I lay there staring up at the celling savoring the few moments I had left. Wondering when is would all end...the rumors, the gossip, the jealousy. The new story gracing the covers of tabloids everywhere, 'Bella Swan used her status to get out of a D.U.I '. Witch was of course completely untrue. I don't even drink, my mother was an alcoholic I would have to be a complete idiot to fall in to that. But I understood why that was hard to believe I guess, models have never really had a good rep when it came to drugs and alcohol.

I heard someone knock on my door and just like that, my two minutes of peace were over. Before I got a chance to get up, the door swung open. A short pixie like brunette walked in, Alice was my best friend and manager/personal assistant. She came with me everywhere but, I didn't ask her to bring me coffee or throw my phone at her. It's not like she would even let me, she would probably throw the phone right back... but 5 times harder.

"you have an appointment with Keven Paves at 8:30 to get your color retouched

at 9:30 you have hair and makeup

at 10:00 you have an interview with 'E' about the makeup line from VS

at 10:30 you have hair and makeup again

at 11:00 you have the photo shoot for your Vogue spread

at 1:00 you have the interview

at 1:30 you have a meeting with Kalvin Cline about the new campaign

at 2:30 you have a meeting with the agency

at 3:00 you have hair and makeup yet again

at 3:30 you and the rest of the girls are unavailing the new bigger VS in time square

at 5:00 you have a photo shoot with the rest of the girls in front and inside the store

at 6:00 you go back to the agency to discuss projects that are in production

at 7:00 you have dinner and a movie with Jake

so at 10:30 you get to go home and sleep or whatever your little heart desires" she finished with a smile.

"ughhh" I groaned and fell back on my pillow.

"Bella hunny, I hate to tell you this but you have ten minutes before your first appointment you gotta get up"

"ughhh" I groaned again, but the sound came out muffled since my face was smashed against my pillow.

I reluctantly sat up and started pulling the covers back forcefully along with one of my legs witch was entangled in the blankets, successfully throwing myself off the bed and on to the floor face down.

I just stayed there, wile I heard Alice laughing so hard she was probably falling over herself.

"oh, Bella you are too funny! How you ended up a runway model with you coordination is beyond me" she said still laughing, wile I got up. I just rolled my eyes and went to my closet to get changed, but I guess it really was weird how that happened I was the klutziest girl around. Yet when I stepped on to that runway the adrenalin rush I felt made it so I felt like I was floating, I had yet to fall on the runway and I was hopping to keep it that way.

I walked in to my closet and turned on the light, my closet was the same size or bigger than my room. Alice had helped design it, honestly I thought it was a waste specially in New York where space is money. I mean it's not like the clothes wasn't provided for me wherever I went, so really there was no need for this.

I threw on black tights and a dark gray knit dress and black heel boots. Then I just pulled my hair back in to a messy pony tail and grabbed my sunglasses before going out the door with Alice. We took the elevator down, since my apartment was on the 44th floor.

When we walked outside, as anticipated there was photographers everywhere. I watched as they became desperate for a good picture once I came in to sight. As always I tried to ignore them as I made my way to the limo. I was always worried for Alice however, she was 4 months pregnant and the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt because she was standing to close to me.

"Hey Bella is it true that you tried to seduce that cop that tried to give you a D.U.I!?"

"Bella is it true that you slapped Paris Hilton when she called you ugly!?"

"Bella! Hugh Hefner announced this morning that he wants you to be a centerfold what do you say!?"

"Bella is it true that Kristen Stewart Stole Robert Pattinson from you!?"

"Bella is it true that you and Jacob will be having a spring wedding!?"

"Bella is it true that you are 3 months pregnant and that's why you're leaving Victoria Secret!?"

"Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella!" it was always kind of hard to tune everything out, some questions were just plain stupid. What's next 'Bella is it true you're a alien and were born on mars?'

We slipped in to the limo, and the driver closed the door shutting out all the ridiculous question at least until we arrived at out next stop...

"Bella... I don't know how to tell you this, but this is the last week I can work..." she said slowly, looking afraid of my reaction.

"what do you mean? you quit?" I asked, panic clear in my voice.

"Oh no! God no! I love my job...but I am taking some time off. I hadn't told you because I honestly felt I could work the whole nine months or eight maybe. But Jaz he's just really concerned about me and the baby..." she said looking honestly apologetic.

"It's alright I get it... I mean I will miss you, but he's right you need rest right now. How hard can it be to manage yourself anyways right? I can handle it..." I said feeling a little unsure of myself.

