(Cherry blossoms)

Chapter 1

'The beginning'

'These are the days of war. But don't worry no humans will be hurt. But for vampires and werewolf's now that's a hole other story. The war is between the werewolves and the vampires. Though some don't want to fight but they know that they must. So here is the story of a vampire who would rather risk everything to be with the one he loved.'

Itachi looks up at the moon. It was a clear spring night and Itachi was trying to enjoy it. Itachi was sitting at the bottom of a Sakura tree looking at the moon while listening to the people down the hill. He wished that he, Itachi the vampire, could join them. But, alas he could not. Itachi glances back at the moon as he sighed.

Girls, Girls, and more Girls. Girls were every where! But Naruto was not as excited about it as much as his friend Choji did. In fact Naruto just sighed. Naruto walked off as Choji chased girls. Naruto walked off looking around at everything but he really wasn't looking at anything, he was just off in his own little world.

He snapped out of his daze when he tripped on something. Naruto looked up from the ground to see that he landed on a guy. Naruto gazed into his eyes. The guy just blinked at him.

"um…..can you get off?" he asked.

Naruto blushed bright red and scrambled off of the guy.

"G-Gomen sai" Naruto stuttered

The guy just chuckled and stood up.

"I'm Uchiha Itachi."

"I'm U-Uzimaki Naruto" They shook hands and Naruto gasped.

"y-your hands are cold." The blond said. Itachi just smiled at him.

"of course. I'm a vampire. Naruto… you have very beautiful eyes." Itachi said as he held on to Narutos hand.

Naruto couldn't help but blush. Itachi pulled Naruto to him and put his nose on Naruto's neck right were he knew the blood was flowing. Naruto gasped when Itachi stuck out his tongue and licked his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" Naruto asked as he shivered.

"I'm licking your neck." Itachi pointed out. Naruto just nodded.

Naruto looks up at the moon from the spot were he sat, witch by the way was between Itachi's legs. He wasn't sure why he was but he liked it. He knew Itachi was a vampire and yet he didn't care. There was something about Itachi that Naruto liked. Maybe it was because he was so gentle with him? Naruto glances back at Itachi. Itachi just smiled at him. Naruto sat up and turned around so he was looking at Itachi in the eyes. Those beautiful red eyes…. Naruto shook his head.

"Itachi-sama?" The blond asked.

"Yes Naru-chan?" Itachi asked.

"W-why haven't you killed me? I mean I love the fact that you didn't but why not, I mean aren't vampires supposed to drink peoples blood until their dead? And you haven't took any of my blood. Is there something wrong with me?" Naruto said in one breath. Itachi just smiled at him.

"Naru-chan, I haven't had any of your blood because I don't want to kill you. And you think your weird? I just told you that I'm a vampire and you want to know if something is wrong with you? To tell the truth I didn't know why I haven't killed you I just don't want you dead. I cant see you being dead." Itachi confessed. Naruto smiled widely.

"I'm happy to here that." Naruto said as he hugged Itachi.

Itachi just smiled down at the little blond. Itachi sniffed Naruto's neck and shivered. He wasn't sure how long he was going to be able to resist the urge to bite his little Naru-chan. Naruto looked up at Itachi's face.

"what's wrong Itachi-sama?" the blond asked.

But Itachi just shook his head. Naruto and Itachi stood up when they heard Choji yelling for Naruto. Naruto looked down at his friend.

"what Choji?!" Naruto asked.

"I got two girls. One for me and one for you!" Choji yelled to the blond.

Naruto just sighed and shook his head. He then looked at Itachi.

"I don't want to go but I have to." The blond said. Itachi nodded.

"will I see you again?" The blond sadly asked.

Itachi smiled at Naruto.

"Of course. Tomorrow night I will come to you from the rain." Itachi said as he cupped Naruto's cheek and kissed him on the forehead.

Naruto grabbed Itachi's hand.

"You promise?" The blond asked. Itachi smiled.

" From the rain I will come." Was all Itachi said when he disappeared.

Naruto sighed and walked down the hill to his friend.

"Have fun tonight Choji." The blond said as he walked past his friend.

Choji watched his friend walk home as he shrugged.

"more for me." Choji said as he walked off with the two girls.

(A/N: ok chapter one done and only your god knows how much is to come!) (840 words)