AN: So this is the last chapter :D
Sequel'll be posted soon ^_^

After a long night of reminiscing I was finally able to let myself fall asleep. I slept dreamlessly now; dreams of Paul and the little boy had long ago slipped from my subconscious.

Paul, the name no longer brought the tight constriction to my chest as it had for so long. I heard from the boys that although he still missed me, he was moving on looking for someone new. He'd been told what was going on of course. It'd been unavoidable as it had come out one of the nights all of the boys in the bands had congregated and got drunk. I still missed him more than words could say but I knew life for him would be much better this way.

"Kai?" I could hear my brother call into my room knocking loudly on the door. I groaned into the pillow I had been curled against as I laid on my side, avoiding the small bump that had begin to form. "Don't do that, you have a doctors appointment." He swung the door open and walked in halfway. "I wanna know the sex! Let's go!" He said sounding excited.

My eyes shot open when I remembered that today, finally, I would know what I was having. Five months of waiting was torture. Although it was nice in a way, the mystery of it all. The anticipation would be much higher if I didn't know… Maybe I won't find it out, it might be nicer that way. I thought absently as I looked around my small stash of maternity clothes for something decent to wear in the warm weather. I slipped on my navy blue three quarter sleeve dress, smiling as I smoothed the creases over the bump.

I walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen, we needed food. "Good morning." I called out, knowing Zack was looking for an easy meal. He called out, his words muffled in the food shoved in his mouth. I started looking through the fridge pulling out the salad I had left in there along with the lemonade and some strawberries.

Zack smiled approvingly at the food in front of me. "Keeping my little guy healthy?" In the time I'd been there Zack had become more accepting of the baby, he was overjoyed at the thought of having a niece or nephew-though clearly he wanted the nephew.

"It's not easy, all it wants is sugar and junk food." I frowned at the thought of how badly I wanted a Pepsi. Zack sat down and continued to eat the poptart he had in his hand. "You excited to see the baby again?" I asked after a while in comfortable silence

"Surprisingly, I'm more excited about this than anything." He said chuckling. I smiled at how seriously he was taking this. "Oh, so the boys kind of wanted to tag along…"

"All three of them?" I asked apprehensively. Rian had gone with me to the first few, before Zack was ready to go with me. Spencer had also been to the last one where she had cried when we looked at the sonogram and heard the heartbeat. I wasn't sure how Alex and Jack would take it. Zack nodded slowly, studying my face for my reaction. "Well, I'd love for all of them to be a part of it…but Alex and Jack have to behave themselves." I smiled at the end as Zack stood up with his phone out.

An hour later, and after all the boys had been notified the time to meet us at our house, Zack and I sat in the living room waiting for them to show up. I had my bag in hand and my shoes on as I sat on the couch excitedly. I hadn't decided if I wanted to know the sex yet, but I was anxious to know how the baby was and to see it again.

"Someone's here." Zack mumbled hearing a car pull in.

"Open the door Mommy!" I could hear Jack yell while pounding on our front door. I laughed as I heard Spencer and Alex doing the same. Zack got up and walked over to open it for the three.

"Hello there." I called from my spot. Alex and Jack sat on either side of me, leaving Spencer to sit on Alex's lap. "How're all of you?" I asked looking around at them.

"Excited!" Spencer squealed, she had been asking to go to another appointment since the last one she had been to. "I can't wait to see my little girl again."

"Little girl?" Jack asked from the other side. "Little boy you mean." He said decidedly.

"No, little girl." She said giving him a dirty look.

"Excuse me your little girl?" I laughed at her. "I think it's mine."

"Oh no, Kai, she's all of ours; we're family." Alex interjected.

"Ri's here." Zack said finally. I stood up quickly and went out to meet the last member of the band.

"Rian." I called out, holding the 'n' longer than normal.

"Kaiden," Rian said holding his arms out to hug. "You look lovely as ever." I blushed slightly and held tightly to him. "Excited?"

"More and more as time passes." I said looking around as the rest of the gang were still dillydallying inside.

"Well let's get a move on, gonna get to know the sex today." he said putting a hand to my stomach. He did this a lot lately, feeling it when it kicked or just talking to it. I smiled up at him, as he looked down. Our eyes connected for a moment and my heart picked up speed sending the butterflies in my stomach in more of a rush.

At the hospital our group all took seats in the brightly colored waiting room. "Well what do you want?" Spencer asked as we looked through a baby magazine.