"oh no silly, you won't be managing yourself!" she said giggling, okay now I was confused.

"then who is?..."

"don't worry, you're meeting him today at the meeting with the agency at 6:00. He's really sweet, I think you're going to like him. Also just so we're clear he will just be managing you, if you want him at photo shoots or any fashion shows you can just let him know and he'll be there."

"but won't he be busy with his other models?" I asked perplexed. I mean I know Alice went everywhere with me but that was part of being my personal assistant, not manger.

Alice quickly looked out the window, witch is what she did when she was trying to avoid something.

"Oh hey! Look at how nice the weather is today! You know speaking of good weather, we should vacation in Hollywood again whenever you have a break. I swear the shopping, the beach, it was awesome!"okay babbling about something completely irrelevant, definitely trying to avoid something.

"Alice, I asked you a question. Will you answer me please?" I asked sternly, sounding more like a boss. Because I hardly ever did.

She looked down at her hands before starting "ugh... okay fine, it's just that I wasn't sure how you would react if I told you...that...well he has no other models, or actresses, or singers. He's 21 just like you, he needed money to pay for medical school and was looking for a job. He has absolutely no experience in the field of fashion, management, or advertising...Oh yea and he's relatively unknown to everyone in the industry." she said quickly, leaving me a little speechless. But I found my voice soon enough to yell at her.


"GOSH! CALM DOWN!" she yelled back even louder, that brought me back to reality and I remembered. No one can outdo Alice.

"I'm sorry, it's just...out of all people why did you choose that guy?"

"I told you... he was sweet..."

"seriously Alice?"

"okay, fine... he's also Rosalie's brother" Rosalie was her brother Emmett's girlfriend, and also one of the top models in the the rival to Ford models... Elite models. Rosalie hated me ever since I beat her out for the Vera Wang Venetian Princess campaign. What if her brother hated me too?

"What!? But Rosalie hates me, what if their in cahoots together to ruin my currier or to sabotage me!? What if they have secret meetings together every day under the cover of night fall, just to figure out ways to bring me down!?"

"Bella now you're just being overly dramatic, even for me..."

"fine, I'll admit to that. But still what If he is out to get me?"

"He is not. I met him, he seems really nice and smart. Come on Bella you know I wouldn't leave you in the hands of someone I didn't trust." well I guess she was right, I mean Alice was a pretty good judge of character. I could trust her advice.


It was 1:00 o'clock, time for my last interview of the day. I walked in to the restaurant with Alice, where we had to meet the reporter. The hostess quickly came to seat us.

"Table for two Miss. Swan?" she asked with a huge grin

"actually, someone is already waiting for us under vogue."

"oh right, perfect. Right this way then." she said leading us to a table in the back. As we approached I noticed the older looking man already sitting at the table. We sat down in front of him.

"Hello Miss. Swan I'm Gorge Macdonald for Vogue." he said with a friendly smile and his hand extended. I took his hand to shake.

"nice to meet you Mr. Macdonald."

"I'm Alice Hale" Alice said extending her arm as well.

"nice to meet you too Miss. Hale. Now ladies shall we start?"

"of course" I answered, I just wanted to get this over with already. Gorge took out a very thin laptop from his bag, then he flipped the screen around and grabbed a pen to write on the screen. Wow, cool. I have to get myself one of those.

"Alright, Miss. Swan starting now any statements you make are on the record." I just nodded, I knew how these things worked by now.

"Recently rumors started, saying that you found a way around a D.U.I is that to any extent true?" of course I knew that was coming.

"Absolutely not, I personally don't drink. But if I did I would have taken the punishment. I honestly don't know how that story even got started."

"that's fair. So being only 21 years old, you are obviously very young. How did you get started in the industry and what do you say to young girls who aspire the same thing?"

"Well I got started when I was 18, I was fresh out of high school and I had just moved to New York. I was actually approached by one of the agents from Ford models to come in and test for them. After that I guess they liked what they saw and I've just been working like crazy since then. The advice I want give young girls is, you know just work hard for it. Like every other dream you just have to chase after it." I felt guilty giving advice, I couldn't even take myself...

"good good. I was also wondering how you feel about your highly publicized romance with the quarter back for the New York Giants, Jacob Black." ugh, here we go again, and again, and again...

"Well as you mentioned, um...it is my romance with him, not the world's. I definitely don't enjoy being hounded about our relationship all the time. I mean I'm sure we can all understand that sometimes you just want to keep your private life private."


