AN: I unfortunately do not own any of the characters in here. I don't really know if I wrote the guys how they actually are...tell me if I do get it wrong? :)
Hope you like it.

PS: Femmeslash 3

"Vicky!" I called, hurriedly as she walked away. "Please wait!" I was running through the airport pushing past people.

"What?" She turned around angry, her voice venomous.

"Please, I just need to at least say goodbye." I begged the girl.

"Why should I? You're the one who said we couldn't be together anymore."

"Only because you're leaving." I said, silently thinking 'obviously'.

"Yeah, well that's why the only goodbye you'll get is me walking away." She turned around.

"No, Vicky, please." I begged, grabbing her arm.

"Get off of me." She said, slowly.

"Victoria, what if this is the last time we ever see each other?" I asked still holding her arm, tears filling my eyes.

"Write a book and sell it when I'm rich and famous." She said simply, still not pulling her arm away.

"Vic, I really do love you." I whispered.

"Apparently not enough." She replied.

"No, more than that Vicky. I don't want to hold you back, I don't want to keep you from doing what you need to reach your dream."

"Well aren't you a saint? And what the hell do you think I'm going to need to do? I'm not going to whore myself out or anything." She said offended.

"That's not what I meant, aside from the fact that you wouldn't need to, I don't want you to have to come back for me, to have to work things around me, to let our drama affect how you do. You're going to be a star Vicky-T," I whispered the last part, my eyes wide, saying every word honestly. "I just hope you'll remember the good times we had together rather than the bad when you get there. I love you." I said pulling her close to kiss her on the lips quickly.

"I think you need to leave." Gabe said protectively.

Ignoring him, "It doesn't have to be like this, we could work something out." She said hopeful, after we broke our kiss, my arms still around her.

"Yes it does, Vicky. I love you" I kissed her forehead. "I always will. Good luck."

"I wont forget you." She said, tears coming to her eyes.

"You'll be too busy to think of me." I said quickly whipping them away.

"And if I don't?" She challenged.

"You know where I am." I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you'll let me come back, why are you making me leave?" She asked, tears back in her eyes.

"It's what's best for you." We stood there, silent until the loud speaker above forced me to say something. "You have to get going." She nodded and walked off, no goodbye; just her walking away leaving me forever with the image of her dark hair flowing over her purple dress, her dark black tights, and the knee high white boots I had bought for her.

"She's not going to get over you, Cassadee." Nate, the only member of her band that didn't hate me for breaking it off with her, said softly with his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, I just wish she would understand." I said sadly.

"She's just being stubborn, and the guys are just looking out for her." He said, making sense.

"Yeah I guess,." I sighed. "Watch out for her, for me, please." He nodded and I started walking away.

I had made it until I was inside my apartment to allow myself to cry. I dropped my bag and my jacket on the floor and it started.

I curled up in a ball once i got to my bed and sobbed. It felt like my other half had violently been ripped from me.

Vicky and I had been together for three years now, since we were both seventeen. She was the one who convinced me it was ok to be bi, to be in love with a girl. She'd been the one who had been there when I told my parents, our friends. For the last three years she'd been my life, going to band practices (for both of our bands) together, all school and family functions, parties, everything.

"Aye Cassy!" Jersey's voice in my ear, loud as fuck, as i answered my cell phone.

"Hey." I said controlling my voice and whipping away the tears.

"We have practice soon, where are you?" He asked loudly.

"I'm just leaving." I said getting up quickly to gather my stuff.

"Alright." He hung up.

After switching clothes, grabbing my water bottle, fixing my hair, and grabbed my bag I left my apartment in need of a monster and a strong drink.

"Hey Cassadee." Mike said quietly as I walked down the stairs.

"Hey Mikey." I said dropping my stuff on a chair and letting him wrap his arms around me.

"How ay doing?" He asked still holding me close.

"I'm holding up." I said as I sniffled.

"Alright." He said unsure.

"The fuck's this shit?" Alex asked loudly as he skipped down the stairs of his house towards the basement, where we were standing.

"Alex, when are we gonna get out of here?" The newest girl that Alex had brought with to torture us with. I hated the lot of them; they were all whiney, loud, and annoying.

"Practice hasn't even started yet Anna." He said looking at us with a 'can-you-fucking-believe-that' look. I couldn't help giggling. "So why are you too all up on each other?"

"Do you not care about anyone but yourself Alex?" Mike asked annoyed, we were a close group but Alex's lack of compassion got on his last nerve.

"What's he going on about now?" Elliot asked as he walked down the stairs checking out Anna.

"Not a clue." Alex replied slinging his arm around Anna.

"Seriously? None of you guys remember?" Mike asked completely miffed.

"Nope." Alex siad.

"No…" Elliot and Jersey said at the sameish time.

"Just drop it Mike, lets start practice." I said heading for the mic and waiting for the others to follow suit.

We practiced for close to three hours, we had to play for some record studio reps on saturday, tweaking songs a bit.

"Hey, we're gonna head out. That ok?" Elliot asked as he, Mike, and Jersey headed for the stairs.

"Yeah, we just have to finish a few things." Alex said quickly as we worked on a part of a new song.

"Allex." Anna whined for the millionth time in the last twenty minutes "I thought you said we'd leave soon."

"We will, I just have to finish helping Vicky." Alex replied, annoyed as well, not taking his eyes off what we were doing.

"Fine. I'll wait outside." She said before she stormed off up the stairs.

"Well she's sure a keeper." I said sarcastically.

"Nothing like boa." He replied, still oblivious to the fact that Vicky wasn't here. When he didn't hear a response to his teasing he looked around for her. "No wonder it was so quiet today where is she?"

"Off to Boston or wherever Warped starts." I said quickly, looking back down at the music.

"Shit, that was today?" He asked, remembering now. I nodded my head in respond. "Oh, Cass I'm sorry. I'm a dick."

"Yeah, you are." I said harshly. "But I'm used to it." I said looking up and smiling at him.

"You doing ok?"

"I'm fine." I lied.

"You really do suck at lying." He said chuckling.

"Yeah, I know." I fiddled with my fingers, trying to distract myself from crying.

"Lets go get ditch Anna and get something to eat." He offered standing up and stretching, showing off his skinny body.

"Alright." I siad hesitantly.