The Person Inside: Life of Queen Susan The Gentle

Note: Well here you are. I am happy to say that this is another on the list of coming soon. Yay!!! Anyway, this is going to be a series of short one-shots about Queen Su. This will start as her being a baby. Please review. Oh, I will try to update my other stories soon. Edited! The way that Peter speaks is baby talks, and the nurse has an accent.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Susan and her family but I do not. I guess I could say I own the nurses though.

Chapter 1- Birth of A Queen

" She's beautiful," Helen Pevensie said, gazing down at her newly arrived daughter.

" Of course she is," one of the nurses of the Finchley hospital spoke, wiping a tear from her eye. The baby was small, delicate. Her rosebud lips opened and closed as she slept. Her mother stroked the dark hair that was already thick, and curly.

" Ma'am, Mr. Pevensie has come with the little one," a young nurse stepped into the room. " Should I let 'im in?" The older nurse nodded, and the other left. In a moment, a blond boy with inquisitive blue eyes toddled into the room. Mr. Pevensie followed the one and a half year old, and lifted him to his mothers lap.

" Hello Peter, dear," Helen said softly, bestowing a kiss on her child's head. Peter pointed at the small bundle. " Yes Peter, this is your new baby sister who you've been waiting for." Mr. Pevensie drew a chair up beside his wife. He gazed down at his daughters tiny face with love, and adoration.

" What shall we name her?" he asked, smiling into Helen's face. " Susan," she said after a moment. " After your mother." Mr. Pevensie nodded, kissed the top of his wife's head, then little Susan's. She stirred, opening her mouth, and letting out a sweet little yawn. Peter stared at the baby, as if trying to think. Suddenly, a grin lit up his face as he came to a conclusion. " She's hungwy!" he exclaimed, and the adults erupted in laughter.