First, you might be asking why I'm starting on a new story when I should be updating my other ones.

I dunno, I guess I got inspired or something. I was listening to a song entitled, 'You and I' by Park Bom (Of 2NE1. xDD), and BAAAAM! It Hit Me.

I suggest you listen to it while reading the WHOLLEE Story. Lol.

Summary: Rima hates Nagihiko, and we've established that. After a year, Rima's vision suddenly blurs and she starts to wear glasses. She slowly grows detached with the others. Why? READ ON. ^^ Soon after, nagi and Rima's love-hate relationship grows. Hey, I'm not spoiling anything here. ^^

Royal Garden, Rima's POV.

From my past experience being a guardian here, there are some things which I can't understand.

For one thing; I can't understand why Yaya eats too much sweets but she doesn't gain weight. Second, I can't understand why Amu still likes Tadase. Well, if you ask me, she would be better off with Tsukiyomi.

And last; I can't understand this feeling whenever purple head smiles at me.

I know it's weird but—"Rima-chan!" –and there he goes again.

"what now purple head?" I asked annoyed.

"are you going to the guardian meeting now? I'm thinking if we can go together." He said smiling. Ugh, darn that smile.

I instantly glared. "no. now, go away." I said. He just shrugged.

I walked towards the royal garden with him following me. Yes, it's been a year and I'm still here at seiyo and I'm still a guardian along with the others. It's our last year here and soon, we'll all be transferring at seiyo high – all, except for Yaya, of course.

After what seemed like forever, I arrived at the royal garden. And the same scenario welcomed me again, as it does everyday.

"Sweets! Yaya wants sweets!" yaya whined along with pepe. And, tadase tries to calm her down with amu caught in the middle.

As soon as she saw me, she stopped and eyed me suspiciously. "Rima-tan…why were you with nagi?!"

"he annoys me." I said and sat down. Purple head sweat dropped then took his seat.

"Okay, let's not start our meeting, shall we?"

After 30 minutes… (Let's skip it, okay?)

Wow…it has been 30 minutes and all I hear is blah, blah, blah. And something about buying supplies for who-knows-what.

"And so, to make our job easier, I asked Souma-kun to help." Tadase said eyeing Yaya.

Yaya immediately perked up. "Kukai! Yay!!! Can he be Yaya's partner, pleaseee~?"

Tadase- being the nice guy that he was –agreed to yaya's request. Yaya raised a fist up and started dancing chanting the word, 'yay'!

Let me guess, the next pair to be formed is, "Amu-chan…would you…" but Tadase wasn't able to finish his sentence at all. Amu nodded once while blushing. I told you, it would be the infamous TADAMU love team.

WAIT! So that means… "So that leaves Fujisaki-kun and Mashiro-san together." He stacked his papers. "You can start buying supplies tomorrow with your partner."

Darn it, everyone's playing cupid with us. "questions?"

I raised my hand. "Why am I partnered with purple head?" I asked giving Tadase my famous death glare.

Everybody sweatdropped. "well, you guys were the only ones left."

"Is there something wrong with it, Rima-chan?" Purple head asked me.

I huffed. "nothing's wrong with it. AND STOP CALLING ME RIMA-CHAN, WE'RE NOT CLOSE!"

"okay then…" I rolled my eyes. You might be thinking, aren't I being too harsh to him? Answer is no. I've always been like this when it comes to him.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I quickly answered it. "hello?"

"Rima, I'm here."

I muttered a silent okay and our phone conversation ended. I turned to the guardians who was waiting for an explanation. "mama's here. I gotta go."

I picked up my bag and ran towards the gate with kusu-kusu floating by my side. I saw our car parked In front of the school and I entered inside. As usual, mama's talking to dad through her cellphone.

"You were suppose to pick her up today! … I don't care if you have work, I'm busy too! … no, you were the one whose not doing their obligation! What If Rima gets kidnapped again?! … It doesn't matter anyway! … It's not my fault it's—hello? Ugh, he hung up on me." I know they're having another argument. And the worst part is, they're fighting because of me.

My mom looked at me through her rearview mirror and sighed. She drove back to our house without saying anything.

"bala-balance!" I giggled while kusu-kusu rolled over her stomach laughing. I took a bite out of my pizza when suddenly I received a text message.

Why don't we meet tomorrow and buy the supplies, Rima-chan?


