Disclaimer: According to some weird twist of fate; this story is now completely and utterly mine! *Evil cackling* … Nope, don't own it.

AN: Kinda linked to my story Just Plain Evil…

Summary: Harry's father is alive after all… Tom Riddle and Harry Potter's wedding ceremony us interrupted HP/LV Implied LV/JP, incest and mpreg. Parody

--Fatherly Relations--

Harry held onto the hand of his fiancé and they recited the soul bond that would join them in holy – and magical – matrimony.

Just before they completed the final stage to the bond, however, a notice from the ministry transported itself into the middle of the room.

Harry frowned and while muttering about stupid ministries unfolded the parchment. His face draining of colour the further his eyes travelled down the page.

Tom glanced worriedly at his lover and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong he asked concerned as Harry looked like he might pass out at any second. He delicately navigated his arm around his shoulders and tried to peer at the note that had his love so worried.

Harry sat down wearily before wordlessly handing the ministry letter over to Voldemort.

'To Harry James Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle,
the Ministry of Magic would like to inform you that father-son marriages are not permitted in England at this current time.
If you would like a list of countries where this service is provided please contact the Department of Interbreeding and Specialised Marriage.
If you have any queries you can contact the head of the department,
Wishing you a pleasant evening,
Marcia Grace
Head of the Department of Interbreeding and Specialised Marriage.'

Tom Riddle dropped the parchment to the ground and flinched slightly.

"Ouch. I knew I shouldn't have slept with your father." Voldemort sank to the couch and irritately ran a hand over his bald head. Harry only sighed in response.

"So… What do you want to do about this then?" he asked his raven-haired lover and son.

Harry frowned and Rubbed at his scar absentmindedly, trying to think of an appropriate response. After ten minutes of thinking he looked up at Tom and smiled crookedly.

"You wanna go to Vegas?".