Okay guys, I'm so sorry, REALLY sorry for updating so late. I got writer's block and well, I was busy with schoolwork.
Before you forgive me or anything, I have to tell you guys something. This is not the official chapter 5. This is a revised/alternate edition of chapter 4. Well, since Rima knew that she needed glasses, I was thinking how the story would turn out if she didn't wear glasses right away.
So now, I'm putting the fate of my story to you guys. Please vote in the poll on my profile. I'm telling you, it's gonna make a big impact on this story. ~_^
FieldOfPaperFlowers – Holly-chan! ^^ I get what you're saying. I have glasses too. XD My old one got ready in an hour and the second one in a week. ^^ Oh well, whatever makes the story move faster. ^__^ Beta reader? I want to, but I don't know how. Besides, I'm the 'independent-learner' type. I want to learn things and correct my mistakes on my own. So for know, sorry for the upcoming wrong grammars. I'll try to correct them.
I want to thank you guys for all the praises and reviews. Even though I don't reply to each of you, I swear I read each and every review. Thanks again. You guys rock! \m/
Well, here goes CHAPTER 4, VERSION 2. Some parts might remain the same though. Like the first half of the chapter. But it will change. I promise.
Disclaimer: chiibii-chan owns nothing. ^^ (Sorry for the long introduction! I have to explain stuff.)
The song is now ending and our pace is starting to slow down too. "I…love you, Rima-chan."
The instrumental of the music faded away and I took two steps away from him, taking my arms off of his neck.
He did not just say that he loves me. Before he could say anything else, I ran. (a/n: just had to put a recap! XD)
Rima's POV
I ran to nowhere and soon I got lost. I spotted a tree and leaned on its trunk. I looked at my surroundings. Oh, I'm a few meters away from the royal garden. I looked at the tree and it has pink leaves. Pink leaves?
I panted. The hell? What did purple head just say?!
"I…love you, Rima-chan."
Is he under some sort of medication?! I mean, duh. We've been enemies for quite sometime now. I hate him and he hates me too…right? He hates me right?
I felt my chest. (a/n: the part where the heart is, NOT the perverted part. ;;) ) My heart's beating faster than usual. I can feel heat rising up my cheeks. God, what is happening to me?!
Kusu-kusu flew up to me. "Rima~! You were so fast! Why did you run?"
"sorry kusu-kusu. I don't know what's happening to me…" I muttered.
She giggled and I glared. "now's not the time to be funny kusu-kusu."
"You're in love Rima!"
I gasped. "with purple head?! Oh no I'm not!"
"Yes you are Rima!" she patted my shoulder. "stop acting stubborn!"
I closed my eyes for a while and flashbacks came to me. The time when purple head transferred and became jack…when we fought…when he forced Kukai and tadase into a skirt…when we went to amu's house…we fought again…then we got along…his egg hatched…soon the pink one hatched too…up until now…
All those times we fought, he was always there for me, always smiling. Now that I think of it, I might be a little too irrational and unfair to him.
I heard the leaves of the tree rustle and came down purple head, with earphones around his neck. He landed and the earphones and blue wings disappeared.
"there you are Rima-chan…" he looked at his charas. "rhythm, temari, will you kindly…?"
They both nodded and dragged kusu-kusu away. "h-hey~! Don't drag me! This is against the law of charas! Rimaaaaaa!"
I sighed as soon as they were out of sight. Silence…
And more silence…
"…look Rima-chan, I'm sorry for saying those things so suddenly." He said with an apologetic look on his face. "I…I understand if you don't feel the same way…"
I looked away. "but please Rima-chan…I need to hear an answer from you, if you say that you don't like me, then I'll back off. So please…"
"I…" I started. "I don't know…"
He smiled at me. Heh, smile all you want Fujisaki, I know that it's fake. You're not the only one who can act. "I understand. I'll leave then."
He turned around to leave. No, wait! "I don't know! Because whenever you're with me, I feel secured and safe and I feel warm. Whenever I see your smile, I get this mushy feeling inside of me and I hate it!"
He slowly turned around again to face me. "I hate it…"
The next thing I knew, he's in front of me hugging me close. What the?! Is he a vampire or something? Like Edward Mullen? (a/n: HAHA! My friend accidentally said that, I just thought it was funny.)
