K so this is a Sookie X Eric one shot based on a poem I wrote.

It's in Eric's POV, and I have set it a little back in time. Sookie is 20 here and she has been dating Godric since she was 16. There is no Bill in this. K so characters are OOC. And there is reference to Godric X Eric

Summery: Sookie is dating Godric, and Eric is pissed at his maker because he wants her. Sookie works for Eric at Fangtasia and one night Eric decides to tell Godric how he feels about Sookie.

Disclaimer: I own only this plot and the poem.

It was Friday night and the club was in full swing it was 12:30 now so everyone was enjoying themselves except myself.

I watched as the beauty of my dreams for the last 2 yrs worked behind the bar serving the vermin, as Godric and I sat on our thrones enthralling them with our presence.

It had been very painful for me when my maker brought this young woman to my bar and said she was his girlfriend of 2yrs. I had wondered where he had been going but I would never question him.

He may be smaller in stature and may look very frail and childlike but I know the power that lies in this 2000 yr old vampire.

As I continued to watch her I let my mind wander to the words I had written earlier that I had placed in the envelope of Sookie's pay check.

The words were still very clear as I wanted her to understand how I felt and know that I had felt it for these past few yrs. The words were this:

God damn

I want you so

But I pretend to hate you

As I know you hate me

I want to kiss you

I want to touch you

I want to feel you

I need to want you

You and only you

That's all that keeps me here

In this place of longing

This place I do not belong

I wish you would come to me

I wish you would see me

I wish you would touch me

I prey for you to love me.

I knew that it would hurt my maker, me trying to take away the only other being besides myself that he has ever loved. But I could not and would not hide my feelings any longer for this girl.

As I continued to watch her I noticed that Godric was looking at me.

"Yes Godric" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"You have not taken your eyes off Sookie since she got here, something you would like to tell me my child" he replied in that knowing tone.

"I wished I didn't have to say this but, Godric, I am in love with Sookie and I know you love her to but I will not hide what I feel for her" I said as I watched closely I was shocked as he smiled and stood.

"I will bring her to the office this is something that must be discussed" he said walking to the bar. I motioned for Pam and she came to me.

"Yes master"

"Make sure we are not disturbed" I said to her as I stood and moved to follow Godric as he and Sookie went into my office. Once I walked I took a seat on my desk and looked between the too as I waited.

"What's going on here" she asked as she noticed something wasn't right. I just looked at Godric.

"Eric has something he wishes to tell you love" he whispered to her and she looked at me expectantly.

"Well" she said

"I wish to inform you that" I stopped and thought for a moment then continued

"I wanted to tell you that I am in love with you Sookie Stackhouse" I said and watched as she gapped then blushed the looked at Godric the back at me.

"You… you can't love me, you hate me" she said moving closer to my maker.

"Open it and read what's inside" I said as I handed her the envelope this shocked Godric to. She opened it and read my words, then she looked at me.

"I only hated you because I thought you hated me" she said in a small whisper. I moved to her and Godric just looked at me rather dumbfounded.

"I had to make you think I hated you as you belong to Godric and I did not wish to take away my maker's happiness" I felt a hand on my shoulder as I said this and knew that my maker understood now why I had done many of the horrible things I had.

She looked up at me and then at Godric and she had a sad smile on her face.

"I am sorry but even though I love you Eric, I love Godric more and I will not hurt him, but I am glad you told me this" she finished then as she got up she lent forward and kissed my cheek lightly before she left to get back to work.

I just stayed on the floor where she had left me thinking over what she had just said.

"You knew she cared for me didn't you" I asked Godric as he moved in front of me

"Yes I knew, I know she loves you as much as I do, now you know she does, what will you do" he said stroking my hair affectionately.

"You will not share her" It was not a question but he answered and in surprised me.

"Normally no, but I would share her with you because I love both of you and I have dreamt of it" he said as he moved toward the door.

"Does she know about us" I asked

"She didn't, did you Sookie" he said as he opened the door to reveal a very shocked and blushing blonde beauty.

"Um… no" she replied as she left. We watched her and I knew that we would work this out, Godric and I.

K love it hate it you tell me.

Love you all
