Serotonin: Chapter One

Audrey sighed as she rubbed her eyes and rolled over in bed. She didn't have to bend down far, since her mattress was on the floor, to nab a cigarette from a crumpled package and the lighter from under her pillow. She sat up, her only clothing a series of intricate tattoos, and opened the sliding glass doors slightly before lighting the cigarette. The action didn't cause her to move from the comfort of her sheets, since the balcony sliding door was right next to her in the closet-like apartment. She checked the small hello kitty clock on top of the static TV she had left on last night, 9:00 PM already. Nearly time for work again. Her various hello kitty memorabilia looked out of place with the rest of the cramped surroundings; most of which were liquor bottles and various CD's. Just as she poured herself the last of a carton of orange juice and topped it off with some vodka, which accompanied other bottles and stacks of glasses in a pile by the head of her bed, an obnoxious noise repeated throughout the room.

Pi Pi Pi!

Her phone nearly seemed to be shouting the generic ringtone and made her head throb worse, none-the-less she tried not to growl when she answered the phone. She'd reserved that specifically normal tone for only one single group of people to use, so it was definitely business. "Speak" She ordered, rubbing her temples as her head throbbed. "AUDDIE!" the voice cried out, large sounds of laughter resounding behind it, and she nearly punched through the phone to kill that dumbass. "Yes it is" she said through clenched teeth, trying her best not to let lose the string of profanities she was thinking at her employer. "I have some good news, Adds! I've sold the company!" her eyes flicked open and she yelled a disbelieving "WHAT?!" loud enough to send a stab of pain through her head again.

"Well not really sold, err, lost!" the man slurred, laughing almost hysterically. Audrey groaned and cradled her head in her hands; once again her boss had gone and done something incredibly stupid when he was drunk. And this time he had lost the 'company', as usual she suspected it would be up to her to fix it. "I was playing poker, you see!" he laughed again and she wanted to wrap her hands around his throat and shake him violently. "Sir… where are you?" She asked through clenched teeth. She heard a loud jukebox come to life in the background and she winced in pain once again. "Uhh… HEY BENNY CAN I GET S'MORE BOOZE?!" She sighed at his response and thought quickly in her head, the only bar they frequented with a 'Benny' as the tender, was the Barking Spider. "Be there in 5, boss" she said before she clicked the small white phone shut.

There was no time for a shower so she merely smeared on some deodorant and a small bit of perfume. She took some black frilly hello kitty underwear and slipped them on before taking one last drag from her cigarette and stabbing it out in the ashtray by her pillow. She eyed herself in a section of full-length mirror balanced against the wall in the bathroom and quickly washed off her face in the sink, not bothering to smooth or brush out her tangled red hair for her haphazard bun, and instead quickly applying some black eyeliner around her insomnia-rimmed eyes. Next she tugged on some dark blue skinny jeans (shoving her phone in a tight pocket), a sexy black v-neck shirt, and a black leather jacket with the words 'Death Doctor' emblazoned on the back. Lastly, she armed herself with her black zip-up steel-toed combat boots and her '70 berretta model pistol. As an afterthought she slipped a switchblade into her bra as well as a hunting knife in a secret hollowed-out sheath in the heel of her boot. She rummaged around before finding her keys and a fresh package of cigarettes from a drawer, and on her way out she took a last swig from a vodka bottle to down a few migraine pills and kill last night's hangover.

Her boss, Mr. Antonio Cidgers—or better known as Mr. Cigar, was always doing stupid things that called for her to clean up. Although this was the first time he had done something as moronic as losing the gang in a poker game. Audrey groaned in her head trying to think of ways to sort the mess out as she exited her apartment, not bothering to lock it. No one in their right mind would mess with her room, seeing as at least 12 of her fellow mafia members resided in the shabby apartment complex—and also the fact that her door was marked with a large black X, to turn anyone away who knew what the LA mafia was. Since there was hardly time to shower or let alone wake anyone else up, she banged hard on any member's door she saw on the way to the window fire escape.

"GET YOUR ASSES UP AND TO THE BARKING SPIDER IN LESS THAN 20 OR I'LL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! CIGAR'S ORDERS!!" she shouted, firing a shot through the roof of the hall to make her point as she stepped out the window into the cool air. She quickly scaled down the escape before hopping onto her black Ducati motorcycle and firing it up, she had forgotten her helmet but she really cared less. The Spider was less than 2 blocks away and she got there in no time by weaving in and out of traffic. She scowled as she parked her bike quickly on the curb, it too was marked with an X (silver, so it stood out from the black) so she didn't worry about locking it up and instead hurried inside.

