Title: Eternal Forgiveness

Summary: Siegfried returns several months after the tournament that he ruined to see if a certain CEO will accept his forgiveness, but he may acquire more than he knew he wanted.

Contains: Yoai, possible lemons in later chapters, odd flashbacks which will contain a variety of issues that will be explained when they appear.

Pairing: Seto X Siegfried

Disclaimer: I Do not own yu-gi-oh or ANY of the characters…if I did the show would not be suitable for children's eyes…and ohhh the bad TV reports I would have…not to mention the millions of dollars I would have.

Author's Note: I like pairing Siegfried and Seto, they're not seen together too much and I like them, so I'll make some more in hopes that you will all follow my lead and make some stories to entertain me with after allowing my fantasies to entertain you. It's a little rough around the edges, but I want to give Sieg more than just a one shot. And I won't go on hiatus with this one either. I'm here to stay.

"A delivery came in for you, Mr. Kaiba," the older secretary said from the doorway as Kaiba hung up his phone.

"Is it from anyone important?" He did not look up from his computer screen as he inquired this, rather, he kept typing the report he had been working on when he'd been interrupted by Pegasus's phone call.

"It might be, sir," the woman said. "I'm not familiar with who is important to you and who is not." If she had been younger and less frail at heart, Kaiba would have commented about her phrase, but the woman was old, and yelling at little old ladies wasn't low. Even for him.

"Fine. Bring it to me." He paused. "It's not a bomb is it?" The secretary laughed.

"Why, no, sir. Definitely not." He found her humor deeply unsettling. He allowed himself to ponder over her humor during her absence, but continued to type his report either way. He managed to keep his concentration, and his eyes, trained on his computer screen when he heard his office door open again and even when he informed his secretary to place the package on his desk. After that, however, he was unable to type.

"What are those?" He stated almost coldly, trying far too hard to keep the anger out of his voice and failing regardless.

"Why, they're flowers, Mr. Kaiba!" The woman stated cheerfully. "Roses! Yellow roses!" She sounded like she'd never received a bouquet in her life, and her enthusiasm over his own flower crop made him make a mental note to buy her some on her birthday. After he figured out when that was. "More than a dozen! At least fifteen!"

"Yes, I see that. But why do I have them? Didn't I tell the staff that obsessive-fans' flowers are to be thrown in the incinerator?" His secretary frowned and he sighed.

"Well, they aren't from a fan, Mr. Kaiba. They're from another company."

"God, it's not Pegasus is it?" He expected her to laugh, but she did not.

"I think you'd better check for yourself, Mr. Kaiba. I'll be in my office if you need anything else." She left hastily, leaving her young boss unsettled and deeply disturbed.

Roses. If not Pegasus, then he had a good idea who. But yellow roses weren't really his thing. He was more…pink.

Salutations, Seto Kaiba

The note attached the flowers read.

I just wanted to tell you that I

am in town. I hope to stop by

sometime this week to visit you.




What the hell did he mean by love? Just his way of causing more trouble, Seto told himself. What else was more humiliating than receiving flowers from a freak along with a letter that said love? He shoved the flowers off of his desk and into the too small waste basket. He kept the note in his pocket, not because he wanted to, but because he didn't want the cleaning staff reading it and having it published in the paper. People could get the wrong idea if they saw that addressed to him.

Alright, the end of chapter one. Short, but to the point. And no, Kaiba is not in love with the elderly secretary. I was trying to show his more human side. And it is refreshing to see him be so careful with words when not talking to Mokuba.

And to explain the "love" I'm going for the "I'm really not paying much attention to what I am writing" side of Siegfried. He isn't declaring love right now.