A/N- I couldn't leave you hanging after I made you guys all mad from making it seemed like I updated ;D 2 chapters in one day:)
Chapter 11
I jumped up from where I was sitting and started to pace around the room, I could hear Derek trying to fight off Will but he was to strong for him. And that's saying a lot! I started to growl again then looked at the door, I went to the wall, counted to three than charged at it. As soon as I was in distance to touch the wood framing I was thrown back against the wall. I clenched my teeth at the impact than slid down the wall and crumpled into a heap. The blow had knocked the wind outta me, leaving me gasping for air on the floor.
I could hear Derek and Will fighting in the kitchen. It sounded like Derek was getting the raw end of the fight, all I heard was his gasps and grunts. Each time I heard one it drove me more crazy. I heard a band and I howled, knowing it was Derek being thrown against something.
Where the hell is everybody? Why did Will lock me in here? Why can't we get a break?
I was turning in circles, trying to find a way to get out of my room and down to help Derek. Everything I tried though failed.
"Chloe." I kept trying to pry the door open with a metal rod I pulled out of my closet organizer.
"Chloe, stop." I heaved on the rod like it was a crowbar.
"CHLOE!" Finally I span, the rod flying out of my hands and landing with a loud clatter in the corner.
Liz stood in front me, staring at me like I was crazy.
"What is going on?" She asked.
"Will locked me in my room with some kind of spell that knock back werewolves and he's down there fighting with Derek right now. It's driving me crazy cause I can't get out and I can hear Derek getting beaten up down there!" I was bouncing in place.
"Okay okay okay! Calm Down! Let me try to open the door!" Liz yelled.
I froze in place, HOW HAD I NOT THOUGHT OF THAT! Liz was a poltergeist she could open the spell locked door as long as it was just locked for werewolves!
I watched Liz run to the door and grab the knob, she didn't get shocked or thrown back. She opened it as easy as any door and waved me through fast, I ran out and bolted to the kitchen. I felt a tremor go down my spine and then I was standing in the doorway growling at Will who had Derek pinned on the ground. Blood was dripping from Derek's nose.
"WHAT! How did you get out?" Will yelled.
I tried to say Liz but all that came out was a snarl. That's when I noticed how big everything looked. I had changed while I was running down the hall, that's what that tremor had been.
I quickly dismissed the shock of how fast and painlessly I had a changed and got into a pouncing position, growling.
Derek quickly took advantage of the distraction and took a good crack at Will's head. He fell off him and onto the floor, Derek jumped on top of him but got blown back as soon as he got another fist up.
Derek splat against the wall, head cracking against it. Will jumped up from the floor and onto the table, glaring at Derek. I charged and tried to body tackling him but hit some kind of barrier that felt similar to the one blocking the house from the rest of the world. I fell onto the floor on my back, I quickly righted myself than ran in front of the crumpled Derek, trying to stall Will while Derek got back on his feet.
"Chloe get out of the way! I don't want to hurt you!" Will yelled, his voice sounded evil.
"Chloe!" Derek coughed behind me, I glanced back. He must have not known it was me since he had never seen me as a wolf. His eyes widened and yelled "WATCH OUT!"
I didn't move fast enough before I got stabbed in side with a butcher's knife from the kitchen. I yelped and started to squirm trying to get off the blade. Will pulled it out of my flank, and I stumbled to the side. Out of no where changing back to human and collapsing in the corner holding my side where blood had drenched my tank.
Everything was starting to fade to black, I heard Derek's snarl and something crack. Next I could feel arms wrapping around me and picking me up. I tried to fight, swinging my arms weakly around, my legs flailing.
"Chloe it's Derek just hang on." I immediately stopped and struggled to see where he was exactly. Once I saw his green eyes I figured out how he was holding me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest.
He was running somewhere, I couldn't tell where and I didn't care. As long as he had me and Will was knocked out or not around us right now.
Derek lay me down on his bed than took my hand and squeezed it, "I'll be right back ok."
I nodded trying to keep my eyes open, but failing horribly. I passed out as soon I Derek walked away from the bed.
This was horrible, first it started with finding out Chloe had been spell locked in her room, then finding out that Will was capable of casting spells on us, then I got in a fight with Will. Next I mixed up my girlfriend with Elena when she came into the kitchen then she got stabbed with a knife in the side.
I was rushing around, trying to find things to clean up Chloe's wound. I could tell that she had passed out. My heart was beating double time, I was moving to fast and stumbling over everything. Finally I got the stuff to clean up an emergency knife cut and I went to fix her up.
After I got Chloe cleaned up I glanced around the room. Trying to calm down, she was still asleep and was no longer covered in blood, it just looked like she was asleep. I sat down on the bed, knowing that Will had spell locked the door again. I had tried the door when I needed to wait a minute with cleaning up Chloe.
I couldn't help but wonder where everyone was when the cell phone on top of the TV in my room went off. I stood and went to get it, it was Andrew.
"Andrew where are you?" I said urgently.
"We're at the store, we should be back soon I was just calling to make sure you were up now. When we left both you and Chloe were asleep so I figured I should let you sleep. Is everything ok?"
"No-" I heard Chloe mumbling something behind me and I turned, her eyes were open, talking to someone and by the floating icepack I knew it was Liz.
"No? What's going on Derek? Where's Chloe?"
"Chloe and I are spell locked into my room by Will, apparently he can do that. But he's going crazy, he locked Chloe in her room and started to fight with me, he gave me a bloody nose and nearly knocked me out, then he stabbed Chloe in the side with the knife from the kitchen. I got her cleaned up but now she's lying on the bed and Liz is holding an icepack on her side. We're ok for now but I don't know if you should come back or not... I don't know what Will is doing right now." I explained.
"CHLOE WAS STABBED!" Andrew yelled. I could hear Tori and Simon yell on the other end too.
"She's okay! I got her cleaned up she's lying down right now, she got out of the room and was helping me with Will when she got stabbed. I'm not going to let Will close to her we're ok right now but... Like I said I don't know what Will is doing." I said.
"Ok just hold down the fort till we get back ok, God I wish Elena and Clay were still there. I'll see what I can do Derek, just make sure Chloe's ok."
"Ok I will." I said, my voice flat.
"Hang in there Derek." Andrew said than hung up.
I set the phone on the table and turned to look at Chloe, the floating ice pack lightly touching Chloe's side, she winced every time it touched.
"Are you ok Chloe?" I said lightly.
She looked back at me, "It hurts." She whispered.
I sat down next to her on the floor and took her hand again. "I know it does Hun just hang on. I'd get you some pain killers but we're locked in again."
"Get rid of him Derek I hate him!" Chloe growled.
I stood back up and hugged her, "I know, I hate him too, and he will be gone soon I promise, I will not let him walk out of this house unharmed again."
Chloe moaned and said "You can put it back."
I looked at her confused, "put what back?"
"Sorry not you, I meant Liz."
I sat on the bed and Chloe pulled me back so I was lying down, than she put her head on my chest and sighed. I rubbed her back, letting her fall back asleep.
A/N- What do u think? PLZ review :)