She practically kicked the door open, the hard scowl still on her face as she stomped up to Mr. Cigar sitting at a table in the back of the room. Many of the tables went silent as she stormed by and a few people hurriedly left because they either knew who she was, or knew what was going to happen by the scowl on her face. Seated at the table was a very drunk-looking Mr. Cigar, as well as two of her associates and many scantily clad girls, three conniving men she knew well, and in addition two unfamiliar boys that looked nearly as young as her. Upon reaching the table, she slammed down her fist to interrupt the conversation and to make sure all attention was drawn to her.

"You two get a glass of water" she ordered her two associates, who either looked drunk or high out of their minds. "Ehh? Adds, c'mere!" Mr. Cigar said as he laughed deeply and drunkenly patted his knees, eyes firmly planted on her boobs. "Sir, with all due respect, please shut the fuck up" Audrey snarled angrily, and Mr. Cigar frowned. "Heyyy now, don't speak to your boss like that!" she glared at the man. "Currently, Sir, you aren't my Boss" she stated before directing her gaze to the women "beat it, girls" she stated and Mr. Cigar groaned "you're killing the party, Adds" She ignored him and focused on the three snakes at the table, processing in her head which one would swindle Mr. Cigar out of the gang. Merino looked just as drunk, Sammy was far too dim-witted—but Phil was just the candidate. As soon as she reached her conclusion, she leaned across the table and jabbed a finger into the fat man's face.

"What the hell kind of gall do you have Philly?! Even if my boss would foul up a two-car funeral when he's drunk, I'm not about to let him hand over the gang to the likes of you!" she nearly spat at the man with her disgusted tone. "But Auddie—" She turned her head without moving from her threatening posture to cut off an associate. "Don't you dare interrupt me, Tito! You two should have stopped him in the first place! AND WHERE IS THAT DAMNED WATER?!" Audrey shot out and Tito quickly shut up as the other man jumped up to get some water. She turned her glare back to Phil as she gripped his shirt collar roughly "Now just what the hell do you have to say?! And it better be damned good for waking me up" She stated darkly and waited for the shaking man to speak. "Hey, fire crotch" her head snapped around at the obscene remark as her eyes flashed dangerously.

It was one of the strange boys, wearing a lot of leather as well as shaggy blonde hair and a sneer. "What the fuck did you just say to me?!" she questioned vehemently, pulling her gun swiftly from her tight leather jacket. He laughed as he mockingly put his hands up "Don't get too hasty and shoot your new boss, babe" he sneered and she was shocked. How had a man—no, how had a boy reached that type of position she'd been struggling to get to nearly all her life?! He sure as hell must be one smooth talker and a damn good card player. "Boy, you're trying to throw a wide loop with a short rope" she stated, recovering quickly as she gave him another dark glare, keeping her gun on him. "In English, babe" it was then she noticed his slight accent, he was probably British-English himself. She sighed with a fresh bought of anger as she opened her mouth to speak again "You're trying to be something you aren't. No way in hell a kid like you can run this fucking mafia, and I damned well won't let you run it down the drain" she explained and the blonde laughed deeply again.

"Matt" he prompted and the redhead next to him pulled out a pistol faster than she could see it—all without taking his eyes off his handheld DS or the cig in his mouth. "Sit down, or else he'll blow your brains out right here. And, don't call me kid" the bar was a nervous silence as she glared between the two before begrudgingly pulling a chair from behind her and sitting down. "We're trying to make a smooth transition here, so we told your Ex-boss here to call his top man. Since I'm guessing that's you, you're gunna talk to the rest of the gang and smooth over our little shift of power here, you got it? And if you do anything to out us or disrespect me, I won't hesitate to kill you myself" the blonde concluded forcefully. There were only two decisions for her anymore; it was either get killed by the new boss, or… "And just what is in it for me?" Audrey asked with a bit of leftover anger edging her voice.

Deep down, Audrey was just like any other criminal out there; name your price. And while she did have a deep sense of loyalty, when in a situation like this it was best to get anything you could. Mr. Cigar always complimented her on that, and it was one of the main reasons she had made it as far up in the mafia as she did at such an early age; she knew when to cut her losses. "Double your usual salary, and you get to keep your job as my go-to. Take it or leave it" she mulled over his words for a second before she put away her gun (Matt did also) and grabbed the water glass that her associate had come back with. She splashed it harshly into Mr. Cigar's face as she stood up "Sir, you've been replaced. You know the rules, try to contact any one of the gang and you'll be eliminated" she stated matter-of-factly as the nodded for her two associates to lift up the soaking and dumbfounded Mr. Cigar.