Really now? Purple head bugging me first thing in the evening.

If I have any other choice I would decline. -.-

Where and What time?


I pressed send. Kusu-kusu giggled after reading Nagi's text. "what now, kusu-kusu?"

"well…it's like a date isn't it?! I mean, You and Nagi alone in a mall~! Or perhaps a romantic place!" She clasped her hands together like she's imagining something.

I rolled my eyes. "Get real kusu-kusu. We're just buying stuff. Besides, it's not like I like purple head…or something."

Great! We'll meet at the park okay? 10:00 am.

Don't be late now Rima-chan.


I smiled to myself. Wait, smiled?! Why the--?! How the--?! Oh great, I'm losing my sanity.

KRRRRIIIIINNNGGGG! (a/n: if it isn't that obvious, that's the sound of an alarm clock, okay? xD)

I lazily pressed the snooze button. "Rima-tan… if you don't wake up now, you'll be late!"

Late for what? It's Saturday for pete's sake. I ignored kusu-kusu and started to doze off, when it hit me.

I jolted up straight with eyes wide opened. "Oh my gosh, we were suppose to buy supplies today!"

I rushed out of bed and took a shower. After 5 minutes, I'm already on my way downstairs. I didn't see any sign of my mama or papa, so it means that they're already at work.

I ran towards our meeting place and when I arrived, purple head's already there waiting. As soon I was only about a few inches from here, I stopped running and panted, with my hands on top of my knees for support.

Purple head turned to me. "Oh, you're just in time Rima-chan." He stooped down so he was in eye level with me. "did you run?"

I glared at him. "what was your first clue? My messy hair or me panting?"

He chuckled. Great, purple head is laughing at my misery. "shall we go then?" he held out a hand but I purposely ignored it.

We walked together side by side towards the mall; because that's where we will be buying the supplies. While we were walking, I can hear people murmuring some stuff. I wonder what it is…

Purple head chuckled. It seems that he can hear what the people are murmuring and whispering about. I stopped walking and asked. "can you hear what they're saying, purple head?"

"why yes, I do Rima-chan."

I waited for him to continue. "then…what are they murmuring about?"

"do you really want me to tell you?" he asked in a teasing tone.

"yes." He signaled for me to come closer then he bent down to whisper something in my ear.

"are you sure you wanna know…?" he asked again. I just nodded in response. "fine then. They're saying that we look cute together and that we look like a good couple."

I distanced from him and flushed. Me?! Purple head?! I Mean, he— i—we--- don't have anything! Pfft! Stupid people.

Purple head smirked at my expression then continued walking. He's one of those stupid people.

"Seeds for the garden…check!" Purple head and I winded up holding a long list of things to buy and crossing out stuff every now and then.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "is there more???"

"yes, we're halfway done though." I slouched slightly. Why? Well, I'm tired and my feet hurt because of going around. Purple head seemed to notice this and asked, "feeling tired, Rima-chan?"

"n-no…" I muttered.

"We could rest for a while. Eat some ice cream." He suggested smiling. Hmm…that wouldn't be so bad. I was hesitant but I nodded. He grinned and dragged me to the food court.

We ordered ice cream on one of the stalls there. "what flavor would you want sir?"

"Vanilla please." Vanilla? Oh…so that's his favorite flavor. The ice cream vendor eyed me. "how about your girlfriend?"

I froze. GIRLFRIEND?!?! My eyes widened but I didn't say anything. "Um, Rima…what flavor?"

"strawberry." Nagihiko smiled and turned to the lady. The lady handed us two cones and we walked away. Not before hearing what she said; "have fun on your date!"

Damn that lady.

We sat down on one of the benches there and silently ate our ice cream. This is getting awkward…and awkward. "um…awhile ago…" I started.

"hmm?" I licked my ice cream before continuing.

"why didn't you say something when the ice cream vendor mistook lovers." I said slowly still avoiding eye contact with him.

"to tell you frankly, it's not worth arguing for. Why not humor that woman just once?" He replied.

"oh…" then he looked at me. "why Rima-chan? Don't tell me you liked that?!"

"What?! No!" I said my voice raising an octave.

Purple head smirked. "…voice turns higher when in-denial…" he said writing it down on a piece of paper.

He ticks me. -.-

After a few minutes of resting we continued on with buying the things needed. "What do we need to buy next?"

