It was really cold and dark, a boy around fourteen was shivering underneath his blanket. The door opened up, a blonde hair lady came in the room. She walked to the bed.

"Naruto are you that cold", she asked him a little worried.

The boy woke up. "A little, but I'm okay Auntie Tsunade".

She smiled at him, she got up and got a next blanket.

"Go back to sleep", she said putting the next blanket over him. She gave him a kiss.

She left the room a little worried, he was so small and fragile, he was like a little toy that can easily be broken at anytime.

The boy woke up to the smell of bacon and egg. He smelled the air one more time and he got off of his bed and walked into the kitchen.

"Ah, I see somebody is awake", Tsunade said smiling.

Naruto smiled.

"Here you go", she said giving him egg, bacon, and bread with a glass of orange jucie. (I am so jealous right now .)

"Thank you", he said eating.

She smiled and went inside her room.

"Oh yea, when you're finish eating, get ready for school", she yelled out to him.

"School", he whisper.

He hasn't been to school in some years.

"Here we go", Tsunade said driving inside the princpal parking spot.

"Tsunade do I have to go into the classes", Naruto asked cutely.

She sighed. "Not unless you want to", she said.

He smiled. They came out of the car. The bell rang.

"Well looks like school is in", she said holding Naruto hands.

They walked on the stairs into the halls of the school. They pass the lockers and they went into the main office.

"Good morning Shizune", Tsunade said.

"Good morning", she replied.

Shizune looked up from her computer and saw the most cutest person ever.

"Hello there who are you", she asked smiling.

"That's Naruto my nephew", Tsunade said.

"Hi Naruto I'm Shizune", she said.

Naruto smiled. "Nice to meet you Shizune", he said making a cup of tea.

"It's so cold", Tsunade said.

"I have to agree, I mean summer just over one day ago", Shizune said watching Naruto making a cup of tea.

"I know right", she said walking into her office.

Naruto walked into Tsunade office, skipping.

Shizune squealed and she got back to work.

"Tsunade can I trn on the TV", Naruto asked holding the remote control.

"Okay ", she said signing some paper works.

Naruto cut on the TV and change the channel to Spone Bob Square Pants.

"Um... Tsunade somebody needs to see you", Shizune said.

"Bring them in", she said.

A raven hair boy came in the office.

"Ah, Mr. Uchiha, why are you here I mean summer was over just one day ago. Take a seat", she said galring at him.

Naruto looked at the boy and blushed. He pt the 'F' in fine, but he quickly turned his head back to the TV.

"So what did you do? I mean come on it's only 9:30", Tsunade said.

"Well teacher was making me mad, so I said some stuff. No big deal", the Uchiha said.

"Sasuke, your in this school to learn", Tsunade said writing a slip.

Sasuke turned around and looked at the figure on the long couch chair.

"Well hello", Sasuke said.

Naruto looked up. "Um....hello", Naruto said blushing furiously.

"How you doing", Sasuke said smirking.

"Here you go Sasuke and leave my nephew alone", Tsunade said.

"This is your nephew", Sasuke said in shock.

"Yes he is", Tsunade said.

"Well he's cute", Sasuke said smirking.

Naruto blush.

"So what's your name", he asked.

"Um..Naruto", he said.

"Well my name is...

Sasuke wqas interrupted.

"His name is Sasuke, and Sasuke come out of my office now", Tsunade said.

Sasuke smirked. He got off of the chair took the slip from Tsunade and came out the office.

"Geez", Tsunade mummbled.

Naruto blushed once more and turned around to finish and watch his Tv.

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