I do not own Inuyasha.

Heart Breaker

Chapter 1

Kagome Higurashi was hardly ordinary. Yes, she was kind,caring, and virtuous, but she was also almost inhumanly selfless. Sadly, this was the reason why she could never hold a man. In addition to her positive traits she was virtually incapable of understanding love. Oh, she knew the love of family and friends, and she had an affinity for all things romantic, but she could not understand the concept of falling in love.

She dated because the guys she accepted truly seemed to like her and she couldn't reject them when they were so persistent. She stayed with them even when she realized her feelings were not going anywhere. She always thought they were nice guys, but she was never head over heals in love. She broke up with them when they got too serious because she simply couldn't let them go on in a loveless relationship when their love was so pure and true. Yet, Kagome had never been broken up with. Much less in the way of one Hojo Tanaka.

He'd taken her out for one last, beautiful date. It went well as usual, and when they reached her home he kissed her as usual, but she got the feeling that he was watching her a little more closely this evening. She was not surprised when he stopped her before she could say goodnight. She was surprised by what he had to say, though.

"Kagome, I think we should break up" He said this with a sad smile, but he looked her straight in the eyes as she gawked at him. "W-why?" She stuttered, completely shocked . . . and feeling a remote anticipation. "To put it bluntly, you don't love me. God, you barely like me as more than a friend." She stared blankly, not really understanding. He continued. "I always knew, but I thought u could love me when we got to know each other better. It's been a year. Your feelings didn't change, and as much as I thought I knew you, maybe I don't know quite enough. So this is goodbye, Kagome." He took her cold hand and kissed her wrist just above her pulse. He walked away without another word . . . and she let him.

Kagome stood in the cold, as snow fell in pristine beauty all around her, and stared after him. He had just broken up with her, and she felt nothing. No. She felt happiness. Even if he couldn't accept it, someone finally understood. Now as that wore off she felt guilt for letting him waste his life on her. Finally she felt sadness, because though Hojo was a strong guy, realizing the hopelessness of such a situation could not be painless. She hated to cause pain, the world had enough pain without her help.

She went into her house with silent steps, her thoughts raging on and on, as she prepared for bed. She pondered what she should do about her inability through her shower and even as she lay in bed, restless. How had she not realized that by simply agreeing to date she had led past boyfriends on. She had set them up for heartbreak.

So this is it then, she thought, a determined grimace on her pretty round face. She would no longer inflict herself on the men of this world. She would not let her soft heart get the best of her. She would be strong, and simply refuse when men came on to her. She blinked up at her ceiling as her thoughts dissipated. "Ugh. I've got work in the morning". With that she made sure her alarm was set and turned off the cream colored lamp on her bedside table.

To say that Sesshoumaru Taisho was irritated was an immense understatement. Once again, Kikyo,his secretary, had hired some brainless oversexed twit to be his personal assistant. This time he had to add graceless to the list also. The woman had been too preoccupied with staring and drooling at him to actually work, much less avoid falling down stairs. . . and other much more stupid, dangerous things. He had fired her after approximately six hours.

It was all that damn Kikyou's fault. If she hadn't admitted once that her job was endurable (a biggie for her) he would assume she did it just to spite him. He and Kikyou hated each other with a passion and made no attempts to hide the fact. Still, she was an excellent secretary, and so efficient she sometimes surprised even him.

Sesshoumaru growled into the quiet and continued looking over yet more papers. The paperwork never seemed to end, but it was beneath him to complain about it. He growled again. "Ya' fired another one, I see." Sesshoumaru glanced up to see his annoying hanyou brother. He wore a black suit and a bright red dress shirt and tie. Sesshoumaru shook his head. Inuyasha never wore anything without a speck of red, even if it was just the stitching of the Stacy Adams label.

"That is none of your concern, hanyou. This Sesshoumaru's assistant shall hire a new one within the week." He renewed his work, clearly dismissing the white-maned brother. Inuyasha continued to stand in defiance and Sesshoumaru ignored him. Inuyasha sighed. "OK. I'm gonna help you out, since you got me out of trouble with Kikyou last week. . . even though you enjoyed it, you bastard."

Sesshoumaru smirked at the memory. Kikyou and Inuyasha had been dancing around each other for over 2 years since Sesshoumaru had hired her. It was mostly Kikyou playing hard to get and Inuyasha chasing in ignorance of how to actually obtain her favor. They were both ridiculously oblivious to the other's feelings.

Kikyou had seen him giving a woman directions on some street corner. The woman had apparently come on to him afterward. Inuyasha didn't resist too much until he saw her standing across the street. Though she wouldn't admit it, Kikyou was very jealous and very angry. For the 1st two days or so Sesshoumaru got a good laugh, but by the third the stench of their anger, nervousness, and the faint scent of tears from Kikyou started to grate on his nerves. Inuyasha found the most idiotic reasons to be there constantly, that alone put Sesshoumaru on the edge between beating someone and being homicidal. Finally, Sesshoumaru walked past during one of their arguments and said simply, "The hanyou loves you" then walked out. The two had blushed to the tips of their toes. Of course now the two were dating, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, Inuyasha had become more bearable, Kikyou a little less venomous.

Inuyasha glared at him. "Stop remembering it!" There was a small silence including Sesshoumaru's customary raised eyebrow and Inuyasha's attempts at calming himself. "Anyway, I'm doing you a favor" Again Sesshoumaru's eyebrow strayed upward again. He would never need help from a hanyou. "Don't give me that!" Inuyasha half screamed. He shook his head. "I will give you my assistant. She's so great at what she does, she usually gets bored halfway through the day. Her skills are far beyond this job. "

Sesshoumaru contemplated it. After a few moments he nodded. He'd try this girl, after all if she was like the others he could merely send her back to Inuyasha. "I will accept your offer, little brother, but if she is inadequate it shall be on your head." Inuyasha gave a slight smirk and exited. He knew Kagome could do this job and do it well and he was hoping Kagome would be good for his older brother. She had the strange virtue of making everyone's day brighter. He just knew Kagome could dislodge that giant billboard from Sesshoumaru's ass.

