Disclaimer: You should know it by now, but if not: I don't own these characters, and please don't sue me.

The wind blew around him, causing an icy chill to cut into him, and snow fell upon his body as he stayed motionless. His knees are on the ground, along with his hands, head buried deep in his palms crying and trying to overcome the great force it took to speak all he did to the spirit. With a 'sniff' and a drying of his eyes he looked up to see what fate had in store for him.

The first thing he notices is that he is looking at a wooden floor; a wooden floor that he is sure his feet had traveled before. He turns his head to the right to see a king sized bed, with sheets and a quilt that he owns. To the left: two large glass doors are open, swaying with the wind letting in the snow and freezing temperature.

Slowly, he stands to his feet, "Was it all just a dream?" Another turn of his head, looking all around him, "No, the spirits must have come, but if they didn't?" He ponders that for a moment, "Could that have all been just a nightmare? What of me now? Regardless, whether the spirits were real or if I'm just losing my mind, which I shouldn't, I'm not even fifty yet, I will live every day like it is Christmas, I will enjoy every day to the fullest, just like the Ghost of Christmas Present said. I will remember the lessons of the past, and never repeat those mistakes, and know that the man I am is because of the man I was, I have the Ghost of Christmas Past to thank for that." A chill not from the still opened doors runs up his spine as he thinks of the last spirit, "And I will do all I can for those around me, I will change from the man I was, I have this chance and I'll take it. The scene that the Ghost of Christmas Future will not happen, I will make it so that will be just a bad memory, the last of my life!"

He goes through his room from one side to another, from one random spot to the next, talking to himself, for he cannot contain his joy, "I just don't know what to do. I'm as light as a feather, I'm as happy as an angel, I'm as merry as a school boy, well not me as a school boy anyway.

Xemnas jumps for joy, something that he had never done in his life before. "I'm alive. I'm alive!" He falls to his knees in a loud prayer, "Thank you, oh thank you my dearest friend Marly, you are the best thing that happened to me, you saved my soul, I know you have. Thank you for sending those spirits, no angels, they must have been. Thank you! You are the most important…no, wait." Thoughts of someone else come to his mind. "It may not be too late, but there is so much work to be done, and that paper! What day is it? What time is it? Must know, must know." Xemnas looks for a calendar, a watch, something, but to no avail, in his panic his eyes fall on those still open doors, "I see daylight, someone must be out and about." With that he races onto the cold veranda, catching himself on the railing outline the small space, as he looks for anyone to talk to, anyone will do.

Looking back and forth, at neck breaking speed, he looks for someone, then he spots…a young caroler, "You boy!"

The boy stopped in his tracks, to see where that voice came from, and if that vocalization was addressed to him. Deciding to look up, he sees a man with long white hair looking down at him, "Please don't be Catholic" he says to himself. Summoning his courage he responds to the man, "Yes? Me sir?"

"Yes you boy!"

"Um…what is it sir?"

"What day is it today?"

"Like day of the week sir?"

"No, no, no, no, no, you silly lad, what I mean is, is this a special day out of the year? Is it just an ordinary one? What is the date?"

"Well in that case, today is the twenty-fifth of December, Christmas Day."

Excited yet again the senator exclaims, "It's Christmas Day! It really is? The spirits did it all in one night! They can do anything they like. Of course they can they are spirits after all!"

The boy, now wide-eyed, stares up at this man thinking; he is talking about spirits and talking to himself, he must be drunk or something, I need to get out of here. Seeing that man is looking for him to talk the boy just says, "Of course they can…haha." He puts on a big smile and then rushes off to get away from this crazy man.

Xemnas watches him run off, "What a pleasant experience it was to talk with him, it's Christmas! Oh, I have so much to do and such little time to do it in, first my suit. No something casual and warm, no a suit, that way I can go from there to there, yes perfect!"

