"You can tell the world you never was my girl, you can burn my clothes when I'm gone. You can tell your friends just what a fool I've been and laugh and joke about me on the phone. But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart, I just don't think he'd understand. And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart, he might blow up and kill this man." - Billy Ray Cyrus (Achy Breaky Heart)
This Achy Breaky Heart Is Healed
I watched as she danced closely with him. I knew his name, how couldn't I? He was the man that stole her from me; well stole might be a strong word but she definitely wasn't his when they'd first gotten together. We'd been dating for almost a year when she'd been transferred to the BAU. Of course I'd been happy for her, it was her dream job after all but then I guess we just grew apart.
Six months after her transfer she'd told me we'd needed to talk and as I sat down across from her I knew what was coming.
'We need to talk,' she said, her eyes looking down at her lap. I knew what was coming; she was going to break up with me, at least I had been preparing for it though. It definitely wasn't coming out of left field, I'd known for a while now, it was inevitable, she was in love with someone else and there was nothing that was going to change that.
'I know,' I replied, my finger lifting her chin to make her look at me.
'You do?' she asked slightly confused. I nodded not trusting myself to speak, I loved her, I wanted her to stay with me but I wasn't going to force her.
'Yeah, Em, I do. I've known for a while,' I said, as her eyes filled with tears. I hated seeing her cry, pretty girls shouldn't cry.
'I'm so sorry. I tried to ignore it but it was too strong. I'm in love with him, I hope you can forgive me?' she asked, as I pulled her into a hug. I'd already forgiven her; you couldn't help who you fell in love with.
'Emmy, I forgave you already. You can't help who you fall for,' I said, drying her tears, a small smile gracing her features. 'Besides, you tell him if he hurts you, he'll have me to deal with and your father,' I joked, hoping to lighten the situation. It worked because she laughed with me.
Now 3 years later, sitting across the room from her, that night seemed like a life time ago. I watched as she swayed to the music with her husband, about a year after they'd broken up I'd read in the paper that Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss's daughter was getting married and although I was still a little heartbroken I had been happy for her. As her husband spun her out and back into him I noticed something I hadn't before, she had a little baby bump, she was pregnant and she was happy which made me happy. For me she had been the one that got away but turning my attention back to my fiancée I noticed her curious gaze.
'You ok honey?' she asked and as I replied I realised that maybe it was better we'd broken up, she was with her soul mate and I'd found a woman who loved me as much as I loved her.
'Yeah,' I answered, my gaze drifting back to Emily and Derek for a second. 'I just saw an old friend.'
AN: Well this was written for a deal I made ArwenLalaith. :) I coerced her into posting a chapter of Schrodinger's Cat and I had to write 3 Gone Country Challenge fics. So here is number 1, Arwen! :) hahahaha. Slightly different as it is in 1st POV and is definitely not my usual style but it certainly fit better. R&R.