Kaoru looked around suspiciously. No one else was around. He slipped into the bathroom, and pulled out the razor.
~Earlier that week~
"Hikaruuuuu! Stop it!" Kaoru laughed as his brother playfully hit him with a pillow.
"We're gonna be late if you don't move faster!" Hikaru was already dressed and ready, whereas Kaoru was still shirtless, and in pajama bottoms. Kaoru laughed and retaliated, grabbing an even fluffier pillow, and whacking his twin upside the head.
"Ouch! Hey! This is my weapon of choice! Get your own!" Hikaru rubbed his head, and ducked out of another blow.
"I don't see why you got ready! It's Saturday!" Kaoru brought the pillow down on his brother, causing it to render Hikaru's arms useless. The elder twins eyes widened.
"What?! But… the maids came and told us to get ready for school!" He whined, and looked at the calendar. Sure enough, it was Saturday.
"You think you'd have more common sense, seeing as yesterday was- oof!" Kaoru was cut off by a sudden change in position. Hikaru had managed to get his arms free, and then topple his younger brother, pinning him in a similar fashion.
"Never let down your guard! 'I thought you'd have more common sense!'" He imitated his twin perfectly. Kaoru laughed, despite the air being squeezed out of his lungs.
"Get off me baka!" He tried to push Hikaru off, without much luck. Hikaru's smile began to change to a sly grin. "What are you thinking about…?" Kaoru asked uncertainly, knowing he was in for something.
"Oh… nothing… It's just that… this is a great position for you…" The elder twin leaned over. Kaoru shivered as he felt Hikaru's warm breath on his neck.
"H-Hikaru!" Was all he could manage. The boy in question licked Kaoru's neck.
"You know… Since it is Saturday…" Hikaru began.
"Y-yes…" Kaoru breathed. Hikaru's next smile led to a most wonderful rest of the day.
XD No, this is NOT going to become a lemon. I don't write those… Although I guess you COULD already guess how wonderful the day was... :D And I hope you like this. It was inspired by a nightmare I had last night… *shiver* Such an awful nightmare… Well, I'm not going to update until I have FIVE reviews. So tell your friends about it^_^ And I just realized how short this is! Oh well. If all the chapters end up this short, i don't think it would matter...
Oh, I almost forgot:
DISCLAIMER: No, Ouran is NOT mine, and probably NEVER will…