A/N: So, um... Yeah... :) So, I made one long story about Kenpachi and one one-shot about Ichigo and Kenpachi. My english still suck, I'm sorry about that. :) I thought it would be fun to make a story about Yachiru. She's so cute... I really don't know what I'm supposed to say about this. Read and please, if you just have time, review also. Thanks. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, all characters and everything else belongs to Tite Kubo. I don't get any money from this. This is just a pure fanfiction.

Yachiru's Birthday Present

Chapter one - Kinky Pinky Parties

There was this scary envelope. Very scary envelope, indeed. If Ichigo would have tell someone that he actually was frightened about just one stupid envelope people would have laughed themselves to death.

But he was. It had his name on it.

Not that Ichigo would always have fear towards envelopes, it was just... that... he recognized the hand-writing. Those sharp letters, that sharp R and skinny U pressed so hard against the poor paper that the letters had almost went through it.

And yes, there was a name near the right corner. Sender: Zaraki K.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!"

"Rukia, he's probably just challenging me for a fight again..."

"No, it's not that. He said it himself when he gave that envelope to me."

"Then it's a bomb."

"No, it's not."



"You open it!" Ichigo tossed the scary envelope on Rukia's lap. "I don't want to hear anything about that crazy idiot ever again!"

"Are you still angry about that backbone thing?" Rukia sighed. "He brought you flowers when you were in the hospital."

"He was the one why I was in that hospital, Rukia!" Ichigo shouted. "And those weren't even real flowers. They were weeds! There was even one nettle!"

Rukia shook her head and tore the envelope open. She pulled a small card out. It was... sparkly and... pink?

"Okay, he's gone totally nuts", Ichigo pointed out.

"Uh, no... It's an invitation."


"For Yachiru's birthday party."

"Yachiru's?" Ichigo felt suddenly much lighter: that could not be that bad.

"Here, read it", Rukia gave the card to Ichigo.

Ichigo took it, stared for a moment very sparkly red balloon picture front of the small card before turning it. It was definitely Kenpachi's hand-writing.

"Dear Ichigo Kurosaki, I now here by invite you to Yachiru Kusajishi's birthday parties on February 12. The party will start after 12 o'clock. Bring a present. No candies."


"That's so sweet", Rukia smiled.

"Wait, there's more", Ichigo said. "It says: "P.S. wear something pink." Pink?" Ichigo frowned and the happy light feeling disappeared suddenly. Then he felt small panic when he suddenly realized that February 12th was tomorrow!

"Why that fucking bastard is sending this invitation card now?" Ichigo cursed.

"Well, he told me he couldn't find a mail box..."

"Figured... That's so Kenpachi..."


"Oh, hey, guys!" Renji waved happily when he saw Ichigo and Rukia approaching. Ichigo almost threw up when he saw Renji's disgusting pink pants. He had a big present box in his hands.

"You're heading for Yachiru's birthday parties as well?"

"Yeah", Ichigo murmured, feeling so stupid. He had not found any pink clothes in his closet so he had borrowed Yuzu's old watch. It was pink, but way too small. Ichigo's fingers had already an interesting shade of blue...

He also had found a present. His father had been surprised when his son had gone shopping at 8 pm. He had rushed to the nearest mall and brought something what he thought a small girl would like: a small dollhouse.

Rukia had not told what she had bought. She smiled happily in her pink dress.

"Please, someone, just kill me..." Ichigo whispered when they were standing front of Kenpachi's home. Ichigo had never been there and after this he probably would avoid it...

It was rather small. It was white like every other house in Seireitei. There was a small carpet front of the door. Ichigo looked at it and what was reading on it: "Welcome (to the hell!)"

"Oh, great..."

Rukia knocked. There were already some noises inside. They were probably the last ones: it was already half past 12.

The door opened and almost immediately there was this loud scream: "Ichi! You came!"

Ichigo did not have enough time to react: something flied straight on his face. He just knew it was Yachiru, because he could smell candies.

"Yachiru, don't kill him. Remember what happened with Rangiku?"

Ichigo shivered when he heard Kenpachi's dry voice.

"Aye, aye, sir!" Yachiru jumped off.

"Um... happy birthday, vice-captain Kusajishi!" Rukia knelt down, smiling at the little girl.

"Thanks! Did you bring be presents?"

"Yachiru, don't be an idiot..." Kenpachi said with a patient tone in his voice: he looked quite used to this kind of things.

"Oh, yes, please come in first! It's rude to jump on people and ask them if they brought me presents even it's my birthday! It's polite to invite them inside first! It's called hospitality!"

Ichigo shivered when he had to walk inside. He looked at Kenpachi for a moment - and stared.

"What?" Kenpachi grinned, touching his hair. "Sweet, isn't it?"

Kenpachi had his hair bells still on - but they were all pink!

"Okay, goodbye."

"Wait, Ichigo, don't go just yet", Kenpachi grabbed Ichigo's collar and dragged him back inside.

"Why I have to be here?" Ichigo whispered. "Yachiru doesn't even like me that much."

"Are you retarded?" Kenpachi gave him slap on the ear ("What fuck -?"). "She woke up at 3 am, and asked: "Ken-chan, did you remember invite Ichi as well?" Do you realize how loud she can cry? I had to write that hellish card to you at 3 am because of her!"

"Oh?" Ichigo felt stupid. "Sorry... Why she just didn't write it herself?"

"She's only 100 years old, she can't write yet."

"Oh, yes, how stupid of me..."