"I'm not sure, a little girl would be nice…but I know how I was and I'm not sure if I want that." I laughed as I caught the look Zack was giving me. "So maybe a little boy…I don't know I just want it healthy." I decided resting a hand on the bump.

"Just so you know, Zack, Jack and I are in agreement; we want a little boy." Alex said proudly looking at me with a smirk on his tanned face.

I laughed, "You'll get what I give you and like it." Just as the words left my lips a young looking nurse in bright green scrubs walked towards us.

"Kaiden?" She asked looking straight at me. For a moment I was shocked that she knew who I was, I'd never seen her before I assumed she was new, then I realized that I was the only one with a baby bump. Smoooth. I smiled brightly at her and started to stand up. "Wonderful, follow me and we'll get you into a room right away."

"Thank you…" I said trailing her down the hallway I'd been down quite a few times, barely noticing the many different pictures of babies with large eyes looking up and smiling at me anymore.

"Oh sorry, I'm Michelle" She smiled warmly as she held open the door for me…and the rest of our party. "I'm new here."

"Oh well welcome." I said chuckling as I situated myself on the bed in the middle of the room.

She smiled politely and nodded her head. "Your doctor should be in soon to see you."

She closed the door and the room fell silent. "Now what?" Jack whispered.

"Well they're going to give me an ultrasound to see if it's a boy or a girl." I explained slowly as if he was the small child that he had the intellect of.

"Oh I see." He said as he stared off into space, deep in thought. At some point Jack tore himself from his thoughts long enough to cross the room and sit in the chairs against the back wall where Zack and Alex were sitting down. Rian and Spencer remained standing next to me. Rian allowing me to lean against him and rubbing my back as we waited.

"Spencer, why are you all the way over there?" Alex asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"It's like a concert Alex, I want to be up front when we see it so I'm going to stand and wait right here." She said giving him a cheesy smile over her shoulder.

"Oy, my baby's now a concert?" I asked pulling her direction to me.

"Consider it an honor; I love concerts." She said laughing and giving me the same wide grin. Anyone else would've sounded stupid but she sounded adorable; it must've been her smallness that worked in her advantage.

I smiled and nodded my head, slipping back to my thoughts of the baby; I still hadn't made up my mind about finding out the sex. I didn't want to disappoint everyone but the surprise was exciting…

The knock on the door brought me back into the present as my doctor walked in. "Kaiden you look beautiful." She said happily as she walked in.

"As do you Dr. Kellen." I said smiling as I looked her over. Her bright red hair was pulled up in a curly ponytail, curls spilling over in odd places. Her green eyes were bright as she walked into the semi dim room.

"Kaiden how many times have I asked you to call me Olivia?" She asked flashing a smile that was red carpet worthy.

I blushed, "Sorry, Olivia."

"It's alright, now let me get a few things set up real quick and I'll be with you in just a moment." She hustled from the office quick. Everyone looked surprised but Rian and I, and even Spencer having met her last visit, knew she was famous for forgetting the things she needed. I leaned into Rian again as we waited earning a questioning look from Zack. Before anyone could say anything though she was back. "Sorry about that." She looked through the file in her hand. "Alright Kaiden, how've you been feeling?"

"Big." I spoke truthfully, smiling as she chuckled.

"You're getting there." She poked at my stomach lightly. "How've you been eating?"

"Healthy." Zack spoke up from his spot on the other side of the room. "She's obsessed with it." he crossed the room to stand near me as well.

"And you are?" Olivia asked sizing him up.

"I'm her brother, Zack. I live with her."

"Well thank you, but let's let Kaiden answer." She said sweetly but in a tone that meant she was serious.

"He's right though, I've been careful to take all my vitamins you've given me and I still haven't drank a single soda along with all the healthy foods I've been eating." I rambled on feeling proud of myself.

"That's great, we're going to have to check your blood pressure quick." She said distractedly as she scribbled on the file in front of her face. Setting the pen down she pulled out and attached the Velcro cuff around my arm, squeezing it tightly to the point of numbness she took it quickly and wrote it down. "Very good, now are you ready to see your baby?" She asked excitedly.

"More than." I said lying down on the table. Rian quickly pulled the blanked over my legs so that I could pull up my dress without anyone seeing anything. I shot him a smile to say thanks. Olivia then spread the warmed gel on my stomach using the large wand. After a few moments the picture was clear and we could see it. She first showed us both its legs and arms and a view of his face then she let us listen to its heartbeat, I thought it was beautiful; I grabbed Rian's hand smiling brightly as I looked at the monitor.

"And now are you ready to find out what you're having?" She asked looking at me excitedly.