In a few short minutes Xemnas is dressed in his finest suit, a classic two button, jet black from shoulders down to his feet. His shoes shinning brilliantly, his reflection easy to be seen as he looks down at them. His dress shirt beneath his blazer is a perfect white, with a passionate red tie around the collar. He decides to leave his hair hang down, after thinking on maybe a ponytail, but eventually thinking 'nah' in the mirror.

"Okay then, I'll call a taxi, and make some calls on the way, oh I have so much to do, so much to make up for, but I will. By God in heaven I will!"


Outside the apartment Xemnas has to calm down his giddy self, and adopt his old demeanor. With a roll of his shoulders, and a quick snapping of his neck, he knocks thrice on the door, "And here we…go."

"Sora! Sora Cratchit!"

In a timid manner, the owner of the house opens his front door to see none other than his employer, senator Xemnas.

"M-Mr. Xemnas, sir."

"So here you are Sora. You were not at work this morning, as we had discussed." Though it is still morning, and by the speaker's watch, which he checked on his way over, it is only about nine in the morning.

"But, but we did discuss it. Today is Christmas and you gave me the day off." Beads of sweat pour down the back of the brunette's neck.

"I, I would do something like that?" The politician scoffs.

"No, I mean yes. Well you did."

"Sora, I have had my fill of this."

Kairi, who was standing behind the door, out of sight, but still listening to the conversation, now pushes her husband out of the way to address her 'guest', "And I have had my fill of you Mr. Xemnas!"

"And therefore Sora Cratchit."

"And therefore you can leave our house at once," The fired up redhead almost barks.

"And there for I'm about to raise your salary!"

"And therefore I'm about to raise you right off the pavement! Wait…what?"

The couple looks at each other in bewilderment, then at the man on their front steps, "Pardon?" They say in unison.

With a smile that makes his eyes look like slits, "Yes Sora I'm going to double…no triple your salary, pay the mortgage on your house, and find Tiny Roxy a…um where is he?"

A sweet messy blonde comes to the door, with aide of his crutch, "Did someone call for me?"

"There he is, yes." He squats down to eye level with the young lad, "I will find you the best doctors, get you the best medicines, and do all in my power to make you well again; how about that?"

Roxy's deep, pure blue eyes shone clear with his tears of joy as he leapt toward his savior, hugging onto his neck for dear life. Roxy had always heard this man he was now hugging characterized as a heartless demon by all those that knew him, but would such a creature offer what he did? No, not in his mind.

Xemnas is shocked by this sudden display of affection, never had he experienced anything of this kind. He stays motionless, only to look up to the child's parents for some guidance. Kairi brought her hand to her mouth to strife a gasp and Sora just beamed with delight at the sight. Seeing that he wasn't getting any help from them, Xemnas thinks he might as well hug the child back, a moment later the young cripple looks up to his benefactor, "God bless you Mr. Xemnas."

The recipient feels his heart stop in his chest at those words. Never did he ever get such praise, and to him, for not even doing that much. Xemnas picks up the child, propping him up on his hip as he speaks to the parents, "Sora, Kairi, would you two," He looks at the boy in his arms, "And your family like to join me in Christmas dinner? It'll be at my nephew's, and I already made the call to see it would be okay. You can imagine how surprised Zack was when not only did I ask if I was still invited, but if you and your family could come, Sora. Naturally he said yes! So if you want, you can head over there now, dinner starts at three sharp, so you'll have plenty of time to get to know everyone," Now looking at Roxy and the other children that have gathered by the door, "And play with your Christmas presents, which I had delivered there."

Sora looks at his wife, "Well honey, he drives a hard bargain."

Before his wife can respond, Xemnas interjects, "I already gave the taxi driver the address, all you have to do is hop in."

With a sigh, "Fine, I'm sure the children will enjoy it…thank you Mr. Xemnas"

"The pleasure is all mine ma'am," He hands Roxy over to his father, and waits as the family piles into the cab. "I hope they enjoy the party," He looks down at his watch, "Hm…I need to get going," As he gets into the second taxi that pulled up the moment the first left he remarks to himself, "Merry Christmas Sora…ha, I do think I'm going to enjoy being around children. Alright driver to the Capitol, get me there in record time, and I'll give you double the fare!" With a slam of the gas pedal, the yellow cab was off to take its passenger to quite possibly the most important moment of his career.