"Don't cry."
I was crying?! I felt my eyes and ta-da! There were tears. Ugh, traitors. "I'm here."
He's saying that again! That's the exact same thing that gets my heart beating so fast. He looked at me and captured my lips.
OKAYY!!! What's he doing now?! It was gentle and soon, I responded to the kiss. I may be uncertain at first…but now…I'm sure.
We pulled apart. "I love you." I said quietly.
He smiled brightly. "what?"
I crossed my arms over my chest. "don't make me repeat what I said!"
He hugged me and twirled me around, like what they do in sick, romantic movies. "put me down nagihiko! This instant! I'm warning you!"
He obliged and put me down gently. "I love you too rima-chan."
He was about to kiss me…again when we heard something move up the tree. We both looked up and saw that perverted cat.
"cheesy lines girly boy and shrimp." He said yawning.
"were you there the whole time?" I asked.
"nope, only up until the line of shrimp saying, 'whenever you're with me, I feel safe and secured' and stuff like that." He said. "and I thought I finally found a good place to rest. "
"Amu's inside the hall ikuto." Nagihiko said. Ikuto's eyes glinted and he immediately ran off. Good luck amu.
A leaf/petal fell down from the tree and landed on my head. Nagihiko picked it up. "wow, that looks amazing. What's this tree called?"
"it's called a Sakura tree, Rima-chan." He said. "it's Nadeshiko's favorite tree."
I smiled. "and now, it's our tree."
He looked around and picked up something. It's what you use for gardening…what's it called? A spade? Chisel? I don't know, I'm not into gardening. But it's a really sharp tool. (a/n: I'm not into gardening too. XD)
He carved something on the tree trunk. I looked at it and it says, NxR forever. I shook my head. "you're so corny Nagihiko."
He laughed. "But it's one of the things you love about me." I punched him on the arm and he pretended to be hurt.
Best dance ever. Thank you Amu and Yaya.
The next day…
"Rima honey! Wake up if you don't want to be late!" I tossed and turned in my bed. I don't understand the fact that no matter what time you go to sleep the night before, the next day you always wake up exhausted. "Rima! This is your last wake up call young lady. Get out of bed!"
I grunted on my pillow and stood up lazily. I looked at kusu-kusu's egg and tapped it gently. The egg slowly opened and revealed kusu-kusu rubbing her eyes. "Mowniin Wimaa…. (a/n: that means, "Morning Rima" in sleepy-kusu-kusu mode.) I smiled softly and changed into my uniform.
"Hey Rima…aren't we forgetting something?" I tapped my chin and it hit me.
"Crud! I forgot the paperwork I was supposed to finish for the guardians!" I'm so stupid! I was too preoccupied with thoughts of Nagihiko that I forgot to finish those. It's one of those reports and surveys regarding the activities of the guardians. I sighed. This is one of the cons of this whole guardians thing.
I quickly grabbed the stack of files on my desk, fastened it together with an old paperclip and dashed out of my room with kusu-kusu flying after me. I was near the stairs when my vision became blurry again followed by my head aching.
I kept on running while clutching my head. This can't be happening again! What's wrong with me?!
"Rima! Are you alright?" kusu-kusu asked.
"Yeah I'm—whoa~!" You know what happened? Well I'll tell you what happened. I was about to reply to what kusu-kusu said but I didn't notice that the stairs was right before me. So, I fell down the flight of stairs. Halfway down though, I felt numb.
I landed butt first. I opened my eyes and saw the papers scattered everywhere and kusu-kusu flying towards me holding my school bag. "Oh my goodness rima~! Are you alright?!!"
I got scratches covering my legs, arms, neck and face. Then pain shot through my head and by reflex, I clutched it and formed into a ball. "Rima!!!"
"My head…it hurts…really, really hurts…" I said barely above a whisper.
My vision was again blurry but I could still figure out my mom running towards me. "Rima!"
I felt a last wave of pain before I slipped into unconsciousness.
-hospital, woke up 3 hours later-
"Rima, are you sure you're alright? You should get some rest first." I looked at the patient whose missing an arm being rolled away in a wheelchair before turning to my mom.
"I'm fine mom." She looked at me worriedly and then sighed.
