A/N: Written for Epidot, who so kindly made a request for Hina/fem!Naru. I must apologize for not being able to write this earlier as I've been very busy with RL, but I hope this meets your expectations, even though it is so short.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Barely Breathing
Her skin is still the same bronze shade it was before the transformation, eyes the same deep, deep blue, and hair the color of sunshine.
To think that Naruto, her hero, the one on whom she had built the entire foundation of her belief system upon, the love of her life, is a girl…
A part of Hinata wanted to rebel at the thought- she couldn't love another girl. What would people think? What would her father, her clan, think if they found out that she's gay?
But every time she looked at that face once again, the bright, beautiful smile, the radiant happiness that the blonde girl showed… Every time this girl simulacrum would do something that the boy Naruto would do, she couldn't help but fall all over again…
No matter that feminine curves replaced the hard muscled planes, strong jaw line softened into a pleasing line, Naruto still cursed worse than most grown men, and talked with her mouth full. She still shouted whenever she felt some overwhelming emotion and stood up for what she believed in, and has a kind, generous heart…
Naruto is Naruto, no matter the form.
And Hinata will always love her for it.