Title: The Lemonade
Author: Chloe Fluer
Category: Humor/Comfort/Romance
Rating: M
Summary: It's time for Geekella to make some changes in her life. With the help of a book and peer counselor in new school, she takes steps forward to becoming her own woman and reconnects with her distant father. The title is a warning - lemons all the way :)
Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight series and all the characters. I am just messing around and having fun.

Homework took more time that I was planning it would. Apparently, the vacation of Calculus I took from the end of last semester pushed me out of the loop. When I came across the problem while slowing first set of assignment, I was stunned. I was the queen of readiness, if there was a slightest possibility that I would not be able to master anything assigned in homework, I would have help books lined up. This was disturbing. My mind went to Phoenix, to Brian Freedman. The dark side of Isabella Marie Swan was slowly uncovering itself. I was desperate enough over a little problem in Calculus homework to break a promise thatI made to myself; I would not be a first-class bitch to Brian, who was ever so sweet to me. My mind took me back to that evening when he kissed me, the evening I probably gave myself a concussion from banging the back of my head to the bathroom closet. The bump on the back of my head was there for over a week, reminding me about my sin.

Brian was also partly responsible for my confidence with Calculus. Once he introduced me to AP book guide for Calculus/Trigonometry/Geometry, I felt like Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and the arts. Well, I felt like Saraswati more when I would listen to Eric Satie. And to be completely honest, I never came up with enough patience to read the Vedas. I was very eager to read them, because in Sanskrit, Vedas mean knowledge – something I was very eager to attract to my world. Even if it were from the culture, I was very confused to read about and even when it came to mathematical problems – that I knew were all around in practical world – I never cared enough to give myself into the world of numbers and measures.
Eventually, the book proved to be helpful one more time and I nailed homework. I knew I needed to start working ahead soon so that Calculus would not become an unnecessary problem in Forks High School. That Mr. Varner had a malicious look in his eyes and I could feel another pop quiz coming on soon. Being on top of the school material was essential.

The rest of the homework was indeed light. I reedited my essay for Italian about Italian music in The Baroque. I loved that paper. I still remember reading about it late into the night and listening to Vivaldi and bits and fragments of his opera "Il Giustino", and of course the famous "Four seasons".

The bad part of that paper was that I was too involved in writing and researching it, that I did not pay enough attention to spelling and tenses. The teacher, Ms Scali, handed me in the paper that very same day after lunch break, encouraging me to give it one more check. After all, I handed it in two days early, just in case. So, now I was sure it was perfect and I was done with Italian homework for this week.

Afterward, I called my mom. She was texting me all day and I was no being very generous with responses. It was all because someone managed to mess up my mind. Anyhow, Renee was hungry for information. She was angry that the DSL was not installed yet, because she wanted to try Skype and a web cam. She and Phil were doing fine and were both feeling weird without me in the house. Renee was honest enough to tell me how she only now realized that it was me all along making sure there was Brazilian coffee in the house.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't have been so attentive. It is a good thing, but sometimes you need to push for the credit."

What was I ssupposed to do? Ignore the lack of coffee? The fuel that ran my mother? That was just bad marketing, in my opinion.

I did not tell Renee about the mysterious MASEN port that I hooked up to the other night because I was sure it would not be open again, thought I really hoped it would be. My cell phone had very poor battery that I had to recharge every single day.

I turned my laptop on and kept telling myself: "It has to be there ! IT MUST BE" - almost like a mantra.

As my wallpaper said hello to me and my iCal reminded me of all the events coming up in January - the sound of PING made me jump out of my seat. My laptop made an automatic connection to MASEN network because, apparently I authorized it the last time as "safe". I could not remember doing that. What I could remember was being worried about my own stupidity of hooking on to an unknown server.

How I managed to glance to that pink book again was out this universe. I scanned to the contents of the book and there was the part called "Tackling your Technophobia", and the first chapter of it was "How To Love Your Computer". How-to books had the most hilarious chapter names. How to love your computer though...was just too much to consider seriously. Pointers about weather the Big Brother is watching us all were making chills come down my spine, and so was the thought of MASEN network. In the pink book, Bill Gates was quoted saying that often (dealing with computers), you are to rely on your intuition. My inner self was torn between doubts and thrill of the connection to the whole world out there. The world I was unhappy to leave, yet determined to do it. I knew that coming to the lost world of Forks was attached with difficulties, but only now have I realized how much of a spoiled teen I was. I couldn't adapt living without my precious resources.

Overtaken by impatience, I gave in.

There were e-mails to be answered and all those blogs I was used to reading. As last time, the connection was amazing. I opened over 30 tabs at once and my e-mail was overtaken by photos sent by Renee. She finally got on friendly terms with bluetooth on her phone and computer. My Italian teacher, Ms. Scali, sent me my old essays and some of her own presentations from her previous lectures. She wished me all the best in new high school and wrote me that she would miss me dearly, and if I ever needed any help or advice, that she was there for me.

