OK guys, so this is just a rewrite of my original story "Camp Cullen."

Again, I got this idea from a movie called "Bootcamp" that came on my t.v. one day.

Now, this story is obviously very different from my first one. I've put a lot more effort and thought into this one. And i hope that you will enjoy it. :)

Have a great day!


P.S. I don't own twilight or any of the characters!


The girl had complete trust in him. She believed that he really was 'the one'. The day she met him, she just had that feeling deep down that he would be the one to treat her the way she always wanted to be treated. The girl had butterflies immediately and even thinking about him made her heart flutter like a butterfly. When he would wrap his long, muscular arms around her in a loving, warm embrace and whisper softly in her ear, she would practically melt. And the day where he gave her the engraved locket, bat his long eyelashes and asked her to be his - she could barely contain herself. The girl loved him - and they both knew that.

Unfortunately, he took advantage of her love. He would make plans to go out to a movie, or a fancy dinner one day - and "forget" about it the next. The boy always had his phone in front of his face, texting random girls that he would hook up with later that night. It was obvious that he was cheating, but the girl was oblivious to this fact - mostly because she was refusing to believe it. She was in denial , and thought adored him too much to just let him go.

He knew this. And he used that power to use her completely. The boy made her do things that she never ever wanted to do - things that were horrible, things that she would have been ashamed of if she was in the right state of mind. But love is like a drug; it can make you do stupid things that you know are wrong . On the nights were she had the right idea and begged him not to force her into it, he would say things like "I will break up with you" or "I will leave you all alone, right here if you don't". The boy was using the girl for the wrong reasons - and only now, did she wish she could have noticed earlier.

On that night - that horrible dreaded night - when they came to take her away , the boy didn't even do anything to help her. That is when she realized the truth. The man she believed would take a bullet for her turned out to be the complete opposite - the type of "man" that would scamper away like a wounded child in the first sign of danger.

He was a fluke. He was a fake. The girl's 'everything' turned out to be nothing. Nothing but a stupid ass hole who was too greedy and stubborn to care about anyone but himself.

And then, when she thought everything was falling apart and her life was truly terrible - the other boy came into her life. He picked the shattered pieces of her heart off the floor and repaired the pain. He stood up and acted like a man, took everything seriously, and became her new 'everything'. The girl was finally able to forget the child who broke her heart, and fall in love with somebody different. Somebody that she could trust, somebody that would never treat her wrongly.

But when the child came back into her life, that's when he decided to be a man. So now, both men, are fighting over what they believe is rightfully theirs. The girl.

And this girl , is me.