AUTHORS NOTE: So it's the chapter you've all been excited for!! It's time for Robbie to squeeze information out of Jackie!! Oh and I hope Santa was nice to you all :D

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters and no profit is being made but it keeps my small mind amused :)


[Vital Information]


She was now regretting their conversation at the dinner table yesterday because Robbie had turned up at her front door that evening with a crate of beer, two bottles of wine and a take away. She leant against the door and sighed. "I like to spend my Saturday's alone?" She lied knowing that if she'd have been pre-warned that Robbie was coming over, she'd have been excited but right now she knew he had only one thing on his mind and she knew that he would do anything to get that information. That included getting her drunk.

"So you say but I have a night of entertainment mapped out for us."

"I am not watching any of your trashy DVD's." She warned immediately and immediately regretted it when he winked.

"So I've now crossed out watching porn from the list of probable kinks." He teased moving past her and stepping into the kitchen. She counted to ten mentally before hitting her head against the front door as she closed it. How had she got herself into this mess? She followed him into the kitchen and saw him putting the cans of beer into the fridge.

"You realise this kind of conversation is kind of crossing the boundaries of our working relationship?" She challenged knowing deep down that Robbie wouldn't care and she personally didn't want him to stop but there was still the fear that he'd probably laugh at her.

"Jacks, I know for a fact it isn't our working relationship you're worried about ruining." He chastised before handing her a beer and smiling. "So is it food sex?" He asked and she wrinkled up her nose in disgust before moving over to the couch where she'd left the book she'd been reading as he'd knocked at the door. "What's wrong with food sex?"

"Robbie, can you tell me what is so sexy about lying in a bed and being covered with baked beans?"

"Who said anything about baked beans?" He pointed out sitting down with his own beer. "I've done it with whipped..." the rest of his words were muffled as she covered his mouth with her hand. She did not need to know about his past string of lovers right now when they were having this conversation. She removed her hand eventually, wiping the warmth of his saliva down the thigh of his jeans before turning back to look at him. She glared at the cheeky grin he flashed her. "So sharing sex stories is definitely another kink off the list." He commented and she just groaned.

"Robbie, I don't see why you're so damned interested in my sex kinks!" She pointed out downing half the bottle of beer realising that she needed some anaesthesia to have this conversation with Robbie. She didn't know why she felt so awkward and shy because she could normally talk about anything to Robbie.

"Jackie, I'm interested about everything that is to do with you but you've just been too damned blind to notice!" He growled aggressively and she looked up at him in shock, her heart racing as she realised what it was he was saying to her. She was pretty sure that Robbie was saying that he liked her. That he was interested in her. She found herself drinking the rest of the bottle before turning to glare at him.

"If I find out this is a joke, Robbie Ross, I'm going to tie you up and dump you in some random field where no one will find you." Robbie smiled devilishly before leaning over and creeping his fingers round the nape of her neck so he could bring her lips to his. He stopped when they were a centimetre apart and she could feel his warm breath tickling her face as he whispered,

"Is that your kink, Jackie?" He asked gently before darting his tongue out and running it around her lips and smiled as she gasped so that her lips slightly parted. "Do you like the idea of being in control?" He whispered and she found her hands clenching into a fist around his shirt as she felt herself feeling dizzy. How the hell was he making her feel like this with simple words? "Or maybe you like the idea that if we're outside that someone might catch us? Are you all about the thrill, Detective Reid?" At the use of her title, she moaned and Robbie smiled. "It would appear that you have more than one kink, Jackie."

"You're a..." she had been about to curse him when his lips moved down and took hold of hers, his fingertips teasing the brown locks of hair at the nape of her neck causing her to shudder against his chest. In her youth she'd been known to have sex outdoors with her lovers mainly because of her catholic parents not allowing her to have boys in her bedroom and she'd always found it thrilling. The mere idea that someone could turn the corner and find you just made it more exhilarating.

She found herself battling him for dominance with the kiss and the hand clenched in his clothes started to loosen as she worked at the small buttons. Frustration started to take over before she ripped the shirt off his shoulders, her hand running up and down his bare skin and she smiled at the low growl that sounded from the back of his throat. The kiss ended and Robbie leant back. He smiled at her eyes that darkened with desire and he stroked his hand down her cheek before laughing. "So you don't want the conversation but we can do that on your couch?"

"Well I'd rather we were doing it out on a field apparently." She teased running her hand through his hair before laughing. "Do I ever get to find out your kinks?"

"I would like to say that I think you'll be able to do it without me telling you." He whispered running his tongue up the column of her neck before sucking on her jaw. She looked down at him in confusion before moaning as he bit her a little harsher than she'd ever thought possible.

"Your kink is being able to bite me?" She asked confused but knew she was hitting the wrong mark when he started to laugh.

"No you silly idiot." He teased tugging at her brown hair and she gasped again. Robbie realised slowly that the woman that he had once seen as weak was into a little bit of marking as well. She was a shock to his system. How could it be that it was his shy work partner was the most sexually exhilarating woman that he'd ever met whereas the other women he'd met were into plain sex or had only managed one or two kinks?! He smiled as he thought of the famous saying 'it's the quiet ones you need to watch out for'. "I like the woman to be in charge."

She smiled her own devilish grin and Robbie knew he was in for some fun when she leant down and nibbled his earlobe gently. "Are you sure you want to hand over the control?" She whispered as a challenge and Robbie smiled back at her, his hands already undoing the buttons on her own shirt.

"Hit me with your best shot."