Brian e-mailed me.

Of course he did.

He wanted to know how I was doing. Again. I starred his email. I would reply. I promised myself. Once I would have something to write him about, besides thinking about Edward's fingers and eyelashes. Brian wanted to stay in touch in case we might end up in the same university some day. I, on he other hand, could not remember what exactly did he want to major in. He was good at pretty much everything, and while he'd talked about his future, I'd think about him pressing his body against mine. Thoughts like those were disturbing to me. They made me feel weak and pathetic, but most of all I was shocked by the intensity of the sexual power that suddenly woke up in me. Like the volcanic eruption, but the date of the eruption was unclear. It was connected with arrival of Phil to my mother's life. The way I used Brian to satisfy my inner primal needs was just horrifying.

There were so many updates and new blog entries to read. There were videos tutorials with post-holiday diets and just before I left Phoenix, I subscribed to make up tutorial channel on Youtube. It was by a girl from Florida who used to blog on Xanga and had the most lovely skin and features. What I liked the most about her tutorials was the fact that she wasn't into prying over her collections of all kinds of make up, blushes etc. She was teaching and was pretty good at it. Very creative and helpful. I loved her Everyday Chick School Look; that for me worked as the top model apperance. Brian loved the way my eyelids sparkled in the moonlight that day I manage to pulled of that look. He had never seen me wearing make up before that one time. Only now I realize how cruel that was to him. I was giving him everything a teenage boy would want or need from a girl that would hold his interest.

Thinking about Brian made me feel bad. Of course, it was even worse now that Edward came so suddenly into the picture. How I managed to experience this day without crashing my head to the nearest wall in school was out of me.

The latest make-up tutorial was just amazing. If only I were able to get up in the mornings half an hour earlier… My make up box came its way to Forks so I gave this natural look a shot in front of my laptop, with a small mirror and the result was pretty good. I managed to make my pale complexion look healthy in evening light of foggy Forks. My lips were slightly darker for some reason. Well, darker than I remembered. Maybe it was just the cold air, the change of climate. I was so sure I wasn't imagining this subtle change in my physical appearance. So, I started to examine my ears, because I read somewhere that ears – like the nose – grow all your life. Still my nose looked the same, and so did my ears. Slightly pointy, but not enough to qualify for an elf.

Charlie's sudden arrival home from the station disturbed me for some reason. He was also getting used to seeing my face after opening the front door. I preferred to meet him downstairs than him yelling his salute right after stepping into the house. Charlie was weird that way, yet it was fun getting to know all his little ticks and vocabulary. He brought fish from La Push. Apparently, the chief of tribe, Billy Black, had this other fiend who made Charlie's favorite homemade fish fry.

So that's what we had for dinner. Charlie was good at making fires, which did not surprise me at all. He might have stocked this place right before I moved into his place, but his freezer gave away his eating habits and there were fish, burgers, pizzas and various microwave meals.

But he tried to change that, knowing I was peculiar on food. You are what you eat. Same can be said about what you read, but i think in this junk time, food is more important. I had nothing against burgers or fires. On occasion, one a week maybe, but being a daily meal - no way. I actually enjoyed homemade fried chicken, plus I enjoyed having fires and milkshakes with Renee after all a whole evening of shopping in probably the largest mall in the state of Arizona. For some reason, Phil completely understood this combination of salty fries and extra sweet vanilla milk shake. And Renee was so sure she would never find a guy with such twisted desire for food. I, on the other hand, never doubted the male ability to digest any kinds of tasty twisted combinations.

Charlie kept telling me about about fish recipes and how he never managed to make fish this good as this friend from La Push. Yet, the name of this cherished friend never escaped Charlie's lips. I did not want him to know I noticed this anomaly in his pattern of behavior. All the hours spent watching Criminal Minds and similar TV shows made me more observant of human behavior. My father's cheerfulness was radiant even while we took care of the dishes and the leftovers.

"So, the small-town school is working for you?" He winked at me while putting the dry plates in the cupboard.

"Yeah, it is not as bad as I dreaded it would be."

"Well, at least you surely don't have to worry about remembering hundreds of names. I am sure that there are not that more than two or maybe three dozen of students in your year."

"That's true. But I am in the age of the strongest brain activity, so memory storage should not be problem. Not at seventeen."

"Still, adaptation is they key for you now, isn't it? You will need to settle your classes, right? I don't know much about these things, it was a lot different in my time. Less complicated I would say."

"I think so too, dad. It is very competitive nowadays, but I think I am doing well." I shrugged and gave into the conversation.

"The principal, Mrs. Bailey is a well-respected in this small community and she was very helpful when I came to her with your transfer files. She was very impressed with your grades and report cards. But she was also a little sad…" he trailed off.

