Good morning. It's quite strange for me writing about the Sailor Moon anime, I normally write about the manga version. Oh, well, the man who got the idea was bissek and he specified the anime, so I write about the anime. Well, let's read and laugh!

by lord Martiya

Disclaimer: the anime Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon and all its characters are copyright of Naoko Takeuchi and Toei. The novels of Harry Potter are copyright of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury. The V for Vendetta graphic novel and related franchise are the brainchildren of Frank Miller. The original idea of this story comes from the man called bissek. All the rest, is mine.


10, Downing Street.

"Now, do you understand why I tried to throw him out of the window?"

These harsh words had been pronounced by a woman. You may wonder why a woman, especially an English woman, would say that. The fact the woman was called The Right Honourable Margareth Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher LG, OM, PC, FRS will probably tell you she had her good reasons but was probably overreacting. But not this time, given that she and her successor as prime minister, sir John Mayor, were looking at something that wouldn't probably have happened at all if that time she managed to kill 'him'.

"Are you sure?" John Mayor asked.

"If I managed to kill the fool, the post would have gone to Bones or Crouch, and with any of them in charge that thing would have been killed three seconds before he started to attack. More probably four minutes with Crouch was in charge." the ex-minister replied. "Though bastard that Crouch..."

John Mayor wondered what kind of man could be a though bastard in the opinion of a woman who was willing to start a nuclear war over the Falkland Islands. After all, V For Vendetta was just a comic...

"Anyway, we should arm the police with guns." Madam Thatcher said while pulling out a sniper rifle and taking aim at the thing that shouldn't have been alive.

I suppose you're wondering what was happening. Well, a female officer of the Metropolitan Police Service (better known as Scotland Yard) was chasing a criminal, who took a little girl as hostage and then morphed in some sort of monster. Something that shouldn't have happened at all if the Ministry for Magic and his people did their work.

Then, before the former minister could shoot, the monster got hit by some sort of laser beam and freed the little girl in a pain-induced twitch. Immediatly after, the monster got his neck broken by a flying kick and, dead, melted in something VERY stinky. That would have been only very good, but given that the kicker was a blonde girl wearing the sexed-up version of a Japanese school uniform and a mask, it was very good and a bit crazy. Then, some idiotic BBC journalist that happened to be there for an interview with the premier, asked her who she was, and she pulled out a Guy Fawkes mask and answered.

"VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villian by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no meer veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that i is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Sailor V."

And so, the thing was very good and incredibly crazy.

"Sorry, but as Sailor V I HAD to say that in London at least once! No political travisation, OK?" Sailor V said reading from a paper. "By the way, is there anyone who speak Japanese? I'm quite tired of having my cat translate what I want to say and prepare my phrases."

Crazier than they believed. As such, John Mayor saw potential in that girl. After all, England survived all its more powerful enemies, became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (later 'and Northern Irland') and conquered a world-wide spanning empire by consistently analizing the craziest things and mercilessly using the best ones. Who, in the middle of the age of Knigth Warfare, would have used archers in open battle against the best knights of the world? England did, and they were winning the One-Hundred Years War until Joan of Arc pulled a miracle and managed to slaughter the entire archer corps. Well, that trick failed, but they were men against a miracle and still got a measure of payback. Who would have sent a fanatically religious ex-farmer with little military training against the Royal Army? The British Parliament did in the persons of Oliver Cromwell and many others, and these guys led the New Model Army in a series of decisive victories against the Royalists in the Civil Wars. Who would have dared to WILLING face Napoleon's army at the apex of the First French Empire? The Britons sent Wellington, who bled the French enough to make the Grande Armee defeatable by the Russians, and then personally delivered the coup-de-grace at Waterloo. Who would have took Japan's side in the 1905-1906 Russian-Japanese war? The Britons did, and gained money and trading without even firing or selling a gun. Who would have sent biplanes to attacking one of the most powerful fleets in the world in a well defended harbor? The Royal Navy dared, and that simple raid at Taranto crippled the Italian Navy for the entire WWII. With similar precedents, what was helping a blondie into kicking some monster asses?

Later that day, office of the Minister for Magic.

Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic of the Her Majesty Governement, was relaxing himself, with the help of a very mouth-gifted gift from his friend Lucius. It had been a bad day, with Dumbledore's attempt at destabilize him in the International Confederation, but it had been taken care of. Nothing could go wrong, he though. It was in that moment that the door barged open with a loud noise and the 'gift', scared, bite him. Before he could curse, he saw what had just entered.


Then the 'boggart' punched him on the nose.

"You-you're real!!!" he scram.

"And pissed. But you're lucky, I'm just tagging along your ass' kicker." Margareth Thatcher replied. "Right Honorable, it's your."

"Thanks, Right Honorable." John Mayor replied while entering. "Good day, Cornelius."

"G-Good day, J-" Fudge started before receiving a glare from the ex-minister. "Good day, Right Honorable."

The Baroness smiled.

"I suppose you'd like to know why I am here." the Prime Minister said.

"Well, yes." Fudge admitted.

"Tell me, isn't your people's job to keep dangerous magical creatures out of my civilians' way? Specifically, it's the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures job."

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because earlier this morning a mutant monster rampaged before my house until a girl lasered and kicked it into oblivion."


"There's more: BBC recorded and broadcasted everything. Live. All the Muggles in the country saw this. Make your people work, or the people will force me to break your secret. Am I clear?"

Fudge nodded, unable to say anything at all.

"Good." John Mayor said while turning to go away. "By the way, the girl should learn to hide better, and you to not do certain things in the office."

The Prime Minister and his predecessor left Fudge while internally cackling, John Mayor didn't loved the git and Margareth Thatcher despised him. But they should have remained: after recovering from the humiliation, Fudge called one of his head of departement, but it wasn't the requested one.


Bones, who was at the door with the head of the DRCMC, facepalmed. They had monsters attacking Muggles and he cared of the Statute of Secrecy...