"Who here saw a bleeding Asian man leave?!" Arthur yelled once out of his tent, at the men lounging around. "Tell me… Or else…"

His emerald eyes were glinting dangerously in anger, his fist still clenching Kiku's bloody uniform top. "Tell me… now…" he growled, glaring into each individual soldier's face.

One soldier pointed a shaking finger towards the forest. Arthur rounded on him at once, grabbing his chest.

"You saw him leave and did NOTHING?" he yelled into his face. "All of you… just let him LEAVE?!"

"Please…sir…" the soldier whimpered. "I-I didn't know…"

Arthur dropped the fear-stricken man, still glaring at him.

"You wouldn't understand, would you.." he spat. "You wouldn't understand how painful it is to know that you never really completely understood the person who matter the most to you… that he's never opened himself completely to you…"

The soldiers sitting around were completely silent, unsure of how to react to the raging Englishman. "And once you begin to think that you understand… he throws something like this…" Arthur was talking more to himself as extinguishing efforts went on far behind him to stop the fire from completely engulfing the building.

Arthur covered his head with his hands, groaning. "What do you really want from me?"

The soldiers watched on in silence as Arthur gave his monologue of agony, even more confused than before.

"…Arthur san…?"

Arthur whipped around and stared at the man coming out of the woods slowly.

"Ki-Kiku?!" Arthur rushed to the Asian man who was still without a jacket, but now holding a small bundle of kimono.

"Arthur san," Kiku called again, smiling. Arthur embraced him tightly, choking back tears.

"I thought… I thought you…"

Kiku leaned into Arthur's shoulder, smiling. "I'm back."

Arthur let go of him to wipe his tears away discreetly.

"O-of course you are!" he stammered. "I knew you were going to be back!"

He looked down at the bundle of tiny kimono that was shoved into his arms. "What is this…?"

Kiku smiled again. "Promise me," he said, gently holding one of Arthur's hands. "Promise me you'll help rebuild me. Make me a better nation- raise me to be someone fit to thrive in this world."

"…Raise you…? Kiku, what are you talking about…? Of course I'll help rebuild you and your country! I'll do anything! Do you need money? Resources? People…?"

"So you promise to bring me back to my full potential?"

"Of course, Kiku! What are you saying?!" Arthur looked into Kiku's smiling face, confused, expression turning into one of shock as Kiku leaned over to give a kiss.

Kiku moved his hand from Arthur's down to his belt, swiftly pulling out Arthur's gun from its holder, breaking off the kiss softly and smiling again.

By the time Arthur could react, he was seeing only an after image of the smiling face. He was covered in blood, men around him puling away in surprise. Arthur dropped to his knees in shock, unable to fully comprehend what happened, staring at his bloodied hands. Kiku had disappeared, leaving only blood. Arthur gave a loud scream, calling his name.

It was moments later that he saw something moving on the ground a meter or so in front of him. He wiped away his tears again and kneed over, cautiously.

He picked up the tiny thing on the ground, not noticing that the blood had all turned into cherry blossom petals and had flown away with the wind.

He picked up the tiny thing he had only moments ago promised to raise.

He smiled painfully, wrapping the crying baby in the kimono Kiku left him with.

"I'll raise you…" he whispered to him. "I'll raise you to become the best, richest, biggest nation in the world…"

The baby simply cried, as though to make his existence known to the world, clutching a few pink, soft petals in his tiny fists.

Arthur kissed him lightly on the head. "Kiku… I'll love you forever…"