She took a cigarette from her pocket and lit it as she let her Ex-boss take in her words. "But—but Auddie we're pals, I was the one that promoted you! C'mon I called you so you'd fix all this—you always fix things, Adds!" he pleaded, sobering up enough that he was no longer slurring. She took a drag before she answered, blowing the smoke in his face "I got promoted because I am damn good at my job, and all I've been doing lately is fixing up your fucking drunk messes. I have no respect for a man with the drinking capacity of a five year old, and since you aren't my boss I can finally say that. Now, are you going to go quietly, or are we gunna have take you into the alley?" she threatened, punching her fist into her palm with an ominous slap. "Please Auddie! C'mon!" he begged, his fists clinging together desperately. "Search him, give me his phone" Audrey demanded and was immediately tossed the man's sleek black cell phone, which she passed to the blonde boy. "All of the gang's info and contacts are in there, you'll need it since they will call the boss when they arrive and don't see him. Come and get me when they get here and I'll explain to them. Without telling them what happened to Cigar"

She turned back to her Ex-boss, still being held up by the two "Come on, let's use the back door" she stated and the man began to squirm and sweat as the two began dragging him "No! I'm sorry! No! Auddie! Audrey! C'mon!" Audrey signaled for them to stop; now they were standing a slight distance away from the table. Audrey silently pulled out her gun as Cigar gasped "Shut up, coward" she said as she pistol-whipped him harshly. "I'll still give you your whore and drinking budget as long as you do it at home—and don't you dare tell anyone you're so much as alive because as soon as I hear about it you'll get a bullet between the eyes" she spat at him and he nodded graciously as the men dropped him to the ground. He bent down to kiss her boots before she scoffed and kicked him in the back, sending him sprawling further towards the back door. "Get the fuck out of here and don't let anyone see your face!" she yelled and he scurried away through the door.

Next she turned and glared at the bar "tell anyone what you've seen here and I'll make you trouble bigger'n Dallas!" she threatened before turning to the bartender. "Get me something to fucking drink" she ordered before finally dropping down into her seat, still beside her new boss. She took a last drag of her cigarette before dropping it to the floor and stomping on it. "I'm glad you see this my way" the blonde sneered and she turned to address him as the two other gang members found their seats. "Let's get this straight here and now though, here are my rules" she held up a finger despite the blonde's scowl.

"1. I do not work on Sundays unless it is an emergency, although my phone will be on and I will be ready anytime I am needed and you may dismiss me anytime you wish. 2. Anyone who gives me sexual-related comments will be fucking dead, even you. 3. I am loyal and trustworthy and I've been in this gang for 10 years, in nearly every rank. Although if you're a dick to me like Cigar, I will look for ways to replace you. And I can replace you. 4. You must respect our allies, otherwise all hell can break lose; I will educate you on them later if you want. 5. Only half of any members of the gang's real names are to be spoken aloud, and never around any unfamiliar areas—normally we use nicknames for that, and again I can educate you on those" she paused to take the drink placed in front of her before she finished. "And that's it. Any problems?" she asked, and fixed him with a glare. "I need no informing, I've done my research—why do you think I chose such a weak man to overthrow?" the blonde stated and Audrey nodded, somewhat with approval.

"So, what's your name Boss?" Audrey asked and the boy sneered. "You can call me Mello" he stated, just as the door of the bar flung open. "Mr. Cigar, 3rd sector here!" a burly man Audrey knew as Clem shouted from in front of a crowd of men. "Clem, all of you, over here!" Audrey shouted and, once again, the bar went silent as all ears tuned to the girl. "I believe we are under new management, boys!" she stated loudly, a grin spreading across her features. "Mr. Mello is here to take over while Cigar enjoys his retirement!" she shouted and pointed to the blonde, who had turned to look at the crowd. There was a long silence. "DRINKS ON THE HOUSE FOR THE NEW BOSS!" someone in the group shouted and the bar sprung up with shouts in agreement. Audrey grinned back at Mello's table and pumped her fist in the air. "LETS PARTY!!!" she yelled through the noise, and with that the jukebox blared on as the first shots were slid down the counter.