At the building he tips the driver and makes his long march to the door, formulating what he will say when he addresses the assembly. It is still his right; the reason that this bill is being heard is because of him, but now. Now he is thankful for it for a new reason a reason to change, and an attempt at salvation. This made all the more clear as he sees the two opposing sides on the steps. To his right, those that wish for marriage to be between one man and one woman, with signs and chants proclaiming their belief, and on his left, those that see the opposite view point, that marriage should be between two people that love each other, regardless of gender.

Those on his right are now cheering him, for they feel that what he will do will be in their interest and those on his left mock him and yell insulting remarks for they 'know' how he will vote and what it will mean to their hard work. At the doors he looks up to offer a quick silent prayer, in the hope that he is doing the right thing. He knows deep down in his heart of hearts it is, but still he has his doubts on how it will be received.

Outside of the chamber Xemnas spies two familiar faces, the men that the day before asked for a donation. Xemnas walks toward them before he tries to make history, "Gentlemen!"

"M-Mr. Xemnas!" Both men still have yesterday's exchange in their head.

"Excuse me gentlemen, but about the donation you asked me for yesterday," He pulls out his checkbook from his inside pocket along with a pen. He makes a few quick strokes with his pen and tears out the slip of paper, "Here you go gentlemen."

The shorter of the two hesitantly take the offered paper, both look in awe at the number, the taller one fainting at the sight, "Th-this much sir?"

"Every penny of it, a great many back payments are included in that."

"Well thank you sir, we are speechless at your generosity aren't we um…" He turns to see his fellow worker still on the ground, "Well he's unconscious, but certainly grateful…thank you sir, and a very Merry Christmas to you!"

"A Merry Christmas to you and your friend as well, if you don't mind," He shoots a thumb to the door, "I have some more business to take care of, I'll see you around."

He walks down the path to the center of the room, all senators rise in respect, or for most, obligation, and all fear what he may do to their careers if respect is not given to the Majority Leader. At the center point he collects his ideas, takes a breath and lets the rest flow from his heart.

"My fellow senators, from every state from both of our parties, I ask you consider the facts, there is not a single shade of gray in facts and that is how we must think and something that is wrong, we must deal with this in absolutes, we must see things for what they are, as something black or something white, something that is right. Facts are, or should be, our guidelines. Please consider, that throughout much of history the terms 'queer' and 'pervert' and 'faggot' along with many other unsightly names have been attached to those with the lifestyle which we here address this day. I say this for our children's sake, for our honor and pride of holding these seats, granted by our fellow citizens, we members of the Senate must make the correct decision. In the course of time, society changes, just to be changed again. Someday, perhaps, a spirit of greater tolerance may prevail, but that day is not this day. Our decision must be based on the here and now, on society as it exists today. Too many oppose any change, any alteration of this precious institution..."

Knowing that he has their attention and believing that he is still the same man, he can now change things up. Louder than before, he continues, "For the sake of the majority, not of the minority, that is how things have been, we must remember our history, and learn its lessons well. For the sake of the many, we must remember…we must remember justice, above all else; justice for all, not of the many, but for all. Too often, our role devolves to that of being mere guardians of the status-quo, just keeping this business as usual, blind to the world outside this room."

A murmur spreads throughout the room, expressions of confusion, of surprise, filling the chamber as the senators, both his party and opposite realize that he does not intend to vote how all thought he would. Some of those gazes turn towards him in concern, "'For the children', that creed, is one often spoken when addressing this issue. Yes, for the children, our sons, our daughters, but for all of our children, are they not all worthy of justice? Marriage may seem like a small thing in the grand scheme, what is this compared to war, or the economy, but marriage denied is the very measure of inequity; the last fortress of the last acceptable prejudice. I'm sure we all agree that prejudice based upon color is wrong; on that statement, and we must acknowledge here today, that prejudice based upon whom we love is wrong."

