Voldemort was seething, he could not believe the nerve of that woman, he watched as she sat herself in a chair and looked up at him without a hint of worry on her face. For the moment Voldemort just paced back and forth to angry to even speak to her eventually he sat in the high-backed chair behind the desk and put his head in his hands. In a voice that almost sounded like a whimper he said "7?" There was a silence in the room that pressed down on him before Bridget burst into laughter. Voldemort's head fell to the desk with a thud, what had possessed him to say that, how that could have been the first thing out of his mouth was ridiculous. Voldemort kept his head on the desk as her laughter quieted, he heard movement and realised she was in front of him. He slowly lifted his head, preparing to be mocked and laughed at more, but what he saw was a slightly confused face staring at him and not moving. He decided to wait and let her talk first, he couldn't trust that he wouldn't say anything embarrassing… again.


Bridget stood staring at him, she had no idea what to say to what Tom had just said. Nor the disappointed look he now wore. She took a moment to regain her composure deciding that it was best to continue with her usual teasing rather then address his concern over a score given on something that never happened.

"Oh Tom," she cried as she put her arms around his neck and sat on his lap, "I didn't know you cared so much A plan began to form in her mind about what to do next but it would take time.

For now she simply peppered Tom's face with kisses mentally shuddering and vowing to wash her mouth out later. Tom frowned and tried to shoo her away it took him picking her up by the waist and dumping her on the floor. Bridget scowled at Tom and wrinkled her nose at him.

"Well if that's the way you feel you shouldn't have kicked up such a fuss."

"Well if you left me alone I wouldn't have anything to complain about."

Bridget almost smiled at their childish fight,

"Well if you weren't so evil I wouldn't have to."

"If you just accepted how useless muggles are you'd see reason."

"If you weren't so prejudice…" she was cut off by the door opening.

"What!" both Bridget and Tom turned to look at the door, it was Mulciber,

"My Lord, I apologise, but there is news, from the ministry, Yaxley has secured a position in the higher ranks."

Tom glared at Bridget for a moment longer before waving a hand at Mulciber, "fine, fine, I will be in the meeting room in a moment."

Bridget watched Mulciber leave and as he did so he glanced her way winking, and giving a little smirk. It was not missed by Tom, Mulciber quickly shut the door before the curse hit him. Tom's gaze was returned to Bridget and he snarled at her, "Don't you ever go near any of them again, or you will be at the end of my wand."

"What makes you think I actually slept with them? Or at least all of them?"

Tom sneered, but gave no reply deciding to just sweep out of the room. Bridget gave a small chuckle before getting up herself, it was time to begin planning again.


Bridget was in her room, planning away for her next attack on Tom. She was on her hands and knees looking under her bed pulling things out from under it. She already had a pile of shoes, boxes and forgotten clothes beside her when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." she called her head still under the bed. The door opened and someone entered.

"Err have I come at a bad time?" a voice asked. Bridget sat up narrowly missing bumping her head.

"Oh Draco it's you. What's up?"

"Oh umm just, well…" Bridget smiled at him, "Trying to get away from the hordes of Death Eaters?" Draco nodded sheepishly. Bridget smiled at him, "Don't worry you can hide out here, come in and close the door."

Draco entered and closed the door as Bridget turned to continue searching her room.

"What are you looking for exactly?" Draco asked watching from in front of the door. Bridget looked back at him, "Have a seat." She gestured to the couch in her room. Draco sat and looked around her room, it was the same one she had had before Tom had come back. It was a decent size, enough to hold not only her bed but a small sitting area around the fireplace along with a few bookshelves. He turned back to watch Bridget pull more things out from under her bed. After a few minutes she exclaimed joyfully "Ah huh!" she came out smiling and holding a box. "Found it." she carried it over to the armchair that sat near the couch.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"Something I kept from a very long time ago. From before Tom deformed himself."

Draco looked at the box and wondered why she would keep something for so long. While he was wondering she was looking through it with a look on her face like she was reliving fond memories. She pulled a photo from the box and handed it to Draco. She was in the picture looking exactly as she did right now, except she was in the Hogwarts uniform, beside her stood a young man with dark hair, he was sneering rather then grinning like she was, and had his arm around her.

"Who is the boy?" Draco asked watching as the Bridget in the picture waved and put her arm around the boy squeezing him in a hug.

"It's Tom," she said sadly "before he ran off to become the Dark Lord."

Draco looked at the picture and tried to match the frightening Dark Lord he knew with the handsome young man in the picture. Bridget laughed guessing the look on his face, "yeah I know, hard to believe huh?"

Draco nodded, "How did he end up looking like a snake?"

"That's a story for another day I think. Or maybe not ever…"

"But I want to know…"

"I said no." Bridget said sternly cutting him off. Draco dropped the topic knowing he wouldn't get anywhere today.

"So why were you looking for this old photo?"

Bridget grinned "I wasn't looking for the photo in particular, but something that might be in the box."

"And is it in the box?"

"Good point Draco." Bridget sifted through the box and smiled.

"So is it there." Draco asked trying to look into the box.

"Yep, it's here but I can't tell you what it is, that would be giving away the surprise."

Draco frowned and started to whine, "That's not fair, I wanna know what it is."

Bridget held up a hand and looked at him crossly, indicating that he should stop or be kicked out.

"Fine, then what's it for?"

Bridget smirked, "That's a question I can only half answer. It's for my next trick on Tom."

Hello faithful readers. I know, I know, I'm a horrible updater, I have excuses but you probably don't care. You just want to read more of my story, in which case your prayers have been answered, as I am on mid-year break YAY. I hope to have more updates soon and I would also like your opinions. Would you like me to write a sort of prequel as to how Bridget and Moldyshorts met?

Happy Reading, FaithLavinia.