Here's chap 4, I know that this has been a long time coming but I've had I little writer's block so please forgive me.

Last time:

"We'll leave you two alone" said Isabel as she and Godric left. Eric didn't move of anything he just sat there and continued to stroke my hand. I was still so tired and I was falling asleep again. But I could have sworn I heard Eric say to me

"Don't you ever fear Sookie I will never let anything bad happen to" he kissed my lips lightly then left.

This time:

I woke and it was about 5 in the afternoon so I wouldn't have any Vampire visitor's till about 8 which was good as I needed to think about everything that had happened the past couple of days.

First I find out that my boyfriend really wasn't in love with me and Eric really isn't the asshole I thought he was. And what were these dreams. What did they mean.

The last one really made no sense what so ever, one minute Eric was human and the next he was human and we were but in time 1000 years ago, what could that mean. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She and Eric had, had a past together. Maybe that was it; she would ask Godric when she saw him next if that could be it.

Sookie called the nurse and had some food it was about half an hour later when she felt the pain coming back she called the nurse and was given a sedative and was out again in a matter of seconds

"Where…where am I" I asked into the forest around me.

"You are home dear one" I heard a voice reply, it was the voice from my last dream.

"Who are you" I asked.

"Someone you know, someone you must remember dear one, you need to think back to your childhood, think hard dear one" he said and I knew then I remembered that voice but from where and when.

"I… I can't" I said I really didn't want to think back to the days when I couldn't control it and everyone hated me.

"You can dear one, but do not worry think about it at your own pace" he said and I imagined he was smiling softly. I looked around

"Why, why did you bring me here" I asked

"I didn't fate did, you are not what you think you are and things are not always as they seem dear one, always remember that, things are never as them appear" he said. I was about to ask him what he meant but it faded.

I was woken slowly by voices around me.

"What do you think is causing the pain Master" I heard Eric ask; oh he is worried that's so sweet.

"I don't know, I need to speak with Sookie some more, I think the key may lie with her" he said and then I understood what the person in my dream meant.

"The pain isn't real" I said and both Vampires looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sookie…" I cut Eric off

"No listen Eric" He didn't like that I could tell but he shut up anyway.

"Someone is making me think I'm feeling pain but there is nothing there to cause it" 'Things aren't always as they appear.

"Compton" Eric asked I shook my head and Godric spoke.

"He hasn't got that kind of power Eric and you know this, someone else is behind this" Eric growled at this knowledge or lack there of.

"I know my child, it is very frustrating but we can do nothing about it right know" Godric said and then it hit me that person in my dream, it was someone I had met before he was a family member but I couldn't remember from which side or how far back in the family tree he was.

"Godric is it possible that Eric and I shared a past together back when he was human" I said as I looked at Eric and watched as his face showed something akin to shock.

"Yes, I suppose so, why" he asked.

"One of my dreams showed me Eric as he is now and then it changed and it showed us in the pass and Eric was human and going off to fight it was during the Viking era" I said and I watched as something clicked in Godric's mind.

"Yes, you did, I think I do remember a woman but this woman was not Eric's wife, she was blonde and very beautiful she looked just like you, she was from one of the warring clan's but Eric had fallen in love with her, she was heavy with child when I found him that was a week before I made him. I don't recall what happened to her" Godric said I turned to look at Eric and he was looking at me sadly.

"She and the child died, I went to see them to find out if they were ok, I had loved her more then anyone before her, I found her the night she had the child, a son, he had die during the birthing and she shortly after" he had said this and tears had started to roll down his cheeks.

"It's ok Eric if it was me, and I truly believe it was, then we have been given a second chance to live and be happy, don't you think" I said and he nodded slowly I knew it must have been hard for him, but I knew he would be ok. I turned to Godric once more but this time I had Eric's hand in mine and I was slowly stroking the back of it with my thumb.

"I had another dream before I woke tonight, someone came to me and said I knew him, and I do, but I want to know how can someone access my dreams, he said that I brought him to my dream is that possible" I asked and I felt Eric's hand tighten on mine slightly, I just continued to stroke the back of it.

"The only beings capable of entering another's dreams are faeries and if you brought this person, then you little one are Fae, which would explain the telepathy" He said and I nodded, still wondering who the man was.

Before I could think on it to long I heard something that pissed me off greatly.

'I can't believe this Sookie you bitch, the Queen's mad at me cause you were a bitch and couldn't just play nice with Bill, poor Bill, I can't believe he had to actually really seduce you, though it was easy I guess it didn't take him long to get between your thighs did it, oh here we are just three more doors'

"The Queen's here, Hadley" I said as they looked at me, like how'd I know that.

Just then the door opened revealing an amused Bill, a pissed off Hadley and I very over done woman I believed to be the Queen. Just as she began to speak pain rippled through my body

"" I screamed and blacked out but not before I heard the shout of two worried male voices


Kay so another chap done hope you like it.

Love to all my reader's and reviewer's.
