Yes, I know I should be working on And Things Just Got Weirder, but today is actually Holly's and Jolly's bday! This is just a one-shot mostly around Holly, and the only other oc im usin is Theo Sykes, hope u dont mind PiScEs-BlOsSoM69! Enjoy!

Holly's P.O.V.

This had to be the worst birthday ever. Mary hadn't gotten me anything, Mum had gotten me a book (Seriously?!) and dad had gotten me a pair of jeans. I mean, I like jeans, but I was kinda expecting something I dunnno, better. Mum claimed it was because of this enocimic (or something like that) crisis, but c'mon. It's my birthday.

And Jolly hadn't gotten me anything either. He claimed it was because it was his birthday too, but I was the older one, after all. By ten minutes.

And I hated my party, too. Everyone here was from school, and I did not like people from school. Ok, so I wasn't much of a social butterfly. In fact, 90% of the people I knew I didn't like.

God, I couldn't take it anymore. This was so boring and stupid. I looked out the window. It was getting dark but I didn't care. I ran outside to the one place I was really at peace. Stark's Pond.

Little did I know someone was following me.

Holly's P.O.V. (still)

I arrived at Stark's Pond in a matter of minutes. Partly because South Park was so small, and partly because I ran so fast.

I looked at the sky. The fireflies were just starting to come out. One landed on my nose then flew away.

"You would not believe your eyes, if ten-million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep." I whispered, a small smile on my face.

"'Cuz they's fill the open air, and leave teardrops everywhere-" I nearly jumped a mile. That voice was not mine. I froze.

"You'd think me rude but I would just stop and-" I turned around to see the caring face of Theo Sykes.

"Stare." We both said.

"I'd like to make myself belie-ve, that planet Earth, turns, slow-ly. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, cuz everything is never as it seems..."

We sang together. His voice is so beautiful.

"When I fall asleep." Theo whispered in my ear.

"'Cuz I'd get a thousand hugs, from ten-thousand lightning bugs." I sang, the fireflies all moving around us.

"As they try to teach me how to dance." Theo sang, holding out his hand. I took it and he twirled me around.

"A fox trot above my head, a sock-hop beneath my bed." We sang as we danced.

"A disco ball is just hanging by a thread." Theo said, pulling me close.

"I'd like to make myself belie-ve that planet Earth, turns, slowly, it's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I 'm asleep, cuz everything is never as it seems..."

"When I fall asleep." Theo said, pulling out a present.

I gaped. "What is it?" I asked.

"Open it and you'll find out." Theo said, grinning. He sang as I opened it.

"Leave my door open just a crack (please take me away from here) 'Cuz I feel like such an insomniac (please-"

I looked at him and grinned. In my hands was an empty jar.

"Take me away from here." I said, laughing.

"Why do I tire of counting sheep?" Theo sang, pulling out another jar from his pocket.

"When I'm far too tired to fall asleep." We both said, opening our jars.

"To ten-million fireflies, I'm weird cuz I hate goodbyes." I sang, catching several fireflies.

"I got misty eyes as they said fare-well." Theo grinned, catching a coupke of his own.

We must have sung that song a dozen times before we fell asleep, our jars bursting with fireflies.

But I'll know where several are,

If my dreams get real bizarre,

'Cuz I saved a few and I keep them in a jar.

Sry if it sucked, I just couldn't get this idea out of my head.

Theo Sykes belongs to PiScEs-BlOsSoM69, NOT ME. i wished i owned him, tho :(