"We must not succumb to religious bigotry, for that bigotry has found use, throughout the course of human history, to support slavery, to support racism, along with a host of other shames and evils that no sane person would ever dream of. No, we must act, for the children; those living, and those yet to be. Countless lives have been lived in fear, lives wasted in hiding, or in lies, forced to conceal their love and in so many cases never knowing love, which may be the greatest loss of all. Think of the children, then, of the sons and daughters who will face denial, self-loathing, hate and even death, think of so many lives wasted, wasted in denial and deceit, lives like theirs... The pain and loneliness that they have felt..."

He takes a deep breath, knowing that these final words will make everything clear to not only this room, but the country and the world, "No, not they. In truth, for that pain and loneliness...the word I must use is we. Yes, despite how I have behaved in the past, it is time that I speak the truth, for I am a changed man. I admit here before God and all of you that I am a homosexual. And I will vote to pass this bill that allows those of a like situation to mine to marry the one they love, despite being the same gender. We must remember that marriage, once upon a time could be between a man and multiple wives, also it was acceptable at another time for a lord to pick a marriageable couple from his serfs, and sleep with the woman on her first wedded night. Neither of those practices are in effect this day, not in today's society, for the most part, we marry someone because we love that person. Not because we were matched at birth, and many marry without the permission of their parents, why you may ask. It's because they love one another, and some parents would get between the greatest gift God gave us. We must always remember that to love another person is to see the face of God. Can we deny such a relationship? I will not! And if any of you feel as I do, feel that this makes sense, and wish to do something worthwhile with your lives, let's vote to pass this bill. Let us do something worth remembrance, vote with me, vote for something other than a salary increase, something that will truly be world changing! Vote to make history and make it true that all people are created equal that we are not a nation of 'separate but equal' what say you? How does the Senate vote?!"


Xemnas is glad that he made sure that this was a session of Congress closed to the media that the world would know of what happened by a member telling the world. A podium is set up right at the start of the stairs, microphones for all the major networks are attached to it, journalist and camera people not far from the wood. A hush falls over the boisterous crowd; all hold their breath to know the answer.

"It is my great pleasure and joy to announce," He gives a dramatic pause to soak in the tension, the grins of the 'right' and the growing groans of the 'left'. "It is my great pleasure and joy to announce that by a vote of 67 to 33 the bill passed! Same-sex marriage is now legal and recognized throughout the country!"

The conservatives are shocked and so too are the liberals, each found that the man speaking had become just the opposite of what they thought. The 'right' boos their 'poster boy' and the 'left' doesn't know what to do, (why should now be different?), in seeing their opposition do one thing, naturally they take the 180 degree turn and cheer the Republican leader.

Xemnas basks in the wonderful irony of the moment, but he sees a flash of blue. Despite the swarm of reporters wanting to know the details, Xemnas bounds into the liberal sea.

"Make a hole! Make a hole! Let me through!" He yells as the surprised people comply, and there he is, near the road. There he stands; long blue hair, just as before, a scar across his face from a time before they broke up, those unnatural yellow eyes…Saïx.

"Wait! Wait!" Xemnas calls.

"Just because you did that doesn't change the past between us." The man near growled.

"Just hear me out, please. For old time's sake?"

"I thought you wanted me out of your life so you could be the big shot statesman."

"I did, then but jeez look at you. You're still the same, trying to save the world."

"You too Xem, you're still trying to rule it."

At least he hasn't left yet and better still he's talking, Xemnas thinks. "I was a fool, I know that now, what I did was wrong and if I had the chance to go back and right that wrong I would do it in a heartbeat. Alas, that is something that no mortal can do. I admit that I am just that, a mere man, that has made many mistakes in his life, but I will not allow myself to make one now. I have learned my lessons and have taken them to heart; I live everyday henceforth like it is this day: Christmas Day. Saïx…" He drops to one knee and grabs the hand of the only person he has ever loved this deeply, "I would like you to be a part of each and every one of those days, Saïx would you marry me?"

