When A Man Loves a Poster

Disclaimer: We do not own Yu-gi-oh, nor are we in anyway affiliated with it. This is purely a fan-based work of fiction and if anything the creators should be sending us Christmas cards, or something, for helping keep the fandom alive, and making them more money (While we stay poor).

Inspired by LittleKuriboh and his Yugioh: The Abridged Series. That man is hilarious. He should be getting Christmas cards too, and fruit baskets.


"Yugi, I'm back from the doctor's. You can go off and play some children's card games with your friends now." Shouted Grandpa as he walked in the front door of Turtle game shop. He shuffled to the back room to put away his prescriptions he'd just had refilled, passing Yugi who was quickly putting away his work. "You kids and your darned pills. Look at all this junk that that young doctor is making me take." Grandpa muttered to himself as he threw the bag down.

Yugi stuck his head around the corner, "They'll help you stay healthy, Grandpa. Don't worry so much. I'll be back in time for dinner, bye!" His head disappeared from view and Grandpa listened to his footsteps as Yugi ran out of the shop.

"You kids and your darned Air Jordan sneakers." Grandpa grumbled to himself as he walked over to the cash register and sat down in his old trusty chair. He glanced around to make sure there were no customers them creakily propped his feet up on the counter. "Time for a nap."

Grandpa let his chin slump onto his chest and crossed his arms as he tilted his chair back to ready himself for a nap. He started to close his eyes, but then he saw it. A brand new poster had been placed on his game shop wall. "Blasted kids and their glossy paper posters." Grandpa heaved his old achy bones up off the chair and waddled over to the poster with the intention of taking it down.

The old man reached his arms up to take hold of the thumbtacks holding the poster to the wall, when he paused. "Black Luster Soldier," he read off the poster. He gazed in awe at the muscled Duel Monster it was an image of perfection to the old man. "Where have you been all my life?" He whispered to the creature on the poster before him.

The door jingled as a customer walked in. Grandpa let his arms fall to his sides dejectedly and greeted the kid who interrupted his special moment. The mood was ruined. "You kids and your bad timings!" Yelled Grandpa at the child who quickly ran out of the store to escape the angry store owner.

Grandpa hobbled to the shop front door and put the 'closed' sign up. "Now we won't have anymore interruptions, Black Luster Soldier." Grandpa winked at the man on the poster as he went passed into the back room again. "Now where's my special mix CD?" He mumbled to himself.

Boyz II Men started to play on the stores speakers as Grandpa came back out trying to swish his old man hips at the poster on the wall. "Oh Black Luster Soldier, we have all afternoon…"


"Hey Grandpa! Did I make it home in time for dinner?" Yugi shouted as he ran into the kitchen of their house.

"Just in time, Yugi." Grandpa set down two steaming plates of curry, and seated himself across from his grandson. "This will warm you up after being outside in that cold winter air."

"This looks great," said Yugi as he shoveled a heaping spoonful into his mouth. "You're in a much better mood now, did you have a good afternoon?"

"Indeed I did, Yugi, Indeed I did. Like you always say, it was 'super special awesome'."


A/N: Oh yeah, I went there.