He looked at the list. "office supplies."

"really now? Office supplies?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yup. It's a favor from tsukasa-san."

On the way to the stationary shop, we passed by a bookstore and decided to take a look. Purple head went straight to the sports magazine section and I went straight to my favorite book – gag mangas.

I picked up a copy and looked at it. One thing surprised me; my vision became blurry and I can't see the page clearly. I blinked my eyes for a few times and my vision was back to normal again. Weird. I just shrugged it off.

I bought the manga and purple head bought a sports magazine. We proceeded to the stationary store afterwards.

A few hours later…

At last! We finally finished shopping. Those long, long hours of agony done. We decided to stop by at tadase's place first to deliver the goods.

Purple head rang the doorbell and tadase answered it. "oh, Fujisaki-kun, Mashiro-san, what are you guys doing here?"

Purple head shoved the plastic bags to tadase and smiled. "here you go hotori-kun." He thanked us and smiled that 'prince smile' of his.

Before I walked away, I just had to say it. "See ya around, prince."

We heard a 'poing!' and a small crown appeared on his head. "I AM NOT A PRINCE YOU COMMONER! I'M A KING! O-HO-HO-HO-HO!"

I walked away smirking while purple head sweatdropped. "is that really necessary Rima-chan?"

"Yup." I replied.

He walked me back to my house first. and at that right time, I could hear my parents fighting already from inside of our house. Purple head seemed to hear it too.

"what's happening in there?" he asked.

"it's nothing…" I replied.

As if on cue, we heard crashing sounds. "that doesn't sound like nothing Rima-chan."

Annoyed from his constant asking and from the behavior of my parents, I answered him sharply. "yes, it's NOTHING that concerns you!"

He was taken back. "i-I'm sorry… I didn't—"

I cut him off. "don't mind it. You know what? Let's forget this, I'm tired. Go home. Good night. And thanks for walking me home."

He didn't have a chance to reply because I ran inside my house. I took a final glance at him and he still looks shocked and worried. Purple head? Worried? Naah… I must be imagining things.

The next day, Royal Garden.

I arrived but saw no one. Hm, I came earlier than expected. You couldn't blame me of course, who would want to be stuck inside my house?

I placed my bag on the table and looked around. The Royal Garden is so peaceful; especially when it's free from Yaya's constant whining and Amu's rants. I smiled inwardly to myself remembering the moments.

I was cut from my train of thought when I heard the sound of a chair moving. I looked to my left and saw purple head.

After placing his bag down, silence filled us.

"um…about yesterday…" I started.

He was hesitant for a second but he turned to look and smile at me. "don't worry Rima-chan, it's alright. It's my fault anyway, for asking such a personal question."

Aww great, now he's making himself feel like he's the one at fault! "anyways, we better start watering the garden."

We both picked up a watering can and went to the garden. I went to the faucet to refill the watering can. And while walking back, it happened again. My vision went all blurry.

I felt a little bit dizzy and I still can't see clearly so I stumbled and fell, spilling the water. Purple head came rushing to me upon hearing the big splash I made. He helped me stand up and in an instant, my vision became normal again.

"what happened Rima-chan? Are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

"yes, I'm fine. I jut tripped over something…" LIE.

He nodded and picked up the watering can I dropped. "I'll refill this for you."

Seriously, I have to get my eyes checked. But I have to do it alone. Since it's pretty obvious that my parents won't accompany me since they're too busy arguing and I don't want them there anyways.

"Rima-chan…?" I turned to purple head who's giving me the watering can. "be careful now."

"thanks." He checked his wrist watch.

"come now, the others must've arrived." He led the way. His long, flowing purple head dancing gracefully with the wind.

I shook my head rapidly. I MUST be losing my mind.

I'll end it there. ^__^

First chapter, done! So how do you guys like it, so far? Reviews are highly appreciated. But Please, NO FLAMES! Sorry if it's short, this is just the first chapter, DON'T LOSE FAITH! .

So… Have you guys listened to it? The song? YOU SHOULD'VE! Lol. XDD This song was the inspiration of my story. And if you listened to it, Yes, someone will die. I Know, it's sad. But don't worry, one can find the best even in the worst situations. Just Like how Rima found Nagi even in a bad situation; you know, when her parents fight and stuff. ;;)

Sorry for the bad grammar and if there is, wrong spellings. ^^