Author: Nemainofthewater

Title: School's in

Warning: Sequel to 'Coffee Break' and 'Lunch anyone'

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognise. It all belongs to the CW network.

Usually to start a story I would begin by describing the weather. However, this story takes place in Heaven, and it is the place where all souls aspire to go, the weather there is indescribable.

Imagine a climate that is at the same time a beautifully sunny autumn day, and a crisp wintry, snowy day.

In any case, the weather was quite magnificent. Oh, sorry about that. I must have wandered off topic again.

The actual story that I'm here to tell is the day that the Angels struck back against Lucifer's evil inventions.

A bit after the evil invention of McDonalds, the best and brightest of Heaven had gathered to discuss the growing threat of Lucifer.

It wasn't very impressive as gatherings go. In fact, it was made up of only Raphael and Michael. Gabriel was busy practicing his smiting with Uriel, a fact that greatly irked Michael: he had wanted to join them, but Gabriel had caught him before he could sneak off.

"We are here Brother, to counter the evils that our former Brother has unleashed upon the Earth." Raphael began; oblivious to the fact that Michael wasn't actually listening.

"I have come up with a genius plan that will steer people to the path of righteousness at an early age, which will teach them to resist the lures of the Devil and embrace our teachings..." He continued.

"That's fine," Michael interrupted, not particularly caring about The Plan.

"Great!" Raphael said, "Now all I need you to do is to sign here."

Michael signed without even looking at it and then immediately teleported out. He had heard that Uriel was going to Babylon and he wanted to be there when he started to smite.

Back in the meeting place, Raphael gave a smile that no non-corporal angelic being should ever be able to achieve.

He started out the room at a more sedate pace, and passed the plans to the first Angel that he saw. The Angel stared at Raphael as if he was insane.

"Sir, are you sure about this?" he questioned tentatively. He may be a lower-ranking Angel, but he knew a bad plan when he saw one.

"Yes. I am absolutely sure. Do it."

The angel shook his head, or what could have been his head, and went on his way.

Whatever made the Archangel think that obligatory schooling was a good idea?