Ha ha my first Phantom fan fiction! just the first chapter. not very interesting in my oppinion. I do however have some very devious plans * evil smile * yes yes i know another Danny Phantom and girly mob related story how borring but hey i couldn't help myself. I do hope that what i have in mind will make it a little less than ordinary... ah well i should have the next chapter up at the latest by the end of the week. (had fingers crossed behind back) that's my goal anyway. by then things should start to pick up as far as the story goes. gosh i really hate intoductions... now without further adue...

Danny Tucker and Sam were all leaving the comic book store after their weekly comic book run. Sam had a few new dark and sinister comics to occupy her time, Danny carried a wide variety of different superhero related comics, and Tucker, had, along with several other tech related comics, the latest edition of Danny Phantom.

"Common Tuck why do you buy that stuff? You get to see the real thing every day! Besides none of this is accurate, there's no way I'd say half of that stuff." Sam raised an eyebrow begging to differ. Tucker hastily flipped to the next page without losing his grip on the rest of his things.

"Awe common Danny, aren't you at least curious? Besides, someone around here has to keep a tab on Phantom's publicity status. You really should think about putting yourself out there more. Sign a couple autographs, take a few pictures, what good is being a superhero if you don't get to reap the benefits?" Sam was quick with an exasperated response her arms in the air above her head.

"How about helping people and doing all you can to make the world around you a better safer place to live." Tucker just stared blankly. "Why do I even bother?"

"Whatever, Danny seriously think you could at least do a little more meet and greet. I mean you've got practically thousands of fans just here in Amity Park! Take the comic convention this Saturday for example, a visit from phantom would probably make a lot of people happy, and I mean you do want to make people happy right?"

"Yeah I guess it couldn't be so bad I mean as long as it didn't get to out of hand I wouldn't mind. It'd be nice to know I was appreciated." Danny looked off into space thoughtfully. They finally came to tuckers house.

"Well we'll see you tomorrow Tucker!" Danny waved at his friend as he ascended the steps to his house. Tucker opened the door and the smell of Pork roast hit him in the face making his mouth water.

"Afternoon sweetie how was school?"

"Same as always." Tucker threw his backpack down in the entry way and he walked over to grab a bite of whatever his mom was making in the kitchen before heading upstairs to his room.

"Don't spoil you're appetite!" his mom called as he trudged up the stairs.

"I won't!" he droned back as the door to his room creaked open. He swiftly pulled out his desk chair and logged onto his computer. He got on the internet, checked his e-mail, yadda, yadda. He never told Danny or Sam, but he liked to go visit the Danny Phantom Phan page when he got bored. It was cool really, all the fun games and to play. Plus the ladies were always impressed with his extensive knowledge of all things Phantom. Plus he thought it was a good idea to keep tabs on how much the outside world knew about them. I mean we didn't want to much information out there.

He scrolled down the page, the site absolutely plastered with neon green, black, and white. He clicked on the fan art/pictures icon. You'd be surprised at the stuff he found in here. Most of it was uses just some stupid drawing that looked like it had been done by a three year old; some pictures from the news papers, there were some really funny pictures though that people had taken on their cell phones while Danny was in the middle of doing something. His face stuck in a weird position. These always made him laugh to himself. He finished perusing the newest pictures and went back to the main page. He checked his forum for any new questions that any Phan goers might have posted while he was away. He had established the forum out of need really. After becoming a regular on the site he was quickly recognized for his knowledge of the superhero and everyone seemed to have questions for him. He was about to log off when he got an instant message.

Super0phantom0phreak0: are you going to the comic convention in Amity Park this Saturday?

He had updated his status to say that he was excited for the comic convention. So the question wasn't so weird.

Phantomphriend186: Yeah, wat makes u ask

Super0phantom0phreak0: well it is going to b in amity… do u think DP will show up?