Everyone was already there, even the captain commander. And they all had something pink on them. Even Byakuya was there. He was wearing a pink belt.

Yachiru loved Ichigo's present. "Yay! A dollhouse from the world of the living! Thank you so much, Ichi!" Ichigo yelled and jumped to hug Ichigo. She tossed her little arms around his neck, squeezing, hard.

"I... I can't... breathe, Yachiru...", Ichigo wheezed. "H...help..."

"Yachiru, don't kill him."

"Aye, aye, sir!"

"I thought you said she likes me?" Ichigo frowned, rubbing his poor neck, which was now red.

"She does", Kenpachi grinned. "You're just too weak for her."

"What did you -?"

"So, how old you actually are now, vice-captain?" Yumichika wisely interrupted.

"I'm 100 years old now!" Yachiru made a little dance. Ichigo smiled: she really looked cute in her pink dress and shoes. "I'm a big girl now! Right, Ken-chan?"

"Sure, kid", Kenpachi actually smiled. "You have now three numbers in your age."

"That's cool, isn't it, Ken-chan?"

"That's super cool."

"Yay! Hey, how old you are, Ichi?"

"Me? Uh, um... I'm..." Ichigo felt slightly nervous when Yachiru looked at him with those big brown eyes. "Well, I'm 15..."


"Wh -?"

"Yachiru, be polite."

"Aye, aye, sir! Sorry, Ichi! When you have your birthday?"

"Um..." Ichigo looked at Kenpachi: he was sitting next to him on the couch, everyone else were eating cake or just chatting, not really paying attention to them. "Why she's asking all these things?"

"She's curious."

"Oh... really?"

"Mine is on February 12, that's today", Yachiru said, smiling happily. "Ken-chan's is on November 19, that was four months ago. So, when's yours?"

"J- July 15..."

"Write it down, Ken-chan! Hurry up!

"I can remember that, kid, I do - "


"Okay, okay, don't shout at me!" Kenpachi sighed and took a note book from his pocket and started writing: "Ichigo... Kuro... Saki... July... 15... Are you happy now, Yachiru?"

Ichigo felt confused.


"Now we can buy a present for you!" Yachiru smiled.

"Wh - what...?"

"Do you want some cake? Pretty-boy made it! I can get a slice for you, if you want, Ichi! It's polite to offering to do something for someone!"

"Uh... y-yeah, why not? Just a small slice, please."

"Aye, aye, Ichi!" Yachiru giggled and went for the cake.

"How much candies she's eaten?" Ichigo asked from Kenpachi. "I mean, she's acting weird."

"No, she just doesn't have much friends close to her age around here", Kenpachi shrugged his shoulders. "You are only 85 years younger than she is."

"Uh... And that's not much...?"

"Well, I'm almost 400 years older than she is..."

"Oh, okay", Ichigo did not exactly know what to say.

Suddenly he had an idea.

He did not say it aloud yet, tough. Yachiru brought him that one tiny slice of a cake. It was the biggest tiny slice which Ichigo had never seen...


"You're sure about this now?"

Ichigo wanted to shook his head and scream "No!" as hard as he just could - but smiled and said: "Yeah", instead.

Kenpachi nodded. He had unsure look on his face but smiled at Yachiru, stroking her head gently. He knelt down before her: "Now, remember to do everything Ichigo tells and be nice to him."

Somehow Ichigo had this strange feeling that Kenpachi did not actually meant that...

"Aye, aye, sir!" Yachiru smiled happily, but looked quite nervous. She had a small, black, furred winter coat on him with big pink buttons. She also had red winter hat on and a small pink suitcase. Her mittens were also pink and furred.

Ichigo did not want to say it aloud - but the girl surely was so damn cute!

"Be polite. Remember to use that fucking "please" so many times that you end up wanting to kill someone."

"Aye, aye, sir."

"Don't kill any animals if you don't have to."

"No, sir."

"Don't jump on people's shoulders. That's allowed only with me."

"Aye, aye, sir."

"And - oh, shit! Fuck, just, remember to be a nice girl out there."

"Aye, aye, sir Ken-chan", Yachiru smiled and gave Kenpachi one big hug. "I'll be back on Monday."

"Yeah, you better be... Take good care of her, you two", Kenpachi looked at Ichigo and Rukia. "I'll hunt you down and castrate both of you if something happens to her."

"Don't worry", Ichigo smiled when Yachiru walked to him and took his hand in her own. The little girl looked quite nervous. She was going to the world of the living with Ichigo and Rukia. Ichigo had got an idea that Yachiru might like spend some time with his family. If 85 years age different was not much to her she probably would be thrilled when she would meet Ichigo's little sisters. Yuzu and Karin were both 11 years old and if Yachiru would be a human she would be somewhere around 6.

"Bye, Ken-chan!" Yachiru waved her hand wildly.

Kenpachi waved only little bit. Then when he could see them disappearing through the gates he sighed. He closed the door behind him and looked around. The house looked - and sounded - so empty now.

He looked at the small stuffed animal at the kitchen table. It looked like a rabbit but when Kenpachi had said that aloud Yachiru had yelled at him: "It's not a rabbit! It's a gerbil!"

It was pink and very fluffy. Kenpachi took it in his hand. It was Yachiru's favourite toy. Kenpachi had bought it to her so many years ago that he did not even remember it. Yachiru had thought he would become lonely, so she left her stuffed pink rabbit - uh, gerbil to him.

"Bah, I won't miss her. At least not that much..."