Sorry this took so long to publish; I guess I lost my mojo. x)
Anyway, I don't like cliché endings. So, here's the conclusion:
Mello/Matt's apartment
"L…you…you guys…L was the one who cheated on you?" Mello pulled at his hair and looked back-and-forth between L and Light—who were happily holding hands. Then he looked anxiously at Matt who shrugged.
"…do we need to talk about that?" L narrowed his eyes. "It was a mistake. We're leaving it at that."
"It's in the past." Light said with a smile as L put an arm around his lover.
"Damn. Some higher-up is just fucking...playing with my life and making me stupefied," Mello said.
"Seriously," Matt interjected.
Light sighed and said, "It's getting me sick just thinking about everything that happened in the past few weeks."
"Sick? Well--let me feel if you are warm..." L said and sat Light on his lap. They began a make-out session--with Matt and Mello onlooking in interest.
Two Weeks Later
It was a Friday night, and Light was called to do his regular duty of singing at the local gay night club. He had brought L with him to observe. L took a seat at the bar, and ordered a couple of drinks.
"I'm loving these new plasma screens you got, Mr. Brown," Light motioned to the two flat-screens beside the stage.
"Thanks," Mr. Brown, the manager of the club, puffed out his burly chest and smiled a great white-toothed smile, "I figured we could add effects to the recorded performance and make whoever is on the stage look even more bad-ass." Light nodded. Mr. Brown patted Light on the shoulder in fatherly-like manner. "Well, kid, knock 'em dead out there."
Light made his way to the stage and the crowd went absolutely wild. It was packed more than usual tonight...
Earlier That Day
A shrouded figure had picked a lock and had made his way into the deserted dance-room/bar. A tinge of short, brown hair peeked through the hood as he crept toward the back of the stage. Wires upon wires entangled each other as the man knelt down to untangle them. He quietly laughed to himself as he exchanged a wire for his own. This should definitely do it, he thought. Then, he shuffled out of the building artfully and laughed just a little bit louder.
Present Day
"Hey everyone, I am Light Yagami and I will be singing--you guys probably know it well--"Love Don't Let Me Go" by David Guetta." There were some cheers heard and clapping, "I'd like to dedicate this to my boyfriend, L Lawliet." Light extended his arm in L's direction, and all of the crowd's eyes turned to see who Light was speaking of.
L held up a hand to show his thanks and "aww"'s and cooing could be heard from the crowd. L touched his warm face, took a sip of his drink, and smiled at Light. Light smiled back.
All the while, a tall man with brown hair sat at the opposite end of the bar. His body was shaking with excitement. He looked at his watch, then out into the crowd of men and nodded inconspicuously at what seemed to be someone in the crowd. He turned toward Light Yagami, in all his glory, atop of the stage. Such a beautiful creature, he thought. He must be mine. Lastly, he turned back toward the bar and looked to his left to see the raven-haired man with a stupid grin plastered on his face. He got up from his seat and walked casually toward L.
Light held the microphone stand as the DJ began the backtracking. The two screens illuminated with Light's face. The crowd began to move fluidly.
"You've got me dancin' and cryin', rollin' and flying, love don't let me go..." Light swayed his hips. "You got me drownin' in a river, cold and in fever, love don't let me--"
Immediately, the screens cut from Light's performance and the word "Camera 2" was ingrained into the bottom right, along with a picture of two men sitting at the bar.
No no, not just sitting. Full on sucking face. A stranger and L Lawliet were kissing. The stranger was too strong for L Lawliet to pull himself away, so L floundered like a fish on dry land. The stranger had locked L's face onto his own. The stranger's lips seemed as if they were poisoning L's own lips by making the unsuspecting man's body shake with pain and discomfort.
If anyone cared, which they hadn't, they would notice a short black-haired man rolling the camera and giggling to himself like a child. But, he wasn't important.
The crowd of men had stopped their movements and looked at the screen in awe and bewilderment. Some of them put a hand over their mouths, some bulged their eyes out. The group of men then painfully turned their attention to Light Yagami, who's mouth had just finished saying "go," and seemed to be frozen in that position. He felt his temperature catapult.
Light immediately threw the microphone stand into the crowd (who scattered), jumped off the front of the stage furiously, and stomped over to L--who was recovering from what had just happened.
The stranger was gone, and the camera-man had disappeared within the crowd. Light clenched his fist and punched L square in the cheek. L cringed, holding his cheek, as Light screamed, "FUCK YOU L LAWLIET. I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT!" Before L could explain, Light had stormed off indignantly, absolutely enraged with everything and his body becoming ill with hate.
The crowd whispered amongst each other, as L rubbed his cheek and felt a tear well up inside of him. He made his walk of shame out of the building, trying to ignore the faces that were watching him with disgust and disappointment.
As for the stranger? He wasn't exactly a stranger. He made he way out of the back door, pulling off his brown wig and releasing his black hair. He took out his glasses from his pocket and placed them ever-so-daintily on his face.
"Teru Mikami strikes again," Mikami said aloud and smirked.
Song:Love Don't Let Me Go by David Guetta
Well...have a nice winter vacation and Happy Holidays!
Thanks to everyone for reading and reviewing!