Phantomphriend186: I'm not sure… maybe if there's a ghost

Super0phantom0phreak0: I really hope he does I mean he would want to come right if all his fans were there? :)

Phantomphriend186: I guess it's not like I could tell you

Really, Tucker could tell her exactly what was going to happen. Danny was going to be at the comic convention, sure, but not the Danny they wanted to see. Danny wasn't one to go looking for attention.

Super0phantom0phreak0: oh well thanks I really hope he comes ttyl!

Phantomphreiend186: see ya

Super0phantom0phreak has signed off.

Tucker thought nothing of the short conversation and went back to logging off. He stretched back in his chair with a yawn; exhausted from a busy day.

Next Day…

"AHHHHHHH!" the excited squeals of Paulina Sanchez could be heard from down the hall. Danny instinctively readied himself for a fight at the cry, hitting his head on his locker in the process, but relaxed after he realized it was nothing.

"Gezze what has her so excited" he rubbed his tender head as he turned to his two friends.

"Didn't you get the memo?" Star walked by disgusted with the dweebs but talking to them anyway because Paulina had told her to let everyone she saw know about the comic convention. "Danny Phantom agreed to show up at the comic convention this Saturday. Seeing as the man never makes public appearances Paulina is beyond syced. Everyone is obviously going to be there for a good look at him. It's the social event of the weekend." Without a second glance Star walked away having finished her spiel.

Danny stood staring into space his eyes glazed over. Sam looked back and forth between Danny and Star.

"Wait wait wait, where did she say Danny Phantom was going to be this weekend? I could've sworn she said he was going to be making a public appearance. Is Phantom making a public appearance? Danny why didn't you tell us!" Sam looked at Danny clearly frustrated. He snapped out of his trance to answer her.

"Don't look at me this is the first I've heard about it. I had nothing to do with it!" He put his hands up defensively at her remarks. Tucker stood next to them a guilty grin on his face. He had a slight idea of where that little rumor would've started. Sam didn't fail to notice his guilty demeanor and looked at him with a gaze that very clearly said 'really tucker? What have you done now?"

"It wasn't me I swear!"

"Oh sure mister 'what good is being a superhero if you don't get to reap the rewards' there's definitely no correlation between that and the fact that Danny suddenly has a publicist the next day!" Sam shifted her weight to one side and continued to stare at her friend, while Danny was putting all the pieces together.

"Tucker, you did this! What were you thinking! You didn't even ask me first!" Danny was now being thrown into a panic, the prospect of standing in front of hundreds of people daunting.

Danny had never been good with standing in front of a crowd. In second grade he had done a report of giraffes; everything was perfect, he had all of his notes and an awesome glow in the dark poster that his sister Jazz had helped him with. He was doing great until he had to give his presentation. He still remembered the hot itchy feeling he got as he walked to the front of the classroom. He stood shaking for a solid minute. He could feel everyone's eyes boring into him scrutinizing his every move. He opened his mouth to start, and ended up puking all over Kwan in the front row. Even if it was a long time ago not much had changed about his situation. It was mostly due to the fact that now Jazz did all the cooking that kept him from spilling over. Danny gave a desperate look to Tucker. Worry could be seen starting to creep into his eyes.

"Danny really I never said anything! It was someone online. They asked if they I thought he was going to be there. I didn't even say if I knew for sure! It must have grown from there; I swear I would never do anything like that with asking!" Tuckers voice seemed to climb an octave as he desperately tried to explain himself to his most loyal friends.

"It's okay Danny you don't have to go. You technically have no liability here. I mean it's not like someone is going to do anything drastic if you don't show up." A small group of giggly girls was coming loudly down the hallway towards them.

"Oh my Gosh did you here Danny Phantom is going to be making a formal appearance! I swear if this is all a cruel hoax, and he doesn't show up. I might do something drastic" Danny let his head fall against the locker with a loud metallic bang; his shoulders fell into his chest.

"I'm doomed."

pretty please R&R! * makes sad puppy face*