He smirked as he bent to give Kikyou a quick kiss. She looked at him strangely, reading the familiar look in his eyes. "What's got you excited?" His smirk grew to split-face proportions.

"Nothing. Nothing at all"

~ -- ~ -- ~ -- ~ --

Kagome walked into the office, coffee in hand and files prepared. She set her things down on her desk and went to Inuyasha's office door. She rapped twice quickly and went straight in. She set the files in front of him before he could say a word. "The Penzou case is settled and I found him the perfect hotel for the duration of his stay. Mr. Asami sent a note saying he would have to reschedule Friday's meeting, so I'm waiting for u to pick an appropriate day. The other three I will have finished within the hour." She finished and gave him a brilliant smile and turned to leave.

Inuyasha didn't smile back and her grin faltered a bit. He had thought this was an excellent idea when he'd proposed it to Sesshoumaru but now he realized Kagome wouldn't be exactly happy about it. Suddenly he was a little reluctant to tell his friend the news. "uh. . . Kagome, um, I kinda gotta talk to you about something." She turned slowly from the door. "Oh no. . . what did you do to Kikyou this time? I swear, she's gonna castrate you!"

His eyes widened a bit and he winced at the thought, knowing Kagome wasn't really joking. Kikyou, if adequately angered, might really attempt to castrate him and he couldn't say he'd fight too much. He would never even think of hurting her. About the only way he'd get away would be to "harm her" "No! No! It's about you! um. . . well I may have, sorta kinda, told Sesshoumaru you'd be his new personal assistant."

The silence was deafening and Inuyasha feared for his life, even if she was a mere ningen onna. Finally she exploded. "You did what?!" He winced, reaching up to rub his sensitive ears. She just glared angrily at him and he felt like he would spontaneously combust any moment now. "You have no right!"

Finally Inuyasha sat up a little straighter. "Kagome you know as well as I do that this job is way too easy for you. Sesshoumaru needs an assistant and I think you fit the bill perfectly. You could probably do even that job easily"

Kagome sighed and slumped into a chair and he knew he had her then. "Is he as bad as everyone claims?" Inuyasha then looked apologetic again.


Kagome groaned. She could make friends with most anyone, but the one kind of person she couldn't stand was arrogant up-tight people who didn't know how to laugh. She couldn't figure out how they could go on living that way. She sighed again. "When do I start?" She stood to gather her things.

"He's already expecting you." Kagome sighed once more as she pulled her few belongings into her arms and began her march into hell.

~ -- ~ -- ~ -- ~ --

The first person Kagome saw as she exited the elevator was Inuyasha's girlfriend, Kikyou. Kikyou smiled sympathetically at Kagome's forlorn expression and went to inform her employer that Ms. Higurashi had arrived. He immediately told Kikyou to let her in.

His new assistant walked into his office in gray dress pants and a matching jacket with an off white blouse underneath. Sesshoumaru had to admit, if just to himself, that she was a true beauty. She managed to be attractive without seeming slutty in the slightest. Three points for being professional and presentable, Sesshoumaru mentally counted off. She gave a short bow and introduced herself. "I am Kagome Higurashi, Inuyasha's former secretary."

5 points for manners and composure, he thought. "I know perfectly well who you are Ms. Higurashi." He made a point of staring at her a moment longer. She didn't flinch or fidget. 1 point. "What I would like to know is if the absurdity that Inuyasha spouted about you is true. He stated that you complete your work in a percentage of the time of any other secretary in over 40 years in this company."

Kagome smirked a bit. "While most things Inuyasha says are either complete and utter nonsense or extreme hyperbole, this time he 'stated' truly, sir." She seemed to be smiling fondly at a memory . . . of Inuyasha. Somehow that irritated him, just slightly.

"Hn. We shall see."

Kagome couldn't help the small bit of awe she felt upon seeing him. Inuyasha was a fine man, but he was nothing in comparison to his older brother. Where Inuyasha's hair was wild and unruly, even though Kagome knew he brushed it multiple times a day, Sesshoumaru's hair was straight and a pristine silver that set off his whole orderly, professional appearance. Where Inuyasha was just below six feet and of a more muscular football player build, Sesshoumaru was at least 6'2, (she could tell even when he sat behind that desk examining her as if she were a bug under a microscope) and leaner, but no less broad shouldered.

Coming out of her thoughts in a matter of unnoticeable seconds, she introduced herself. Instead of Introducing himself as politeness would dictate he got right down to business. As I thought; arrogant, Kagome thought, mentally grimacing. She responded to his question, remembering when Inuyasha had told her little brother a story and had him believing all kinds of ridiculous things. The man was indeed arrogant and definitely could be blunt, but there was something about him which told her that he got things done and handled his business. Skillfully. That was one thing that Kagome Higurashi could respect. She smiled to herself as she went to set up the office beside his.

Maybe this change of scenery wouldn't be so bad after all.

Didn't know Hojo's last name (does anyone).

I don't own Stacy Adams.

Bolded 1st letter symbolizes p.o.v. Change.

~ -- ~ -- ~ -- ~ -- (Scene change)

I realized that if kikyou's so good at her job y doesn't she do the personal assistant job? Then i realized it's obvious. 1- because she wouldn't want to work any closer to Sesshou than she had to and 2- because she's not that stupid. period.