Sorry for the very long wait. I was having trouble with uploading this chapter. Anyway, if you could change Macey, Bex, Cammie, Grant or Zach (appearance or personality), and also what would you rather, boys vs girls or the partners? Just out of curiosity. =)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the characters that originally come from Ally Carter's book, or the basic story (The spy school and stuffy)

Ok Enjoy ^^

Chapter 6 – I Know You

I was almost running down the halls. I was of singular stride. I was planning to barge in there and demand a different chaperone. Ugh. Sometimes Zach drives me up the wall!

My mind was racing with questions, demands and threats that needed to get out. I felt like all this has been bubbling from day one. I may not know when day one was, but I knew that the last day was today!

I was a few feet from my mother's office and was about to reach the handle when someone wacked my hand away and stood in front of me. It was of course Zach.

He looked down at me and saw how angry I was (I must have been pretty red because he began to smile like he was holding back an eruption of laughter). I stamped on his foot to 'help' him stop his battle between his laughter, which I assume lingered as I pressed down on his foot, replacing it with pain.

"What's your problem Gallagher Girl?"

"Well Zach," I said, spitting his name at his face, "You are the problem, just go away."

"I can't, it's my job to –"

"Stalk me, annoy me, ruin my life, take your pick," I never knew the end of that sentence because I think I might have been speaking too loud because my mother's office door opened and my mum was standing over us and looking at me with a what-is-going-on-here look.

"Headmistress, we need to talk!"

"I couldn't agree more." Wait what? "Step into my office," Then she took her eyes off me and set them on Zach, "Both of you." I gulped. She was really serious now.

We were in her office and I was about to ask the question that was exploding beneath me.

"Headmistress, I would like to request a replacement chaperone."

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I didn't assign the partners."

"Wait, who did?" she looked at me and I immediately had a pretty good idea, "The CIA. Why did they do this?"

"You know as well as I do why they did this."

"But why him," I was then gesturing at Zach and kept looking at my mom with a very pleading look.

He seemed hurt, but I feel like deep down he was mocking me, like he always does.

I turned, smiled said, "It's a pleasure," and then turned back to my mother. "This doesn't make sense. Why go to all the trouble to move Blackthorne here. You could have just assigned Bex or Macey or someone here. It would look inconspicuous in public and they can take care of everything."

"I'm sorry, but I can't replace Zach."

"What made them think I would listen to him? This goes against everything our school stands for, being oppressed because of the image of weakness cast amongst women."

"He was chosen for a reason."

"And what might that reason be?"

"I know you." He was right behind me now. He was in the right position for me to use all my P&E training to floor him, but I couldn't move a muscle. Those words pierced me like daggers and held me to the spot.

His words seemed so cold, distant. I remembered the first time I thought he knew me. It seemed nice.

Being a spy is deceptive, a life of secrets. Your best weapons can sometimes be that your enemies don't know you. I have been compromised and this was definitely not any small problem. It was a galactic CATASTRAFY!

I wasn't sure how long I had been thinking about it, but when I came to, Zach was gone and Mr. Solomon and Aunt Abby had replaced where he stood. My mom was still looking at me with her beautiful eyes and telling me that I could go. So I left.

I was outside and Jacob was waiting.

"Hey," I guess he already knew, "So, we should get to a class, it should be about time for next period." We both headed off silently to what was to be the rest of our day.

Dinner was pretty quite (excluding the heavy breathing of both boys and girls due to the arrival of Macey McHenry). We had hired Bex to be her bodyguard, per say. She was shoving away all the guys and doing the part well (she even had the dark shades!)

We finally had gotten our food and sat down. I was unwilling to be within a five foot radius of Zach so instead I sad at the end of the bench on the other side of the table, the seat next to Jacob.

It was my first dinner of the semester. Conversation was minimal, but every now and again someone would ask a question. Dinner ended and the days went by.

I'd love to hear your answers to the questions I put forward! It will all become clear in the next chapter. *Sad ghost noise* O.o