
I've only recently realized that for my missing scene (for Lady of the Lake - ie 'Waiting') to make sense Arthur would have had to stop himself from killing his father because Merlin was being all self-sacrificing and it sobered him up...and then you'd have to completely ignore the 'thanks for convincing me that magic sucks' speech afterwards (and pretend that didn't happen because that would be cruel if he'd done it on purpose) and probably some other things I haven't thought of....let us not examine it too closely...

I have to say I sort of agree with Morgana21 about Arthur's ability to perceive what's right in front of him being low to none this season....still I can dream can't I?

I don't own Merlin or a cowboy hat.

This was originally sans song lyrics, so feel free to read it that way, just skip the centered text (I'm not a fan of song fics generally so I understand) OR just read it, whatever works.

The song is 'Just say yes' by Snow Patrol, which I butchered...for my own purposes and just slotted into my fic where possible. I'm going to apologize now in case it doesn't work well. Sorry.

This is set after last weeks episode, I know Merlin cheered up a little at the end (good on you Arthur) but...I'm sure it would still be wearing on him that he couldn't save her and no one understands him (well, who's fault is that, Merlin?!) I thought I'd give Gwen a chance to cheer him up (And this Gwen knows EVERYTHING...or at least all the big important things Merlin's keeping mum about anyway. Side note: I have yet to find a suitable way to have Gwen tell Merlin that she knows, but it's okay the world didn't explode and she's not off to see Uther about setting up the witchburning equipment in the courtyard for a BBQ).

She finds him because she needs to.

His tall frame is bent in half, over a large tub, arms buried up to his elbows in soapy bubbles as he washes the prince's laundry. The water splashes around the sides at his furious scrubbing. His tunic is soaked through and his dark hair is looking particularly striking plastered against his pale skin. Every now and then his movements are too forceful and water sweeps over the side onto the floor, licking at his boots and creeping in an ever-widening puddle.

She watches from the doorway, keeping a tight grip on the impulse to blurt out everything. It's not the right time. God, she hates secrets.

I'm running out of ways to make you see

I want you to stay here beside me

She steps into the musty, small stone room, a relic from a previous structure that fell down a dozen summers ago. It's mostly forgotten about now, the washerwomen preferring to use the more airy facilities in the main castle. Of course Merlin was never one to go with convention. At first she had worried that he was uncomfortable being the only man forced to do what many considered women's work. Then one morning she'd wandered down and found him animatedly retelling one of his adventures with Arthur, a captive audience of women surrounding him as he stood on top of a table, arms waving wildly with an imaginary sword. So much had happened since then.

It hurts her to think that he's losing the innocence he arrived with that allowed him to marvel at the world.

"Merlin," she says gently. His back stiffens so she knows he heard her, but he makes no effort to turn around. He's glaring into the swirling water, hands fisted in the cloth lying beneath the surface. She moves closer, until she's at his side. He doesn't acknowledge her.

I won't be ok and I won't pretend I am

So just tell me today and take my hand

Gwen reaches into the water and pulls his hands out, he's still holding one of Arthur's tunics tightly and water drips nosily in the silence as it slides from their hands and back into the tub.

"Gwen," he says evenly, and then his voice takes on an edge. "What are you doing?"

"Saving your boots."

Merlin sighs and turns his head to give her a dry look.

She looks up at him searchingly, she's still clasping his hands and he's still holding the tunic…but neither of them is pulling away.

Just say yes, just say there's nothing holding you back

It's not a test, nor a trick of the mind

They're standing close, their arms pressed together and she's pretty sure this is the closest he's let anyone get all week. She tries to find that spark that's always shining in his eyes. It's there, just. But it's dull.

Only love

There's never been a moment that she's wished so hard, so desperately that she could fix someone. But you can't fix people. Everybody needs to fight their own demons and find ways to live with the consequences of their own actions.

We can't be to and fro like this

All our lives

So she does the only thing she can do. She lets go. Merlin's hands plummet back into the water with a splash and he stares at her in bewilderment, obviously expecting some big speech or a reprimand. She raises an eyebrow at him, exactly what has she become in his eyes? Whatever it is she doesn't think it's very flattering.

Gwen purses her lips. She's not even sure why she bothered to come looking for him. He's a grown man he can sulk if he wants to. But whatever drew her here isn't going to allow her to leave. So she moves around him to the other side of the tub and reaches in to pull out a handful of Arthur's socks (eww), busying herself with wringing out the water from them and helping him finish the laundry.

Merlin gets back to washing after only a few seconds of staring at her dumbly. With the two of them working and Merlin too stunned…and she'd like to think a little too grateful to go back to his former careless manner it gets finished quickly. Her shoes only a little damp.

The lyrics sort of jump between which character's thoughts they're echoing, more in the next chapters then in this one. So I hope it's not too confusing.

Arthur's wet......dirty....socks ~shudder~

...I think Gwen (no matter how much she may care/love/like Arthur) when it came to his dirty socks that would be one of the things she avoids unless utterly necessary, like if she had...say a friend in personal crisis.

I had a few things I was going to have her say but then I realised I was kind of doing what the writers do and making her everyone's morality alarm system, and friendships not just about saying the right things. So that got shelved.