Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Southern Vampire Mysteries, I just love to play with the characters. My hat is off to Stephanie Meyer and Charlaine Harris.

Summary: The Cullen's never came back in New Moon. Bella Swan has decided to attend the University of Louisiana at Shreveport. She is starting a new life for herself after three years of community college in Washington, and getting her life back together. Even after the vampires had come out of the coffin four years ago, she hadn't heard from the Cullen's, which had been five years ago. She was moving on with her life and was looking for a job near the University and her new apartment. She had an interview at Fangtasia, and little did she know that her world was about to be turned upside down by a certain Swedish Viking Vampire.


Author's Note – My story has been re-vamped from the one-shot that it was. For my readers, you should read the whole story again, because I've made some major changes to the story in order for it to not only work as a full fledged story, but to correct discrepancies and add to the story line and character development. I hope all of you like this version as much or more that the one-shot. I have broken up the six sections of my one-shot into six chapters to start with, and I have much more coming. Thank you for your support and please review to tell me what you think of my new version. (This AN will be posted in my first three chapters, so my readers won't miss it).

Also, I would like to thank my Beta chiisai-kitty for her hard work and encouragement. Thank you and you are totally an awesome person and Beta. I would also like to thank Jasper's Black Rose, roadrunnertwilight lover, and Erullisse, for their help and encouragement through my creative process, you guys totally rock!

Please don't forget to review, and this story is of a mature nature, so if you are under 18 years old, find a different story to read. Thanks to my readers for your continued support.

Chapter One - New Beginnings:

Bella's POV

The airplane was landing in Shreveport in five minutes. I was excited to see my new apartment and be on campus at LSU. Finally, after five years, I had gotten away from Forks, Washington. I felt like I had a new lease on life. Nothing could bring me down now. I had finally moved on from my past and I wasn't miserable and depressed anymore. It took me a while to get over them. I had waited two years before I decided to go to college. I think a part of me was expecting them to eventually come back to Forks. It wasn't until I let go of that false hope that I was able to move on and heal. It wasn't easy letting go of them, especially after the vampires went public and 'came out of the coffin', as they announced on the radio a year after they left. It took me another year to realize that I was wasting my life away, and with Jacobs help, I was able to start moving on.

I went to community college, got my Associates Degree in English Literature, and now I'm transferring to LSUS on an English Scholarship. I don't think I've ever seen my dad more proud of me that the day I got my A.A. Degree and my full ride scholarship to LSUS. He stuck by me the whole five years, watching me grieve and heal, then watching me get my life back in order. It was hard leaving Charlie and Jacob behind, but I knew this was what I needed to do in order to grow up and move on with my life.

I still thought of them sometimes, but it didn't hurt like it used to. I had finally come to accept that the Cullens were a part of my past, and they were not coming back. I've grown up a lot and I'm moving on. For the longest time, I was unsure whether or not I would be able to let him go; let them go. I had grieved for him like it was a death, and to me it was. The death of my heart, my love, my trust. I had healed, but at a cost to myself. I was no longer in love with Edward Cullen, but I didn't know if I'd ever be able to trust another enough to give them my heart again. I had locked the part of myself that was the woman who desired and loved deep within my soul. I would not let her out, because if I did, she could get hurt again. It was too painful. No one had been able to penetrate that part of me. Not even Jacob, my best friend.

Jacob had been my sun, he had helped me to come back from the dead. He was my best friend and I was about to give him what small piece of me that I could, and then he had imprinted. I remember how long it took me to be able to feel any semblance of romantic love for him, I realized after a year and a half that I was falling for him. It wasn't the same feelings I had for him, but it was definitely love. I remember the day I went to La Push to tell Jacob how I felt about him, I showed up and he was so happy to see me that he picked me up and twirled me around in a huge bear hug. He was so excited and happy when he told me about the girl he met on the Macah Reservation when he went there with Billy on a fishing trip. Her name was Rayen, and they were instantly drawn to each other. I was sad, but also relieved that I didn't get the chance to tell him my true feelings. Jacob was so happy that I realized that having him for a best friend was more important than anything else and I was happy for him. He had found his soul mate, and that was how it should be. He would always be my Jacob, my best friend, and my forever sunshine.