"Rima, I'm worried about the result of your tests." To make it clear, the 'tests' that she's referring to is not the tests and exams in school. She's talking about the result of the series of examinations I went through here in the hospital. They say it's for knowing my real illness and blah, blah, blah…
"Don't be mom. I'm sure it's just fatigue and because of exhaustion." She smiled weakly and mumbled something. I only figured the words, 'I' and 'hope'. Hm.
But anyways, before you get all confused with what's happening and where I am now, I'm way ahead of you. I'm the hospital, obviously, and I'm currently walking out. Thank god. So I fainted and my mom brought me here. I woke up 3 hours later and they did some examinations on me. The results will come out in a few months.
Oh, did I mention that I have to wear glasses? For the meantime, I do. I'll get them after 2 and half weeks. The doctor gave me a few medicines to drink in case I get another round of head aches.
Plus, I missed school. So tomorrow I'm sure I'll receive a lot of questions. But I have it all figured out. I'll just tell them that I…had a head ache! Which was partly true.
I have a feeling something was going to happen. I glanced at the water stained window, due to massive rain, and sighed.
-The next day, Royal Garden-
I entered the royal garden only to be greeted once again with the same scenario. You know it gets tiring now. As soon as they noticed me, Yaya pounced on me.
"Rima-taaaan~! Yaya was worried about you!!!!" I chuckled at he immaturity.
"Mashiro-san, why were you absent?" I looked at tadase and replied,
"head ache." I sat down and they also sat down on their proper sits. "Anything I missed?"
"Nothing new. Well, except that we have a new teacher and Tsukasa said that he'll announce something important today." Amu replied bored.
I nodded my head until I noticed something. "Where's Nagihiko?"
"Oh, you mean your boyfriend?" I winced at Amu's statement. This has a lot of getting used to. "He's absent for today."
I blinked a few times. "what?"
"As well as yesterday Mashiro-san. I called his house and it seems that he has fever or something." Oh… I looked at my lap for a few seconds.
"Miss him already, Rima-tan?" My head snapped up and immediately glared at Yaya.
"Shut up Yaya."
I twitched at the floating guardian chara beside me. "Are you sure about this?"
"Of course Rima! A good girlfriend visits her boyfriend when he's sick!" I glared at her.
"Even if it means ditching school?!" She just shrugged. "Tsukasa-san approved you know." I sighed before turning to the gigantic gate in front of me.
I'm standing in front of none other than Nagihiko's house. As of now, I have a few realizations.
One, never trust whatever your chara says. Two, know what your boyfriend's house look like. And three, well, I never had a third realization. I'm saving it up for later.
"What are you waiting for Rimaaaa~? Press the doorbell!" I gulped before reaching out the doorbell. I don't know why I feel nervous…
"Y'know kusu-kusu, maybe I should just come back when he's feeling fine…you know…" My chara sent a super death glare at me and I had no other choice but to ring the doorbell.
"Who is it?" A voice said. I gathered up all the strength I could muster and replied, "I-I'm Rima. I'm here to see Nagihiko."
It was silent for a while and suddenly the big gate opened. I yelped and kusu-kusu did so too. "Woah…"
A big garden welcomed us and an old lady is standing in the pathway. "Hello. I'm Baaya. Come in."
She led me into the house and walked our way towards Nagihiko's room. "Wow Rima! They're house is like a maze!"
I nodded in agreement. "Um excuse me…what happened to Nagihiko?"
She glanced at me over her shoulder. "He got fever while waiting for someone in the rain."
"Oh..." I wonder who he was waiting for? I suddenly felt anger boiled inside of me. Wait…am I feeling . . . . jealous? Oh, no.
"Mashiro-san if you don't mind me asking…" I looked at her with curiosity. "Are you dating Nagihiko-san?"
I almost tripped and kusu-kusu can't stop giggling. I glared at her before laughing nervously. "w-what…?"
That Baaya lady smiled at me. "Don't worry. I'll have Nagihiko-sama tell it himself."
I sighed. Well, I find it uncomfortable saying it in front of her. After a lot of twists and turns (I honestly lost count after 10), we arrived at a door with a sign saying, 'Nagihiko' hanging on the doorknob.