By 6:00 I was practically dragging myself back to the agency. I was extremely tired. I was actually glad Alice was taking a break from working with me. I loved to have her around, but I worked 13 hour days. She really needed more rest than that. Then it hit me I was still suppose to meet my new or temporary manager today.

We walked in to the building and took the elevator to the 22nd floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I came face to face with my own face. The Office was huge painted white and a dark mauve color, and along all the walls different pictures of models from the agency including my Venetian princess add right in front of the elevator. When you walked in there was pictures of models everywhere, mine mixed In with all the rest. Behind the receptionist was the picture from when I got to wear the 5 million dollar fantasy bra from VS. On the wall to the right they have a black and white picture of me laying on the sand in jeans and a bathing suit top smiling up at the male model on top of me, from an abrocombie add I did when I was 19. On another wall there is a picture of me in pink converse, a hot pink tutu, and a white bra. Wile I'm holding on to a teddy bear with a shocked expression on my face, that was the first add ever did it for Pink by VS.

Even though I knew that's what my job entitled and I had been doing it for three years, it was still weird to see pictures of myself everywhere. Specially in my underwear, when I had first started modeling it seemed like more of a big deal though. Now it wasn't so bad. I mean it's not like I'm super comfortable in my underwear but it's my job and plus I would never do more. Nothing nude ever, I even signed a contract about it.

We walked in to the conference room, I'm guessing we will meet my manger there. When we were inside I noticed a boy sitting at the table he was wearing black pants, old black Nike shoes, a white collard shirt and a black tie. He seemed to be mumbling something to himself. Then Alice cleared he throat loudly, getting his attention. He stood up abruptly, patting his tie down and walking over to us. That's when I noticed his messy tousled bronze colored hair. I got the strangest urge to run my fingers through it to see how soft it was. No, bad Bella. You'd look like a humongous freak if you did that.

He stepped right in front of us and extended his arm to me.

"hello, I'm...well I'm your new manager Eward Cullen" he said in a velvet smooth voice.

I took his hand to shake it, and it was like electric shock ran through me the moment our skin came in contact. My eyes shot up to look at him, and his emerald green eyes looked a little wide too. All shock forgotten when I looked into his eyes, they were like endless pools of green. I figured I probably looked like an idiot by gaping at him so I quickly averted my gaze somewhere else. Then I noticed one of the buttons on his shirt was off and I giggled without meaning too. His eye brows pulled together in confusion.

"I'm sorry, it's just one of the buttons on your shirt is off" I managed.

He looked down quickly and sighed.

"of course, this could only happen to me" he said, hi cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"what do you mean?" I asked

"well I think I'm prone to bad luck, I mean how else do you explain missing a button on your shirt the day you're going to meet one of the most beautiful woman in the world?" he looked so cute when he was embarrassed, I couldn't help myself from teasing him some more.

I shot my eye brow up and gave him a stern look "one of them?" his eyes widened again and it looked like he was racking his brain for a fix

"ugh no! I meant the most, I mean I haven't met all of them. But from pictures you're definitely the most, I swear!" at that I started laughing, and Alice joined me

"I'm just messing with you Edward" I said still laughing

"I would never make you tell me I'm the most beautiful woman ever, because everyone knows that's far from the truth. I just wanted to see what you did" I said with a smile and he smiled too, I was glad he didn't seem mad.

"oh okay then, for a second there I thought I was getting fired before I even started." he said wiping mock sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. I laughed at that, and then we finally got seated at the desk before the my ford agents came in.

After the meeting I said good bye to Alice before she left. Then I noticed Edward was packing up his things. He was actually really smart just like Alice had said, he took noted throughout the meeting about my upcoming projects. I didn't know too much about him yet other than he was smart, he was my new manager, he was Rosalie's brother (by the way complete opposites), he was going to school to be a doctor, he was dorky...and oh yea I found him freaking cute. It's not like I was going to do anything about it though, he was after all working for me, and I had a boyfriend. But still it wasn't wrong to want to get to know him better right? I bet Jacob would like to meet him too. I could ask him if he's free tonight.

I walked after him because he was already walking out to the elevator.

"Hey Edward wait up" He stopped and turned around, hitting me with a crooked grin that quite frankly dazzled the heck out of me.

"um.. hey I was wondering, since you know we're going to be working together so much we could get to know each other a little better. Are you free tonight?" a wide grin spread across his face.

"that would be awesome" he said

"great, that way you can meet my boyfriend too" I said excitedly. His smile seemed to waver.

"oh yeah, that does sound great"