Now I was starting my new life, letting go and growing up. I was going to try to give all of myself to my new life. Well, as much as I could. I was going to start dating. If anything, Jacob taught me that I could love again. I was ready to try to have a relationship and experience what it was to have a physical relationship with someone. I had just turned 23 and I was ready to have the full college experience. I had wasted too many years grieving and getting my life in order, it was time to experience it and have some fun.

My major was English Literature and I was living in the University Court Apartments, which were right off campus. All I had to do now was to find a job, and everything would be perfect.

My plane landed and I got my luggage and made my way to the cabs outside. I was on my way to my new life. A life without werewolves and vampires. A life without the Cullens.

Eric's POV

Another night, sitting on my throne, appeasing the tourists and patrons. Always more fangbangers, grovelling at my feet, wanting me to take them and feed from them. Ever since I had Sookie, I wasn't interested anymore. They were nothing to me. They bored me, and their blood and their bodies couldn't compare. Sometimes I would feed from them, but I could not bring myself to do more. I had no desire to partake of their bodies. Sookie was with Bill now, and I accepted that. I had released her from her bond with me. I had given her the choice, and she had chosen Bill. I would find someone to spark my interest. Eventually. It was all just so tedious and irritating.

Letting go of Sookie wasn't easy, but she was clearly not in love with me like I was with her. I could feel through the bond how she didn't trust me and her feelings for Bill had only grown deeper. Yes, she had lust for me, but her anger and mistrust of me were too much to bear on a regular basis. She had begged me time and again for a way out of the bond. Claiming that she could never love me after all the lies and half-truths I had told her. She couldn't come to terms with my darker side. So, even though it hurt to do it, I released her from the bond. If I hadn't done it, she would have ended up hating me. I wouldn't have been able to live every day feeling the hate she had for me in her heart and soul through our bond. It was killing me to do it, but in order for me to stay strong for my subjects, I had to let her go. She was still under the protection of myself and my King, and she still worked for me on occasion. So now I focused on my area and my businesses.

I got up, pushed the fangbangers away, and went to my office. I sat behind my desk and started to go through the applications. We needed to replace some of our servers. A few of them were moving and one of them had been hospitalized due to 'V' addiction. Always a high turn over rate for them. It's always the same, they want to either be a vampire or have sex with them. We needed some dependable ones. Usually college students lasted the longest, as they were focused on their studies, most of the time. It was better for business.

I found about fifteen to interview and called Pam into the office. "Pam, I want you to call these applicants and set it up for Friday evening, around an hour before we open. You may do the initial interviews, then narrow it down to the top five, and I will interview them. Make sure they understand the full job description." I clarified, handing her the applications.

"Yes, Master. How many are we hiring?" Said Pam, with a bored look on her face.

"With any luck, three. Oh, and Pam. You may have Sookie come and listen in on the interviews. Tell her she will get the usual fee." Then I dismissed her with a flick of my hand. I wasn't up for small talk. Pam would have Sookie use her telepathic ability to screen the initial interviews, but I was in no mood for a trip down memory lane. Our paths probably wouldn't cross, seeing as how she would only be staying for the first interviews. In the past, I would have done the interviews myself, making sure to weed out any unattractive ones that were unwilling to donate blood. I fully trusted Pam to do an adequate job; her taste can be somewhat questionable, but I would only be feeding from them on occasion, nothing else. I hoped to find someone to spark my interest soon. I wasn't one to pine over a former lover for long.

I sat at my desk, contemplating what needed to be done this week. I made a list of items to discuss with Pam and finished my paperwork. My mind kept drifting off to Sookie. Life was so mundane without her, she had added spice to my boring existence. I was actually jealous of Bill Compton. He had what should have been my mate. I would always feel something for Sookie because she was more unique and different than any woman I'd ever met. I wasn't sure if what I felt for her was true love, but now it didn't matter, because she would never be mine. I will never know.

AN – Reviews are like chocolate candy coated Swedish Viking Vampires.