"Here you are Mashiro-san." She bowed politely then walked away. I remained standing in front of that door. It's as if my feet are glued to the floor.
"Rima…?" I took a deep breath. It's alright Rima, you can do this. It's just nagihiko.
Yeah…it's just your super HOT boyfriend. Why get nervous?
Oh great, I'm hearing voices inside my head. What a time to lose your sanity.
Oh God you're an idiot alright. I'm your conscience.
Conscience? Isn't it weird that I'm talking to myself?
Not really. Now turn that doorknob and enter!
I don't think that's a really—
It would be better to visit him than to do nothing at all. He might think that you don't care about him.
But I do care. . . . about him.
Then turn that doorknob and enter! Geez!
What should I do after doing that?!
. . . . . . . . . .
Hello conscience? Wooh, it's gone. Oh well. I knocked and heard someone cough. "w-who's there?"
I didn't reply instead I entered. He's lying down on the bed, his eyes closed. He looks so peaceful. I couldn't help but blush. I could see a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.
As soon as Rhythm saw us, he flew towards us. "Yo." Then he immediately smirked. "I see you already miss your boyfriend."
I winced. This has a lot of getting used to… Nagihiko stirred and asked in an annoyed voice, "Rhythm! Who are you talking to…?"
He slowly opened his eyes and I stiffened. "R-rima…?"
He tried to sit up but I pushed him back down. "Don't force yourself purple head." He smiled weakly and lay back down slowly.
"y-you visited…" I held my hands up to his forehead. He's burning up. "aww you care for me…"
I glared at him. "I am AMAZED on your ability to piss me off even in this condition."
"What were you doing waiting in the rain?!" He narrowed his eyes at me.
"For your information, I was waiting under the rain for you." I was puzzled. What did he mean…? "When the bell rang and you weren't in the classroom, I became worried. So I waited for you outside your house."
I was stunned. "No one answered the doorbell so I waited. Then it r-rained. . . ."
Oh great. It's my entire fault. "You're an idiot Nagihiko."
"Maybe I am. But where were you, and why were you absent?" Uh oh. I hate questions like this.
"I. . . . Accompanied my mom to the hospital?" I hope he buys this…
"Oh, Okay."
He bought it. I breathed a sigh of relief and glared at him. I don't know why. Reflex I guess. He laughed at me exasperated expression and I hit him on the arm. "Ow! Is that the proper way to treat a sick person?" I sighed. He was right. I'm acting totally unreasonable to him.
"Okay fine. Since it's my fault, I'll make it up to you." He raised an eyebrow. "What can I do?"
"Hmm…save it up for later, when I'm well again." He said. "Thanks for coming by Rima-chan."
-Next day, on the way to school-
So Nagihiko heals really, REALLY fast. We're walking our way to school and we're not even talking to each other.
It's awkward.
"I heard tsukasa-san has an announcement…" My head snapped up.
"Yeah, and I don't know what the hell it is about." I heard him sigh. After that, everything fell quiet again.
-Tsukasa's office-
I sat in the Tsukasa's office twitching. Why? You'll find out soon.
"But uncle, are you sure you can't do anything?" Ugh. I hate Tadase's uncle so much.
"I'm sorry, but no. We have to raise funds for our school's charity and scholars." We all sighed.
"Why do we have to do it?" I asked.
"You're the guardians."
"What are we doing here?" Our heads turned to the Tsukiyomi siblings standing in one corner.
Tsukasa-san shrugged. "to help out of course."
Utau and Ikuto glared at him. I felt a sharp pain in the head again. I clutched my head and held onto the wall for support.
Purple head turned to me. "Are you alright Rima-koi?"
Ugh. I'm in too much pain to argue with him now. I nodded my head slightly and he shrugged.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Tsukasa half-smirked, half-smiled. Uh-oh, I know that look. That glint in his eyes says everything! (a/n: Dramatic much, Rima?)
"It's simple. You are doing..."
Had to leave it there, sorry. XD
I know, I took too long to update. But I'm so busy this month I hardly have any time to brush my hair – literally!
My friends had to brush my hair in place during our free time. -.-"
So, I know you hate cliffhangers. But cliffhangers end faster when you review so, REVIEW!!! *^_^*