." He replied with a warm smile.

"Will do, take care." Annabelle said goodbye to him.

Heading out of the warm bookstore, Annabelle shivered inwardly at the chilly winter night. Walking on the lonely street, she hugged her thin brown coat tighter, trying to warm herself. The only thing that Annabelle wished for more than anything that moment was to reach home. It wasn't too far away, around a ten minutes walk from work. But in the chilly weather, it would take at least twenty minutes.

Her mother had always worried about her for working at night, but being stubborn as always, Annabelle told her mother it was okay, she can take care of herself. Besides, her monthly salary was quite good. It was worth it.

Annabelle sighed softly. No one was in sight, except for a few school drop-outs lurking in the alleys. But she was smart enough to avoid them. What would you expect anyway in this weather, no one would prefer going out late comparing to stay home drinking hot chocolate.

Tired, exhausted and cold mostly, she found herself stopping at the deserted park. It had always seemed spooky in the morning; there were even rumors about it being haunted. Annabelle couldn't care less if it's haunted or not, she doesn't believe in those. All she knew was that she needed rest. Annabelle settled herself on an old wooden bench and laid her head against the tree behind her.

Annabelle then called her dad to pick her up at the park, she couldn't walk anymore. After that, Annabelle crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Before she even knew it, she drifted of to sleep.


Leo watched the sleeping girl attentively. She was porcelain pale and fragile looking. Her hair was in a deep shade of bronze, spilling across her shoulders towards her upper waist. Long eyelashes curved perfectly, elegant eyebrows with a perfect nose. She had a jaw of every sculptor's dream, with lips that looked as soft as a rosebud. Her cheeks were rosy pink, making her seemed more alive.

He was sitting on the thick branches of the tree, sleeping. Then he heard footsteps, soft footsteps against the snowy pavements, then a voice, a soothing voice full with warmth. When he opened his eyes then, there was a girl below him.

The girl seemed sick, her breathing was not normal. And she looked so cold, only wrapped in that thin jacket of hers. And then she started coughing, non-stop. Her eyes were wide opened now, but Leo couldn't make out what color it was. She was suffering from her coughs, Leo could see, and he wanted so badly to help her. However, that would definitely scare her.

Maybe I should leave…

"Are you okay?" Leo blurted out suddenly. Too late for leaving silently now, he thought.

The girl froze. She stood up from her seat and looked around panicky. "Who are you?" She murmured shakily.

Leo jumped down from the tree of his, gracefully landing on his feet. He was sure that the girl would look shocked like any other girls. But what he saw was beyond different than he imagined. The girl wasn't afraid looking or shocked; she was amazed and slightly frightened. Brave and awed. He could see it in her eyes, her big chocolate brown eyes. He saw it now, her chocolaty eyes, light hazel brown.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Leo said and sat on the bench. She did not move from her standing position.

"How long had you been here?" She asked curiously.

"A few minutes before you came," Leo gazed into the sky, and then turning towards her with a smile, "I was… sleeping."

Shock flared in her eyes. "Why isn't your family looking for you?"

"They knew where I am." Leo replied lazily.

Before the girl get to say anything, a car pulled in front of the park. The girl ran towards the car, her bronze hair swaying slightly. Then she was gone.

Leo heard the man in the car who he assumed was the father called her Annabelle.

"Annabelle, that's a pretty name…" Leo muttered to himself with a smile.


Annabelle found herself thinking about the guy in the park. He didn't look to old; he looked around sixteen or seventeen. She didn't get to see him clearly, since it was dimly lit by the streets lights. However, there was one thing Annabelle was sure, he was inhumanly handsome.

He was tall and lanky, and somehow he reminds Annabelle of lazy predatory animals especially when he sat on the bench. And the way, he jumped of that tree, was amazing, like a cat. His hair was pale ash blond, attractively disheveled, with bangs that almost covered his eyebrows. His eyes were the most mesmerizing of all, sparkly light blue with thick eyelashes girls would envy for, clean features almost perfect. A lithe body…Beautiful musical voice… In other words, a perfect guy any girls would want.

Eleven year old Suzanne was lying on the bed beside her, fast asleep. Annabelle clambered out of her warm bed and headed towards the kitchen. The whole house was still, since it was one in the morning.

Annabelle held on to her mug of hot chocolate and took out a box with white and fluffy contents in it –Marshmallows. Annabelle dipped a few in her hot chocolate and settled onto the couch.


Leo slid into his room effortlessly through the window. When he told the girl –Annabelle that his family knew where he was wasn't exactly true. Sure he told them he was going hunting but that was four hours ago. After meeting Annabelle, Leo had gone stargazing for the next two hours.

Shutting the window gently, Leo laid flat on his bed. He just wanted to rest for the night. They had just moved here two days ago because his mother wanted to be with the stars again after living in Las Vegas. Leo couldn't agree more, he did love the night sky, and so did his father. But he wasn't so sure about his twin sister, Lyla (Lie-la).

"Leo is home!" He heard a certain annoying little pixie/elf sang.

Then his whole silent room turned into a market. Lyla was leaning on his bed's metal frame, with a "you-are-literally-dead" expression spread across her flawless creamy pale face. Then his father barged through the door, with an unreadable expression. Along with his father was his mother, her hands crossed tightly against her chest. They both looked furious.

"I can explain." Leo clasped his hands together, biting his lower lip hard.

"If so, explain where you have been for the past four hours." His mother said grimly.

"Well… I kinda went hunting…then…I fell asleep on a tree, and then I went stargazing." Leo explained confidently. His parents' faces were still grim, but he could see that they are thinking what to do with him. Lyla snorted.

"So, can I sleep now?" Leo asked, faking a tired voice.

"Fine, but we are not done yet." His father warned. Then they both were gone.

Leo let out a relief sigh and started questioningly at his sister. Lyla was plopped on his beanbag, tummy side up, her ash-blond hair covering parts of her face. Her eyes were staring at the ceiling, listening to her hot pink I-pod.


"What?" She replied, still keeping her eyes on the ceiling.

"Out, now." Leo shot her a dark look. This time she stood up, and then she took off her earphones.

"Mum and dad may have let you go, but I know you are keeping something," Lyla sneered, "So you better spill it."

"First of all, I am not keeping anything. Secondly, I don't have to explain to my little sister. And thirdly, Leo Redfern doesn't listen to or take orders from little girls, especially not his annoying younger sister."Smile. "So, Leo would be thrilled if you leave now."

"I don't know why you like referring yourself as a third person, but Lyla Redfern isn't a little girl, and by the way, we are twins. You are not any older than I am either, only born one minute earlier. And I, Lyla Redfern, would find out what you are hiding, and when I do, you will be sorry for calling me small, so goodbye." Then Lyla stormed out of the room.

"Whatever…" Leo muttered softly. He closed his eyes and found himself thinking about the human girl's warm chocolate brown eyes.



A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter, I think everyone have a pretty good idea who are the parents (: Haha, I just love marshmallows!! And Chocolate!! So please kindly press the green button below and review!!! Tell me should I continue it? THANKS!! Please read my other fanfic too, it's about my version of Daughters of Darkness, Title: What If? Ash and Mary-Lynette (: Review!!