"Yeah, you're glad." Charlie rolled his eyes, showing off another smug-like smirk. "What are you guys doing here anyway?" he asked.

I close my right eye, hesitating to answer. Should I tell him that I may be a doctor when I get older? Or should I just lie to him? I make a whimper and a grunt. Maybe lying to Charlie wouldn't be as bad…but thinking of the consequences. Oh boy, he'll never forgive me and for some reason, he has the 'power' to see through people's lies. "Um…" I said bluntly and a bit scared.

"Well, speak up, Perry!" he insisted, his smirk growing wider. He places his arm over my shoulder rather forcefully and gives out a chuckle. "Come on, Neil. Tell me. I don't bite…much."

I stare at Todd and back at Charlie, gripping my hand on his. "After you and Keating left…um, I-I," I couldn't say it. I kept choking back on my words, but my head kept telling me to spit it out. Just say it! "I'm going to be a doctor. Just like father asked me to. I…um…I…" my voice started breaking and as I try to say a word, a small croak would replace it.

Charlie didn't say anything but his grip tightened around my neck, nearly choking me. I shift my hand and clutch onto his arms, forcing him to let go. But he's too strong for me. "Wh-why?" he asks, a small amount of sadness screamed out with his question.

"I don't know." I attempt to shrug but his arm just kept pushing me down, my feet hardened and planted firmly on the ground. After an excruciating minute, he finally lets go and I can breath normally now. I gasp for air repeatedly and Todd hurried to my side when I started stumbling back. "I don't know! Why'd you have to get expelled? Just because of Cameron? Sure he's a fink, sure he ratted Keating out, sure he's ugly as hell but you didn't need to punch him!"

"Oh, so you're avoiding answering my question and retort back a question about me and that ass?! Wow, real mature, Neil! I had every right to punch him!" he said, a bit aggravated from me. "So, answer my question, Neil."

I look at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "I got tired from all the acting. All the stress that everyone puts on you." obviously, this was an excuse. Excuses, excuses, that's all I know now.

"I hate you." he said bluntly, about to tear. "You're an absolute idiot, Neil." he added as I stare at the ground.

"Hey…" I look up and see Charlie, his head titled lightly. "Whatcha up to?"

I shrug. "Nothing. You?" I avoided any eye contact with him, it's only been an hour since our little argument. He hates me. Why does everyone hate me now? Because I'm not who I used to be? Go blame father, not me! But isn't it partially my fault as well? God…this is all so confusing.

"Nothing." he said, repeating me.

"I have something to tell you." I confessed. You may not know it either so this'll be the first for you as well. "Um…you know about the whole 'doctor thing'…uh, I'm not lying about that. But you know about the acting thing?" I look up at him again with earnest eyes. "I lied. I…I've been taking private lessons with this guy from Louisiana. He says he's thinking about staying, which is fortunate for both of us."

"Y-You're…you're taking acting lessons? Without your father knowing it? My God, is it Neil!" he shouts with great yearn. "Damn it, man, I love you."

I stare at him, trying to find out whether he was serious or not about that 'I love you' dilemma. "What?"

"Hey, c'mon, you're still up for acting! My God, I thought your father's crazy ideas would've gotten the better of you! Have you told Todd about this?" he asked, bringing back that optimistic and youthful 'God-like' attitude. When I shook my head, he hits me on the head with the palm of his hand. Quite hard as well. "You moron! You told me a secret that Todd doesn't know about?! You…dear God, you are a moron."

"Hey!" I yell at him, rubbing my head tenderly. "That hurt."

Charlie rolls his eyes. "I intended to do that, ya know." he sighs and grabs my arm. "You're gonna tell Todd. Now!"

I didn't resist with the tug and follow him but what I did resist was to tell Todd about it. "Ha! No way, Charlie. I am not doing that!"

"Why not?"

"Because he won't be my friend anymore. He'll think I'm a liar!" I protested.

Charlie stops dead in his tracks and turns to face me. "You may be the same Neil I know…and maybe love, but you're a complete moron."