Disclaimer: I do not own Wolverine & the Xmen just the words below & the chapters that follow.

A/N: This is basically a festive what should have happened instead of the episode Greetings from Genosha. Rogue will be with the team already asides that enjoy.

Chapter 1

It was the first week of December and throughout the mansion the X-men were brightening the place up with streams of tinsel, wreaths of holy on doors or in Bobby's case setting up mistletoe in key places where he was hoping to steal a kiss from one of the girls. Even Scott was trying to put the explosion behind him as he was helping Logan bring the tree into the lounge; whether the two had put aside their rivalry or were blackmailed into doing it by Miss Frost was anyone's guess.

However one person was not participating in the festive build up. Up in her room Kitty Pryde was anything but cheerful. The girl was currently sitting on her bed with a box that just recently had been gathering dust at the bottom of her cupboard. Tentatively she slowly opened the box allowing its contents to see the light of day for the first time in two years.

Carefully reaching in with both hands, Kitty took out an old picture of herself from two years ago. She smiled fondly as she looked at her sixteen year old self wearing a simple yet festive white gown whilst wrapped in the arms of one of her first friends upon coming to the mansion neither of the two realising they just had their picture taken as they were staring at each other love clearly evident to all who saw them.

After gently putting down the picture Kitty once again reached into the box and brought out the very same gown she wore in the picture. She had been hoping to wear it last year as a surprise for him yet several months prior the explosion occurred and they were all sent home early. She did receive a Christmas card from him wishing her a merry Christmas and a happy new year as well as a poem he wrote both in English and his native Tongue.

As Kitty stood up to look in the mirror whilst holding the gown up to herself she began to think back to the day it all started; the day she began to look at Kurt Wagner as more than just a fuzzy friend.

#~two years ago~#

"Are you sure the tree's big enough?" Kurt asked as he watch his fellow mutant Piotr Rasputin carefully plant the ten foot tree in its place near the wall.

"Look at it this way Kurt" Scott said as he came into view with a box of decorations in his arms. "The bigger the tree the longer the kids will be kept busy"

"Let's just hope that Rahne can keep her animal urges at bay" Kurt said earning a nod from Piotr as he understood his meaning.

Kitty, who had just walked through the door herself with another box of decorations, sniggered when she saw what her friend was wearing. Kurt had practically dressed himself up in one of Santa's elf costumes making him look more elfish and cheerful than he usually is.

"Well don't you look festive this evening fuzzy elf" She joked as she put down the box she was holding and walking over to him to study his costume a bit better.

"I thought it vas the only vay to make mien self appear more cheerful" Kurt replied as he posed in front of the girl making her laugh at his antics.

As more residents of the mansion entered the living room they began to decorate the tree with the younger and smaller ones working on the lower branches whilst those that could fly, move things with their minds or, in Kurt's case, stick to the wall beside the tree worked on the more unreachable ones. All too soon the tree was finished and everyone stepped back to admire the results.

"I'll admit that it's impressive" Logan said grudgingly. "But it's missing something"

"Presents?" Bobby asked forgetting that most went home for Christmas leaving only the teachers and those who were abandoned by their families.

"He means it needs something on top" Kitty explained as she moved a bit closer to the tree. "Maybe a star or an angel"

What Kitty did not know was that whilst she was staring at the tree Kurt was looking from the tree to Kitty and back again. If anyone had been looking at him they would have ran for the hills as his prankster grin had slowly appeared on his face which indicated he had just came up with another prank. Quickly teleporting away he reappeared moments later with something behind his back.

Kitty, oblivious to what he was doing, gasped when someone pulled what looked like a white gown over her head and bound her arms to her sides. Before she could phase out Kurt had grabbed her then teleported so that he was clinging to the roof with his hands whilst he dangled Kitty from his legs so that it looked like she was sitting atop the tree.

"Vill this do for an angel?" He asked teasingly as the others began to laugh at the girl who began flailing her legs as she tried to look at her captor.

"Kuuurrrrrt!" She screamed trying not to phase so that she fell through the tree. "What's the big idea?! Get me down!"

"Why? You are the best candidate for the part as an angel" Kurt said as he tried to keep hold of the struggling girl. "You're beautiful enough after all"

Kitty apparently did not hear the last part as she continued to struggle she did however hear the first part and assumed that he was referring to her height or lack thereof. "If so then that makes you a demon!"

The words had barely left her mouth before she phased her arms out of the gown and clamped her hands over her mouth as she realised what she just said. All hopes that no one heard her were dashed as the whole room had gone silent. The next second she was back on the ground but instead of phasing out of the gown she just whipped round hoping to apologise for what she said to Kurt before he-


-teleported away.


"Kitty?" Ororo called out softly as she entered the girl's room to see the girl staring at herself in the mirror holding up a gown she had not seen for nearly two years. "Didn't it get destroyed in the explosion?"

Kitty shook her head as she carefully placed the gown back in the box along with the picture. "I left it back home and was going to ask my mother to send it up closer to the time so as to not misplace it or allow it to get stolen"

Ororo nodded as she walked over to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do you think he'll come back?" Kitty asked. "From Genosha I mean"

"I don't know Kitty" Ororo replied honestly. "All you can do is wait and hope that he still cherishes the last Christmas you shared with him"

Kitty nodded as she looked out the window. Before they left the ship Kurt had hugged her and whispered in her ear that he would return once the ship was safely at Genosha. All she had to do was keep her fingers crossed that he arrived before Christmas.


First festive chapter done & for those Kurtty writers could you give me & 'Nightcrawler's Shadow' (the writer not the fic for those who've read it) a hand in making one whole page of stories for the pairing in this category if possible?

Either way R&R

& 'til next time

Watch this space, peace out & happy festivities!