"Did you hear about Rose and Guardian Belikov?"

"What about them?"

"Well, rumor has it that they've been having some type of affair."

My eyes widened as I listened to the latest gossip of St. Vladimir's Academy. I was accustomed to being the center of the gossip. Or Lissa, really. But about Dimitri? That has to be crossing some line.

I may be a threat to fellow novices and the Moroi, but Dimitri was a widely respected, badass guardian of the school. Who in their right mind would—?

The realization hit me. How, for the slightest second, could I have forgotten who has tried to make my life a living hell?

First, there was Victor Dashkov. I stiffen nearly every time his name is mentioned. Why? After Vasilisa Dragomir (best know as Lissa, my best friend) and I returned to the academy from being MIA for two years, Victor devised a plan to kidnap her as his own personal nurse for his disease, which, at the time, had been killing him. The rescue was delayed, considering that he used a lust charm through a necklace he bought for me so that I would be out of the picture long enough for him to be cured and temporarily forget my motive when I sensed Lissa was endangered through our bond. Dashkov knew about my, what I had believed to be at the time, hopeless school girl crush on my mentor, Guardian Dimitri Belikov, who had—is, really—attracted to me. Luckily and eventually, select guardians of the academy, myself, and stowaway Christian Ozera (now her boyfriend) were able to save her life and get Victor thrown into jail. Suffice to say, it'd be nearly impossible for anyone to believe anything he says about an affair at an academy.

Second, there was Mia Rinaldi, a non-royal Moroi, who is a year younger than Lissa and me and was set on making our lives hell from the second we returned to the academy. Over our winter vacation, her mother was killed in a mass Strigoi attack and became interested in fighting with her magic and physically to end the Strigoi existence. She actually had saved my life from two Strigoi, Isaiah and Elena, who had held us, along with Christian, Edison Castile (or Eddie), and Mason Ashford hostage. In the end, I was able to decapitate the both of them. Unfortunately, Mason was killed by Isaiah; each time I think about it, I am on the verge of tears. Nonetheless, I guess it's safe to say that Mia and I are practically friends after that day. After winter break, she doesn't attend the academy anymore, so that leaves her out of the mix.

Third, there were Jesse Zeklos and Ralf Sarcozy, senior Moroi. Once upon a time, Jesse and I got along, but never Ralf. When Mia convinced (or used a form of prostitution, actually) to spread rumors about being a blood whore and sleeping with the both of them, any friendship was down the drain. Here and there, they make suggesting comments and start rumors just to see if I could reach boiling point. Until now, that hasn't happened. But, it is rather obvious that they would be the culprits.

I was also accustomed to the stares and sudden whispers when I was in the vicinity. It has happened frequently ever since Lissa and I returned from our time away from school a few months ago. So, when I entered the cafeteria, it was easy to ignore the stares and whispers.

I walked over to the line, beginning my search for doughnuts. I normally am running late for lunch and can't find them, no matter how much I try to get to the cafeteria on time. I quickly snatched a glazed one and started making my way back to the tables.

"Little dhampir," a voice called from behind me. I inwardly groaned as Adrian Ivashkov caught up with me.

"What is it, Ivashkov?"

"There is a very suggestive rumor going around about you and Belikov."

"I know." I grimaced. "Thanks for the warning, though."

He chuckled. "I wasn't aware if you had heard or not."

"I'm not trying to pay attention to the gossip," I said as I sat down at an empty table. Adrian took the seat across from mine. I continued, "The fact that you brought it help isn't helping that cause."

"Well, maybe if you'd kiss me right here and now, the rumor will stop." He smiled hopefully.

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite out of the doughnut to stall for time. I swallowed and glared at him. "There's more of a chance in me meeting my father."

He smirked. "We'll see about that."

I about made a retort, but distracted myself with the arrival of Lissa and Christian. Up until that moment, I had been doing my best to cancel out Lissa's thoughts and give her some privacy.

Maybe that wasn't the best idea.

Why? She took a seat next to Adrian and Christian took the other seat next to her. And, wow, she looked angry. So, I decided to tap into her mind for the first time that day and I instantly regretted it. Not only did that match her facial expression, but it was all directed at me.

I sighed, wishing that she wouldn't be so angry over a rumor.

As if she had heard my thoughts, her own were still asking the same 'Why didn't you tell me?' but she was a lot more calm about it.

I shrugged. "Because it's not true, Liss."

Technically, I wasn't lying. Dimitri and I weren't an actual couple. Every now and then, we'd steal a kiss, but nothing more—other than the lust charm, where we nearly slept together. He has been doing his best to make sure that I wasn't a distraction to his duties as a guardian and I wasn't distracted in the future for being Lissa's guardian along with him. In other words, it's complicated.

Adrian eyed me pointedly, but said nothing; he knew the truth. Christian, on the other hand, was smirking. We never have really gotten along, but, to say the least, I can respect him for his assist in our escape in Spokane. I wasn't too surprised to see him amused by the latest gossip.

Lissa sighed. "I don't know how the rumor would come about then. It's not like Guardian Belikov to break any rules, especially ones like that that could lead him to become fired. He's too…too—"

"He lives by the rules," I finished for her, raising an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure he could have them memorized."

She giggled. "I suppose you're right." Her amusement was short lived though.

I frowned. "What's up?"

"I still want to know why that rumor would ever be started. It's rather cruel."

"Don't you think it's obvious who started it?"

Three pairs of eyes stared at me.

"Really? You can't think of anyone?" I scoffed.

"Zeklos and Sarcozy?" Christian inquired.

I nodded. "Precisely."


A/N: I thought I'd try writing a Vampire Academy fanfiction. This is my first one and I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. I know that this has been done before, but I've always pondered what would happen if the secret really did get out.

So, reviews would be amazing. Tell me what you think. Did I stay in character? Do you have suggestions? Anything? :)

Oh, and sorry about not updating my other stories lately. I haven't had much inspiration for them. :/