K so I now have a serious fettish for True Blood, its sad really that all I think about is Eric, Godric and Sookie. Oh well anyway just a one shot that keeps floating around in my brain.

Anyway this is a Sookie X Eric and sex is vital.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but this one shot.

Lips were all over me as were his hands, I couldn't breath the feelings he was envoking in me refused to let me stop enjoying this I new it was wrong but if felt so right.

"Stop thinking just relax and feel" he said seductively

"I…i…" I tried to reply but I couldn't form any words as he moved lower on my body.

"Yes pet" he said as he stopped just above my acheing core. I growled at him to continue but he chuckled then said

"Tell me what you want pet" I looked at him and then I whispered

"You i want you inside me please" I rea;ised I was begging in the end but I couldn't care less I wanted him no matter how wrong it was.

"As you wish pet" he said as he pulled his body up over mine and placed himself at my entrance. He slowly rubbed himself over my folds groaning

"So wet for me my pet…so very wet" he slid along my folds one more time before he thrust all of himself inside me hard.

"ERIC" I woke up with a scream of his name and woke a horrified and angry Bill next to me.

Like it? Hate it? Review and tell me.

Love you all
