There was a little girl here.
It was quite a strange occurrence. Most people kept good tabs on their children, making sure they didn't wander in here. But this girl's mother must've left her alone for a little too long.
She must've been about six. I thought that if she was left alone much longer, she'd get into some sort of trouble, so I grabbed her. Once I got into my house, I sat her down. "What's your name?" I asked. She just looked at me, clearly very confused.
"What is you sayin', aleen man?" she replied. "I don' unnastan' what you is sayin'."
I sighed, and got out a marker and a piece of cardboard. I quickly wrote, "Name?" on it. After a little while, the girl managed to read it. "Oh, dat eeeeeeeaaaasy! My name Anais! What you name, aleen man?"
I shook my head. "Parents?" I wrote. She looked down. "My mommy shoppin' right now." Believable. "And your father?" I scribbled. "I don' have a daddy. Mommy say he be gone when I still in her tummy."
Well, that wasn't helpful at all. I didn't know where her mother was, and if she didn't know who her father was, how could I find him?
Then I noticed something: this little girl looked awfully familiar. The brown hair, the greenish-brown eyes, thin lips: it was my face. My old face.
This girl … this was my daughter. It made sense. I'd been like this for nearly seven years, as Christopher hadn't exactly made good on his promise of three years. If she was about six … it all fit. I doubt I could just tell her, without having to explain a lot of things her six-year-old mind wouldn't understand.
"Aleen man, is you okay? You jus' sittin' there an' starin' at nothin'," she said, waving her hand in front of my face. "Is you broken?"
I shook my head, and grabbed the cardboard. "I was thinking about something important," I wrote. "Please find your mother and bring her back here, okay? I need to speak with her."
Anais smiled and nodded. "Okay, aleen man. I bring Mommy back here to see you, okay?" I nodded slowly. "Okay aleen man, can you take me home?" I agreed to, well, at least take her as far as I was allowed.
Okay, I just had this idea a few days ago, and it was really random. I had to write it down or it would haunt me forever. Should I continue it? Or is it kinda shitty?