The one addressed bites the side of his lower lip; he vowed that he would never even see this man again, after what he did to him. Despite all the years, this man on his knee in front of him is the only man that has been on his mind. Yes, he tried to move on, he tried very hard, but for some reason all came up short. The silvered haired devil also had a silver tongue, but never wanted to be suckered into believing another word from it, but here he is still holding on, cameras going off, journalists trying to ask him questions, clamor from the crowd and all the orange eyes are looking at are yellow ones.

The one standing lets out a sigh that makes the heart of the one kneeling beat as if it's going to break out of his chest "How I've waited to hear you say that."

Xemnas pops up to grab onto his fiancé's body, a body he'd forgotten how good it felt to be pressed against. He leans his face in close to the other's, as if asking permission to advance, he takes the blush as a green flag and goes for it. All around gasp at the spectacle of the Republican Majority leader in a fierce lip lock with a man. The two engaging in the act pay no heed to the rest of the world, for them there is only this moment, this reunion that took too long.

Xemnas breaks the kiss, "I'm sorry for what I did, I know it's not much, but there is a Christmas dinner that I'm sure you'll enjoy and after, maybe I can make up for all the time we spent apart?"

"Dinner sounds good, and WE will make up for the lost time." He gives a quick kiss to make the deal.

"Just let me make a call, um, can you hail a taxi my X-face?"

"Agree to never call me that again and I'll do it."

Already dialing the number he looks up, "Yes dear."

The crowd is still around them just a few feet away as Xemnas gets on the phone, "Excuse me everyone," He address the easily over a hundred people, "Can you be quiet while I make this call? Thank you."

The phone is picked up on the other side, "Yes hello? Oh, Tifa, yes how are you…good good…oh, they are enjoying their presents, wonderful, they're not being a bother are they…is that right he did that…well that's nice…so they're getting along fine…no please thank you for letting them come over…haha I never would have imagined Cid doing that…hmm well kind of…yes, speaking of which I was wanting to make sure that you have room for my fiancé at the party…good good thank you…don't worry about it the taxi just got here, yes I know hon I'm coming…no not you that was him…yes him…look I'll explain it all when we arrive okay…okay…alright…I'll see you in a few…haha okay…bye." He hung up his phone and placed it in his pocket, getting in the cab, now not even acknowledging the crowd tapping at the window.

"So who was that?"

"That was my nephew's wife, she's nice, well so is everyone else you'll meet at the party, oh we'll have so much fun."

"I can't believe it's really you."

"How do you mean?"

"You're just not the same as you were."

"And is that that a bad thing?"

"No, no it isn't, it's really nice actually. You seem to be the way I always knew you were deep down."

"Yeah it just took a visit by some friends of mine to change me."


"Oh, I'll tell everyone at the party."

"Alright then."


"Yeah Xem?"

"Merry Christmas, and God Bless you for being you."

"Merry Christmas, and God Bless Us." Thinking about the history his soon to be life-partner made, "God Bless Us, Every One!"

AN: Thank you to all that read this story, alerted it, faved it, REVIEWED it, my wonderful editors, that make things actually make sense.

I hope you enjoyed my take on the classic story. It's my first complete multi-chapter work, so yeah that was fun. It was a task and a half to get this done in a month, but I somehow did it. Merry Christmas everyone! Try to live everyday like t is Christmas, with goodwill and joy and happiness. I suppose the words of Jonathan Larson also deserve to be here, since they epitomize a moral of this story, the words are from: RENT "No Day But Today"

Remember every day is a blessing, so live it well, we never know when our time is up, so help your fellow man, be kind, work to make this world better than it was when you came into it.

It's been a blast to have you read my work, thank you all. You reading this is such a great Christmas gift. Love yas!

Thank you to my wonderful editors: Sammy-Dee and Lovetoread1983. If you are not familiar with them, what are you waiting for? Go read their work, it's cause of them I write now.

Speech influenced by CJames.