Chapter 1: He's Gone, Don't Leave a Message

Bella Swan POV

He didn't want me? He was gone? Nothing processed in my mind, but I knew something was going terribly wrong. I started to wander in his direction after he'd gone.

Love, life, meaning . . . It was all starting to process. It was over.

I didn't know how long it had been, and didn't care. It was dark tonight, a new moon. But I kept stumbling. I didn't realize I was on the ground until I found myself playing with a bronze-colored fallen leaf on the ground. My face was wet, and I heard pained screams very close. I soon realized they were mine because my throat hurt and they became fainter. I felt like I was slipping, falling, and letting something go.

I saw someone in the distance. It was a shadowy, white figure of a person. A girl with flowing, light hair; I didn't recognize her. Her face looked worried. I think she was an angel, or a goddess.

"Why?" I tried to call to her. "He's gone. Help me."

She kept staring concernedly towards me. Then my sight went blank.

Alice Cullen POV

I sat there on the plane to the east coast, leaving my sister Bella behind. I couldn't believe that Edward had made me do this, but I couldn't go back now. I had to let her be human. I felt a vision coming on, and let it come to me. I saw a tan, blonde girl, walking into the cafeteria of Forks High. She was obvious new, and was being trailed by Mike Newton. She gazed upon a wretched Bella worriedly, and confronted her cautiously. When Bella saw her, at first she was confused, but then her face brightened, like she had been waiting for her. Her face looked less emotionless than before, and a bit brighter. I saw a small smile crack, and then I saw Bella laugh.

I knew now that she would be fine without us. That both comforted and hurt my non-beating heart. Shit, why did I let Edward destroy our family?