"Probably for the lack of AP classes in Forks High School. But, don't be upset about that, Dad. I am working on making it all good. There are many ways to make those points worth for college and with the right directions I will make it."

"So, have you talked to principal Bailey about all this?"

"Oh…no. No, I haven't. This lady in the administration office told me how the school has this peer counselor program."

"Is that like kids your own age help you with all the adjusting matters?" Charlie knew more of this, I could just feel it. Why was he pretending he didn't know?

"Something like that." I decided not to give in. If he wanted more, he had to come and get it himself.

"Hmmm… Who did you get?" Now I was sure. He already knew the answers to all these questions. How could I, for a second forget, I was in this small town and that Charlie probably had volunteers following me all around?

Well, I was not in the mood to give in to this game. If he was keeping up with me through various sources, he better deliver me some information that I wanted. I did not know how to deal with chief of police on this matter. His detective skills were usually well-hidden behind the friendly face.

Well well, Charles Matthew Swan, I am after all your daughter and I could never let you trick me. Not letting my eyes head up from the plate I casually said, "I am sure you already know not only the person, but the family history as well, Dad."

I lifted my eyes carefully and peaked at my dad. He was staring at me. He was genuinely surprised that I figured him out so fast.

And after those few moments of weird staring, my dad did the most unexpected thing – he winked at me and gave me a huge smile .

"Now Bells, don't be too harsh on your old man. I was only looking out for you. First day only! I promise."

"Well you better spill it all out, Dad, that's the only right way to come clean and get forgiveness." I was half-teasing him. I had to have that tone in my voice to hide the wanting for information. I was sure a well-respected citizen such as Charlie was, knew all the people and most important – their stories.

"You got me kid, I am not going to pretend otherwise. That boy you got is a decent kid. Good family. I actually went to Junior High with his mom."

"Oh! So, the Cullens are from Forks?" I honestly could not remember that name from when I was younger. And I was so proud of my good memory.

"I don't know where Carlisle Cullen is exactly from. East coast? I don't know, to be frank."

That was one unusual name. Very old-fashioned. Edward's name was like from a novel, but Carlisle - I've never heard of anyone named Carlisle.

"Esme, the boy's mom, is from the outskirts of Forks. Very old family, the Evensons. I think only one of her brothers is still alive running that wrenched bank somewhere in Alaska. Very wealthy family, Bells. I guess every community has one of those. I was stunned when Esme came back from England. When she left right after graduation, we were all sure she was never coming back to this province. But that was a long time ago. You know, we should look into buying a dishwasher. I used to have one several years ago, but it was too much of a hassle and I gave it to charity. Nothing better to do before bed time but washing the dishes. Cleaning after the day."

He was right. I needed to refocus from all the Edward Cullen stuff. Just spelling his name in my head made me woozy. To think that earlier today I was frustrated with the idea of having a school colleague being my supervisor or adviser of any kind, let alone someone I knew nothing of. If I were honest with myself, the first day of school in this small town was more stressful than I was willing to admit to myself.

And it was certainly much more eventful then I could ever predict. What did make me happy was the amount of attention I was given. Apparently, I wasn't that interesting to the most popular figures in Forks High School, and I was thankful. Honestly, after careful consideration, I came to a conclusion that Jessica was most likely one of those girls who desperately wanted to be with the more popular crowds, but never realized how it would be so much easier on her to create her own group and be the popular head of it. Plus, I think the title "The Giant Curl" would suit her perfectly.

I wasn't entirely sure about Angela, but she wasn't pulling the shots on whatever was popular. As for Edward Cullen…well, I had no idea what his deal was. He certainly had his position in the high school food chain; I guess he was well-respected since he was allowed to be in that fancy peer counselor group, but the way he was acting out in the hallways made me wonder of his scale of acceptance. Yet I couldn't help to notice the interest The Giant Curl, more known as Jessica, showed to my possible involvement with Edward Cullen.

I could feel the Dobby moment boiling back. What was going on with me? When did I become an obsessive teen female!?! I realized that becoming hormonal and horny was part of being a teenager, but this Edward obsession was heading highway too fast. Self-control was essential for peaceful, fulfilling life.

And I was falling apart.

Not to mention, I was being overbearing and self-absorbed. So sure, I could be in charge of my life all the time, that these constant pop-ups of Edward in my head were so disturbing.

Only dreamless sleep could possibly save me.

A/N I want to thank all 12 of you who have this story on alert for not dropping me. I was rather busy with my finals, but I am getting it done this week I hope.

I hope you liked this chapter and I have a littler question for you.

Do you ever feel the need to act like Dobby from Harry Potter and bang your head against flat hard surface?

Note from the beta, MrsKatyCullen, to readers: Golden star and a kiss to the person who guesses the make up tutorial girl off Xanga : )